Thursday, July 11, 2024

the garden OF TIME OUTSIDE the Garden of His ETERNAL Presence?

 The prison house, souls captive in the chains, thoughts of darkness, unbelief.  The garden that FELL under the spell of death, poison mouth of serpents.  Stop LOOKING FOR OTHER worlds, God ILL NOT ALLOW we the INFECTED race of TIME to depart from quarantine and Fullness of Christ, Remedy.  

ONLY that which IS Christ, His Body, Ruled, Purified by Spirit, with God the Mind in Christ our Head, will EVER, EVER. EVER, Return to the Garden State of God Consciousness.

UNLESS your human spirit, human thoughts HAVE BEEN Crucified DEAD, and Spirit alone dwells, Lives IN and Through you the Body of Christ, there is no RETURN TO unfallen state, Restoration BY Faith.

The devil, the CON, the liar and thief, pretender DECEIVED, took Eve hostage into unbelief.  BEHOLD WHAT God ALONE HAS Done, Raised the Body, Bride of Christ Alive in ONENESS.  NEVER will His Bride EVER Walk ALONE AGAIN in the dark garden of TIME.  

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