Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Body, the Temple of Christ Built Truth upon Truth, EVERY Thought God's.

 I HAVE BEEN found by those REIGIOUS souls, human souls in fallen flesh, that settled for a WRITTEN word, truth for flesh and blood of AIR.  I Manifested My Self, Presence to they flesh, through Christ My Messenger of Truth.  Christ PUT ON the flesh of TIME.  The Spirit within His LIVING Soul, Spoke, Light SHONE forth in darkness of TIME.  EVEN NOW in the last of TIME, the Spiritual Body of Christ beneath temporary flesh of time, Declares the Power of Reality, to Remove human spirit, human imagination. That wars UNTO the Kingdom of Spirit UPON the dust of earth.

ANY thing OF darkness, spirit, thought, flesh, SHALL BE nonexistent in the Kingdom of Brightness. Stop clinging to the things that flesh loves, seeks, thinks desirable.  God THE only VERY NECESSARY Thing FOR Life  His Presence. His Thoughts.  His Spirit, Breath of TRUE Life.

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