Friday, July 12, 2024

These ARE NOT the words of a devil, CAN a devil of disobedience Open the Eyes to See?

 The Truth OF Life, COMD DOWN, I AME the Door, Way UNTO MORE Life after death.  The liars, thieves, robbers, deceivers ROB you of TRUE Life, Devotion TO God, Spirit.

I AM the ONLY Door, My LOST Sheep MAY Return, ENTER BY.  ENTER BY FAITH in Truth and FIND Rest, IN Peace.  Divisions, differences of HUMAN opinions, one person speaks this, another that.  But the Body Ruled, UNDER the Head, Christ, HAVE the SAME Mind as Christ, SAME Thoughts of BY Spirit.

 Truth, Spirit. IMPOSSIBLE TO ENTER Eternal Life with any other thought than the Thoughts of Truth.  God is not deceived by human spirit, worthless words, thoughts, a lamp of darkness pretending to BE Light.  We NOW by Faith ARE BECOME the Bride of Obedience, Spirit FOR Spirit OF His Body.

Grown in Likeness of Mind, Having SAME Spirit, we SHALL BE Harvested INTO Body Storehouse of God.

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