Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Spirit, Life of the Lord, CAME UPON Bride, that Day FORWARD.

 Spirit of Bride, Spirit of Christ, ONE Spirit, ONE UNION OF Spirit.  The Way Home IS NOT by human thoughts, human spirits, unbelief.  The Way Home if the Thoughts, Path of Faith.

It is separation from Spirit by disobedience that is source of pain, trouble, persecution by that spirit of disobedience.  Even WOLVES serve the Shepherd, when they drive the Sheep BACK TO Christ.  WHERE there is NO Spirit, THERE is no Truth, Peace, Life, Love OF God.

Spirit TURNS us from listening, obeying the human spirit, UNTO God Almighty Deliverance.  The souls IN Christ, Shall Live beyond the children of TIME.  They ARE ETERNAL, children of human flesh and AIR of this world, do not live, exist beyond TIME of darkness, death.  The substance of darkness is temporary, the Substance, Life, BREATH OF God's Presence IN US, our Life of ETERNAL Reality.

The TEMPORARY children of TIME SHALL NOT DEPART OUT OF darkness, the fire of darkness shall dry up the human flesh INTO nonexistence with TIME.  He lives and dies a dead, Lifeless soul, VOID OF True Riches, Spiritual Prosperity.  The body of death, void of Spirit IS TAKEN DOWN INTO the Pit of NO Way TO Return.  His light IS Darkness and is put out with him, his human spirit counselor cast down with him.

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