Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Body, Vessel of Oil, Lit by the Flame OF Fire, Stands in the NIGHT of darkness.

 Giving Light to DRAW the Children OUT OF darkness HOME TO THE Lord, King OF Brightness.  The Lord IN TIME, Lights a lamp in His Hand and Searches for His Prescious LOST UNTO darkness.  HOW Good it IS for the Brethren of ONE Spirit to Dwell IN Christ, House of Truth, AS ONE.  It IS Blessing and Life FOREVER.  We are The Body of LIVING SOULS, that Serves the Lord BY NIGHT.  We STAND IN Christ, Shining Forth the TIME TO COME Home.  NOW is ALWAYS TIME TO, for none know their time appointed their flesh to be removed from soul.  Where there is NO Life, Breath, Spirit, THERE is a house of death, residence of evil darkness.

The Body of the Living, Shall PASS THROUGH darkness, Led by Light to OTHER side, Reality.

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