Monday, August 19, 2024

The LOST, that run farther away from Truth of God, they can not stop listening, following their own thoughs AS God.

 They who REMAIN LOST IN separation from God?  Thoe WHO NEVER Knew Him Beginning, unable to Recognize Him.  The Head by the Will, Plan of God, ALWAY Recognize the Voice of Truth, Calling them TO Come.  WITH Joy of Recognition, His Run, RETURN and REFUSE to ever be separated against unto the darkness, TIME.

The children of flesh and blood, blind, deaf, lost in spiritual darkness of TIME.  STRANGE children of a STRANGE spirit that IS NOT God, Spirit.

God HAS Provided a WRITTEN Truth, Scripture for the HUMAN flesh, if it would ONLY HUMBLY Come and ASK FOR Faith, Help of the Author to Read with Understanding.  The children of pride die in this world, NAKED and Ashamed, Starving to death without Bread and Water, THAT Comes down to the Children of Wisdom, Body of Christ.

The Light of Day WITHDRAWS in the TIME OF NIGHT.  They will Seek but NOT find Him, that HIDES Self, Presence, FROM them.

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