Wednesday, August 21, 2024

NOW you HAVE Heard, Understand, Return by Power, Presence of Spirit, Live Christ, Glorify God. LUKE 4:32-35. THE POWER..

 That which IS flesh and blood, does not accept, receive, the Teaching, Remedy of God, it knows not.  It is good to read the WRITTEN Word, BUT ONLY BY Spirit, Writer ACCORDING TO the Meaning OF Truth, NOT SOME flesh inhabited by the spirit of AIR that pretends to BE God, Breath, Life.

That IS THE ERROR of flesh.  The Spirit Gives, Supplies Life to the Body of Christ.  We BREATH Spirit not the temporary AIR, death PRETENDING.  The Body, House of LIVING SOULS, Cross OVER IN the Ark of God, from darkness onto Shores Eternal Life.

Luke 4.   FIX your eyes ON Truth. The Spirit that SETS Free.  Deliverance from captivity, being prisoner of human spirit.  HUMAN bondage.   Christ THE Truth not accepted by children of flesh, ONLY BY the LOST, enable to Hear, Recognize Voice, Thoughts of God.  The Children, the Nation of Life Given TO the Son of Truth AS His Body, Bride.

Spending all your TIME upon Truth, ONCE Awakened.  TO CLING TO His Presence, as His Body, Depart from TIME BY Him Your Head with Eyes of Brightness.  NEVER TO sleep, slumber with darkness again.  The Light that darkness can not TURN OFF, because of it fears CONTACT WITH Light.

The darkness USES fear, fear of LOSS OF life lived by human spirit, TO drive flesh away from True Life IN Reality, A Life OF Wonder, Bliss.  That which IS HUMAN must die, BE Crucified for the Body to Rise free of human darkness.  DO All Holy Spirit TELLS you to DO.


 WHERE there is Life, Truth, Food to Live, His Children NEVER DIE that ONLY Rise.

ONLY the Children FROM SAME Kingdom, Place, Hear, Understand the Spirit of Christ.  Christ SENT INTO this world of death TO, Raise the LOST IN DEATH, BACK TO Life.  The flesh of Adam, become of TWO minds at SAME TIME, MUST BECOME ONE Mind of ONE Truth, ONE Spoken Thought.  Christ came to Raise by Spirit the Adam, his flesh LOST TO TIME.  The Body of Adam is NOW by Faith the Body of Life, Christ.

The Spirit of the Lord IS UPON, WITHIN His Body. His Body ANOINTED TO Preach, Speak, Tell the Truth THAT SETS Free the prisoners of hell, devil.

 Free to Worship, Live unto God, Truth, Spirit, Life.   WAKE UP.  NOW is the rule of darkness gone, WHERE the Spirit, Light of Brightness IS.  i was DEAD, my flesh of AIR, deceived me.  The human spirit of AIR exists only in the NIGHT, time of darkness.  I WAS dead IN deception, UNTIL the Lord Spoke His Name upon me.The Breath, the Life of Truth, Spirit entering, CHANGES EVERYTHING I-thought into a lie in the Light, Presence of God, Truth.

The fall of RELIGIOUS Eu, rope, the same religious spirit that PRETENDS TO BE Christ, The same relgious spirit that is a WRITTEN truth, BUT NOT A Life of Spirit in Body of Christ.

The religious flesh ARE filled with fear, terror, moved to save their flesh of TIME.  ONLY the Body of Spirit, Children OF Truth, Thoughts of God, PASS FREE, Alive, INTO THE Reality God, Alive.

The Body of Christ Awake, Watching the  END TIMES.  Father Help them Yours.  Open their ears to Hear Spirit, Your Way OF Life.

There IS nothing Real, Eternally Existent BUT God.  The TEST is PASSED ONLY BY Spirit of God within.   HOW impossible to GIVE EVETYTING you possess, UNTO God, FOR His Presence.  ONLY the Body of Christ CAN Give the SOUL without any thought, desire, flesh disobedience.

The ONE, FIRST Step as Body of Christ, IS Faith.

ONLY His Bride, His Body, IMPREGNATED BY Spirt with Thoughts, Truth of God, will EVER ENTER into the Garden Mind of God again.

 The human being void of Spirit, IS NOT CAPABLE of Bearing the Seed, the Mind of God INTO Existence in this UNDER WORLD OF darkness.  The Angels, Spirits of God's PRESENCE, Keep the Body of Christ, Standing IN Obedience, Spirit, UNFALLEN to the presence of darkness.  We ARE the Body OF Resurrection BY Faith, by Spirit we ARE THE Believers that Worship, Listen ONLY TO God OUR Father.  We ONLY, ALWAYS Say NO to the devil, human spirit, temptation.  We Listen, WORSHIP God, ONLY, ALWAYS Do as He Says.

WAS TE NOT the TIME Given you, to Seek, Find, Receive His Presence and Live beyond TIME.  It IS HARD, very hard WITHOUT the Help, Presence of Spirit. IMPOSSIBLE without the Spirit, Presence of God in His Temple.  We ARE the Body, the Temple of Truth, the House of Worship God BUILT to Stand, Remain AFTER TIME.

The LOST Children IN TIME OF darkness, IF They, His Body, ASK by Spirit, they Receive from THEIR Father the Help IN TIME OF need.  We the Body that stumbles not, broken against the Rock of Truth.  We Stand, BUILT BY God, Christ the Stone that Holds us in place.  A House of TRUE Worship.  NOT BY HUMAN temporary flesh of dust and unclean water, flesh that breathes AIR.  We ARE the Body that Breaths, Stands. Lives as the Temple of God's Presence.

For the Love and SAKE OF Christ His SUFFERING, WAKE UP NOW and Serve ONLY God.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The human spirit an ACTOR, THAT HYPNOTIZES flesh but can not deceive God, Spirit, like flesh and blood is deceived.

 HUMAN flesh that believes it IS INNOCENT.  LOST in self delusion, blind to the source of Godless Thoughts. Faith, Given to the soul within the dying flesh, coffin of death, Frees the SOUL from the evil self, human spirit that masquerades hides in the mind and heart of HUMAN flesh.

The fallen man, ruled by human spirit, the self of darkness, HAS no will, no spirit, no power TO Save himself, separate from darkness, death.   Born of flesh and blood, life of disobedience, ALL human beings ARE BORN SLAVES of darkness.  Pride blinds, closes their ears to Truth THAT ONLY God Saves souls.

Human flesh, human spirit, HUMAN THOUGHTS can not lead, draw, bring the dead IN DARKNESS out INTO THE Reality, Brightness, Ligh, God.

The insane flesh goes in circles, no Way, NO Help, TO Save, Lead, Reveal the Door Way OUT.

The Angel Visitation with Lot, the wicked WERE BLIND unable to find the Door, Way OUT.

HOW HARD, IMPOSSIBLE FOR flesh and blood TO SEPARATE FROM THEIR INNER DARKNESS.  Separation is the Work of Presence, God, IN His Chosen people, Children REBORN OF Spirit.  

The Wonder of Walking up TO Walk Home with God.

God HIRES for TIME whosoever He WANTS TO HIRE IN time, BUT ONLY THOSE Chosen TO BECOME Sons and Live IN House, Body , ENTER AND Live.

 BE STILL. Listen, Hear THE SOUND OF Thunder COMING BEFORE the Rain.  THE Shining Raises Prepares His Wheat OF Seed, the MATURE for Harvest.

There is no Knowing, Hearing, Surrender WITHOUT the Spirit.  Seek ye FIST? THE Spirit, to ENTER the Body, Church of Christ.  The HUMAN spirit, religious pride, flesh wrestling with flesh, seeking a position, IN Christ that does not EXIST for them.  Spirit is the Power TO Surrender TO Truth and Live.

WHAT Shall We DO?  NOTHING more and NOTHING LESS than WHAT God Appoints, Tells, Sends you TO DO.  His Body MUST BE ABOUT the Father His Business, IN UNION WITH Head.

The ACCEPTABLE TIME TO Come, IS, NOW when Spirit Speaks, DO WHAT Spirit Says. IGNORE every human spirit, thought, temptation that leads to death in disobedience.  We ARE the Body OF ABSOLUTE, ENTIER LIFE OF Perfect Obedience.

WAKE up.  WHERE Spirit IS, THERE is Obedience UNTO God.

Blessed the Body that Pierces the heart of beast, darkness with the Tongue, Blade of Light. LUKE 10:18.

Christ:  I Saw Satan fall by Thunderbolt From Rain, IN THE night, darkness.
I the Truth HAVE GIVEN to you Authority, Dominion OVER the serpents, AND OVER ALL the enemy, mind, spirits, thoughts POISON.  NOTHING Can Hurt My Body UNDER their Head.

Where the church of flesh and blood teach the doctrines of deceit AS Truth, THAT church built by human hands, flesh, human spirit, IS NOT the Spiritual Church, Bride THAT Bears, Speaks Truth from within Her His Bride. 

EVEN those who lived by acting, pretending, entertaining flesh, those God's LOST unto TIME are Coming Conscious OF God IN Christ.  Their Waking up IN TIME, TO Stand within the Body of Christ.
Something Wonderful, Amazing, UN expected HAS TAKEN Hold, Breathed Life into them.

WHY spend your self upon God His Body, WHEN you can spend time feeding the dead, that do not belong to, in the Body of Christ.  Spirit Draws THE Thirsting, Seeking TO Drink?  The non resisting souls that surrender to the Hand OF Spirit, to Come and Drink.  God GETS ALL the Glory.  God DOES ALL the Work.  WHATEVER God Gives, Grants us , We CAST at the Feet of Christ.

The flesh thinks everything is about money, power, WHEN IN Reality all THAT MATTERS IS God, Spirit, Riches, Life.  You shall leave everything BEHIND, the door closed, NEVER LOOKING BACK, We ENTER the Door, Way, HELD OPEN by the Hand of our Father. WHEN ALL of His Children, Numbered, Return Home TO Him.  He Closes the Door the Children of Spirit ENTER IN BY.

I ASK one question OF you that INQUIRE OF Me. I DO by Spirit, Obedience. But you ignoant OF Reality, DO the works of your father IN flesh.

 DOES Repentance COME FROM men, flesh and human spirit, OR FROM God Spirit?  THE Tears of LIVING Waters, Rain, Cleansing?  TRUE Repentance, that Brings forth Fruit, Thought of God?  We are THE Garedm of Life, Restored to God by His Spirit, Presence, Rain and Light.

The Vineyard of God HAS BECOME a vineyard of unrighteous fruit, for wine.  The soul drunk, fallen and not able to Stand, COME BACK TO God, Reality.

The Restoration of the Garden of Life. BY Spirit Saved BY Spirit Live.  A Garden where no darkness hides, abides , able to poison ONLY the blood, life, of flesh.

GIVE UNTO God, the souls MADE IN His Image, coins that bear His Likness. Blessed the souls Gathered UNTO, INTO the Hand of God.

The PASSOVER OF the Living with Bread in their mouths, minds, hearts.  WATCH.  Remain Awake WITH Me, Head, lay not back down with darkness.  The Master Comes back Returns BETWEEN Night and Morning, when cock crows  Morning, do not let Him FIND you SLEEPING, NOT Watching His Return.  THE Truth, Tells you to WATCH. BECAUSE flesh does not Understand the TIME IS, NOW.

Changed by Faith from darkness INTO Light of Brightness,  Held up that ALL that See, Awake, COME TO the Light of Light IN Reality.  Death comes upon dead souls, without warning.  The Body of Life, Light, GIVES Warning to ALL with Eyes TO See.

The children of pride told HUMBLE Jesus, TO Save Him Self, AND He DID Save His Body, Bride from the NIGHT, evil IN TIME.

 I Come SENT BY My Father, to FIRST Testify  Truth, THE Life POSSIBLE BY Spirit.  THEN AFTER I Rise, Return Home, My Body Risen IN Union withe Head, THEN SHALL Life BE GONE, this world the graveyard where there is no Breath of Life IN them, TO Rise.

Children of disobedience, WITHOUT Spirit of Repentance, have no shedding the Tears OF Rain.  The Rain and the Shine BRING FORTH Wheat IN TIME.   Know thyself that human self in a soul IS death NOT Life.   Nothing but flesh of earth, human spirits warring against each other, flesh.

The MANY prophets, messengers of God, IN TIME.  Refused to TURN TO Obedience, by God's Command.  They Received the WRITTEN Words of God, BUT they BORN OF FALLEN flesh IN TIME, had NO Way, Spirit, Understanding. They KILLED God's Messengers.  SO Mercy Sent His Son, the LAST Messenger OF Truth in flesh, for the SPIRITUALLY BLIND, DEAF, DEAD, TO Receive, BE Healed, but they the children of the body of death, Adam-Eve, SLAY the Lamb OF God.  Rejected, Denied, did not Believe the Living Truth IN Flesh.  The body of darkness CRUCIFIED the Body of Christ unto death, BUT God OUR Father Raised Christ, Head and We His BODY, ONE.  The ONLY Way out of TIME, is by Spirit, Eternal Day, Risen, Shining from within the Body of Christ.

We REBORN, ARE Now, the Body Christ that Speaks CALLING all that Live BY Spirit, not AIR, TIME IS NOW, to Come Home.   IN the Ark BUILT BY God and His Carpenter, We Come Home IN TIME, BEFORE the Risen Day of Brightness.

EVERYTHHING, EVERY Thought Received by Spirit FROM Spirit, IS TRUE.  Wake up, the religion, human spirit in men has HYPNOTIZED you, where you stand IN disobedience you Lifeless dust shall return to the dust beneath the Feet of His Body.  Dust returned to dust.

God CAN make a Man of Spirit.  A Perfect Man, a Body Governed by the Mind Presence of  God. The first man of flesh and AIR WAS NEVER PERMANENT.

IF a Trumpet IS Blown, will not the people be afraid? Shall Evil exist, and God NOT Sent him. AMOS ch 3:6.

SURELY the Lord DOES NOTHING, WITHOUT Telling His prophets SECRETLY.  His Body OF Spirit, Hears, Listens TO Voice, Thoughts of Spirit.   The Hearers WARN those deaf, unable to Hear.  The human spirit moves HIS OWN children in disobedience.

The SECRET, INVISIBLE Spirit, Presence of God that Saves His Living Children, the Body of Christ from death UNTO Life.  The human soul, lamp of darkness, both darkness and lamp cease to EXIST in Brightness.  Reality REMOVES delusion.  Peace THE END OF ALL War.  Breath of Life, the END of death.

The SECRET of Life without death, IS Christ, Flesh and Eternal Breath, Presence of God.  The human flesh WAS, IS, ALWAYS temporary life of dust.   Christ Come DOWN TO Raise the garden of death, UNTO Garden of Life.   The Plan from the beginning.  A Man, A Body Builder, Gardener that Knows, and DOES ALL God the OWNER Wants DONE.   Restoring the House in NEW Garden of Love.

The LIE. There NEVER WAS, NEVER will BE a WAR within the Kingdom of God?

 The SPIRITUAL war ON the earth.  Where HUMAN spirits IN flesh WAR AGAINST each other to reign over hell.   The TEST FOR Truth.  Faith.  That we suffer IN OBEDIENCE TO God, the Remover of chains.  To BE MOVED BY NOTHING BUT Spirit, FAITH, TRUTH, LOVE.  WHEN they strike your cheek, Christ TURNS His Cheek, FOR His Body.

They HOWL the children of the NIGHT time.  They FALSELY claim to Know Me, Spirit.  But WHEN I Sent DOWN Son of My Spirit, Substance, they plotted, killed his temporary flesh.  They CAST OFF the Thing that IS Good, NOW, THE ENEMY SHALL PURSUE, CHAIN drag them down WHERE there IS NO Light of Day, Brightness.   I HAVE SENT a fire of destruction to DEVOUR the kingdoms of PRIDE.

Those Freed BY Spirit TO Come, Come NOW, time to BE Seated at the Table of the Lord.

The sacrifice of blood, AIR, flesh like beast, NEVER Satisfied God.  God Provided His OWN Son, Poured out THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE blood.  The life, blood of obedience, Demanded.  NOW Raised a Body of Faith, Believers, Returning Home BY Spirit.  Seated by Spirit AT His Table of Thought.

Jesus:  I HAVE Food, you Know NOT OF.  EAT and NEVER die.  Live IN Union with Truth or pass out of existence in union of time.

HOSEA cH 7:13. Woe UNTO them that run from Me UNTO their own destruction.

 WOE they that disobey, TRANSGRESS My Will, Law?  Spirit.  The sinners that REFUSE TO Come TO Me Savior, THOUGH I Saved them, Redeemed, Call them, they REFUSE, DENY, DO NOT Come.  The DEAD souls in flesh of darkness, CARRIED AWAY FROM Me.  They speak by human spirit, LIES against Me Truth.

They DO NOT REPENT by Spirit. They listen to their spirit of AIR, darkness that FEARS Light of Brightness.  They do not Know, Recognize Me, Truth of Father's Mouth, Spirit.  THEY HOWL, but THEY DO NOT Repent BY Spirit, Tears that Cleanse the soul.  The HOWL and THIER human-hearts, flesh, HAVE NO Way, Spirit TO cry out to Me Spirit.  They ARE children of deceit.  They work for THEIR father, rebel against God?  THEIR mind of flesh, IMAGINES mishief against Me.  Human thoughts, desires they follow, lead them that REFUSE, DENY, RESIST Me.  The children of AIR, RAGE, self destructive.  

They who DO NOT seek the Lord His Presence, Spirit, THEIR spirit of pride shall TESTIFY AGAINST them.   THEY PRETEND TO Come, Return but they are deceitful bows. THEIR rulers, governments of flesh SHALL NEVER ENTER His Presence with a tongue, sword of darkness.

Cast down your swords, BOW DOWN TO THE DUST UNDER His Feet. The Spirit, Breath, Presence of God, QUICKENDS, MAKES Alive, those His Seed HIDDEN IN Adam, BEFORE the fall into hell.

Father SEND Rain.  Wheat shall Rise.  The weeds self-destruct IN TIME.

From AIR of earth TO Breath of God.. BY His Spirit, Breath, Presencce LIVE as a LIVING Soul IN Christ, not dead IN flesh.

 The God-Breathed Word of Truth.  The Spirit, Substance of God, Presence, that ENTERS AND CAUSES the dead to BECOME Alive.  My Teaching, My Doctrine of My Mouth, IS Life.  NO man of Godless flesh, KNOWS where I Come FROM, nor WHERE I AM GOING, Return.  ONLY Spirit Knows and those His He TELLS. Do not judge by HUMAN standards, human spirit, flesh and blood of AIR.  Judge as God Judges.  Spirit Judges, Sees, Knows whether it is His OWN Spirit or human spirit, Ruling from within flesh and blood.  Greater is the Lord God ALMIGHTY, the ONLY, THE UTMOST Hishest God, Spirit.  NO HUMAN being human, Knows, Recognizes Father, UNLESS Spirit, Breath, Replaces temporary spirit of AIR.   Breath IN SOUL HAS Dominion over the flesh, dust and dirty water.

To Judge BY Spirit, Divine Spirit, and stop discerning by error, deceit, darkness in flesh.

THIS IS the Message of Christ: TIME TO, WAKE UP and Follow the Instructions of God, His Son, the Body of Life, SENT TO Shine Light IN YOUR eyes.  It IS TIME to Wale Up and DO as God DEMANDS BE DONE by Body and Spirit.

THIS, NOW, IS A Day the Lord HAS MADE FOR me to REJOICE AND Give Thanks IN. Remember.

 Remember WHAT the Spirit of the Lord HAS Told, Spoken TO Spirit IN you.  We ARE the Body of Christ, the Body of Resurrection, from TIME UNTO God the Ever-NOW.  Reality.  Rising up from the shadows OF death.  Walking in God-Consciousness BY, WITH Spirit.  Power to Stand, Walk without falling back down to earth, dust?  The Will, Power, Presence of God always Helps His Children when they Call unto Spirit.  IF you Hear Him, Voice, Thoughts, Spirit?  THEN WHY do you not Obey?

What compares to the SOUL by Spirit, SPENDING the Day IN the Path, Steps of His Light?  Christ the Light of Brightness SHINING BEFORE us OUR Way.   Better the Feast, than the beast that hungers to devour disabled souls by his thoughts, that flow and drown the soul in sorrow.

The Rainbow in the heavens a Sign OF Peace.  First it Rains, THEN the Light is Revealed.  Where is the accuser, WHERE THERE IS Christ, the Fullness of God?

The soul without God, Spirit IN him, remains a MISGUIDED, untrustworthy soul LOST IN OWN human mind, thoughts, imagination, led in circles by darkness, until dead.

THIS IS the Message of Christ.  Jesus the Example, Evidence of God's Will, Power.  God's Teaching is not the wisdom, teaching of a HUMAN spirit in a fallen flesh, unable to BY Faith, Rise, Walk, Healed.  Christ is the LIVING Docctrine, SPIRITUAL Revelation of WHAT A Life WITH Reality, Looks.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Eternal ENTERED temporary world of dust, Dressed IN Flesh, Virginal Flesh and Breath, Spirit.

 HAS NOT the Word, Creator COME DOWN to Heal the wounds of the lion, and Raise Flesh Alive, TIME is for gaining God Consciousness IN TIME to Save soul UNTO God.  NONE CAN Save those God Gives to his lion of darkness, that Serves God His Purpose, Plan.

The Lord HAS Come and GONE.  UNTIL they the unconscious dead souls, ACKNOWLEDGE Me, My Work, Power, Will.  UNTIL they CONFESS their human wickedness, offense, disobedience, I will not Come Back, UNLESS they Confess QUICKLY, EARLY AND Seek My Face, Presence.  IN their AFFLICTION in the mouth of lion of darkness, THEN they Shall Say, Let US RETURN unto the Lord, the Lion of Judah who WILL HEAL the torn, the dying, smitten, BACK TO God, Life, Reality.

SHOUT the Good News Eternal, conceal the Truth from NONE.  We His Body, Walk in Union with the Mind, Thoughts of God, Spirit.  IN the Body BY Faith, THEN Shall We Know Spirit as He Knows Us, BY Spirit.    Children of the LATTER Rain IN TIME.  God Desires Mercy, NOT sacrifice, Desires Christ, Word of Understanding, Spirit, IN His Body.  Perfect, Stable Love, UNSHAKABLE. 

CHRIST the Life, THE EVIDENCE OF Eternal God that human flesh BY Spirit of Faith CAN REFLECT, Life the Thought Life OF Love.

God Made man, THEN Man IN His Spiritual Image, Likeness.  And HU-man beings, make with THEIR hands, minds, machines FOR humans?  WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG not Right?  God IS Spirit, Goodness.  Even a shadow of doubt crossed the mind of Elon.  Evil always seeks to use for evil that made by Creator Creator, Good.  The rubbish and the fire.

The LOST, that run farther away from Truth of God, they can not stop listening, following their own thoughs AS God.

 They who REMAIN LOST IN separation from God?  Thoe WHO NEVER Knew Him Beginning, unable to Recognize Him.  The Head by the Will, Plan of God, ALWAY Recognize the Voice of Truth, Calling them TO Come.  WITH Joy of Recognition, His Run, RETURN and REFUSE to ever be separated against unto the darkness, TIME.

The children of flesh and blood, blind, deaf, lost in spiritual darkness of TIME.  STRANGE children of a STRANGE spirit that IS NOT God, Spirit.

God HAS Provided a WRITTEN Truth, Scripture for the HUMAN flesh, if it would ONLY HUMBLY Come and ASK FOR Faith, Help of the Author to Read with Understanding.  The children of pride die in this world, NAKED and Ashamed, Starving to death without Bread and Water, THAT Comes down to the Children of Wisdom, Body of Christ.

The Light of Day WITHDRAWS in the TIME OF NIGHT.  They will Seek but NOT find Him, that HIDES Self, Presence, FROM them.

The human church, temple of flesh BUILT by flesh, Where the PARTIALLY obedient flesh of this world, worship, hide in pretense.

 The HUMAN spiit, source of SPIRITUAL whoredom, taught by priests of human religion, NOT THE Spirit, Voice, Mind of God.  HOSEA 4.  It is the HUMAN spirit, spirit of whoredom, error, deceit, that CAUSE people TO ERR, follow OWN human thoughts AS god.

The shadow cast UNBER the tree of death.  WHERE shadow of darkness, hide, moves from Brightness,  to EXIST.

It is the HUMAN spirit of TEMPORARY life of AIR, that is the flesh of shadow moving from Light, testing in TIME OF NIGHT.  The people with NO Spirit of Understanding, shall always run away from Truth OF Life.   The BACKSLIDING heifer, NOW Fed as a Lamb, by the Spirit, Lord.  The Living Lamb, the Son of God, and We NOW His Body of BREATH, Obedience, of Everlasting Spirit, Presence of God.

What is the human flesh led by ERROR, WHAT IS the ever back sliding flesh TO God?  We ARE the Body of Christ, ALWAYS Stepping Forward, NEVER BACK WAY FROM God.

The children of flesh and blood, AIR, shall BE MOURNED BY flesh, NOT BY Spirit.

 The Chosen flesh, Spirit SHALL BETROTH UNTO God BY Faithfulness.  The body of Christ SHALL Know THE Lord, God of Truth, by, THROUGH Union, Know Me, Mind, Thoughts of Life.

The flesh that mourns JOYLESS, Lifeless, dead in disobedience shall perish WITH the beasts, the mouths of predators.  A flesh LOST UNTO TIME, by beasts, fowls, fishes of the deep that swallow, Take them AWAY.

Children of dust, EARTH AND AIR that STRIVE against each other, their thoughts against the thoughts of others.  People FALLEN IN the Night of the Day of the Prophet.  The mother of flesh, children of flesh, body of death SHALL PASS WITH INNER DARKNESS, Destroyed THEY follow other gods, spirits, thoughts NOT God.  Destined to be Destroyed by LACK OF Knowledge.  Their human spirit THEIR forgetfulness OF God, His Mind, Commands.  The Chosen, Body of Christ, Seed of Truth, PERPETUALLY Bears the Thoughts of God, Carried WITHIN Her.

The children of darkness, never stop increasing their thoughts that lead, end IN disobedience.  The children, flock of darkness, THEIR hearts, minds ARE SET UPON satisfying the spirit, wolf, of INIQUITY within.

The FERTILE New Mind, that IS the Body, Flesh of the Man Jesus. The Eternal Field of God's Presence, Rain.

Christ the NEW Virgin Field, Body that the Mind of God IN Christ, Rests upon.  ONE Field, ONE Seed, ONE Rain, PREPARED TO BEAR QUICKENED SEED, Wheat, Truth STORED in the Body of Christ.

Mary the Virginal flesh, Chosen to Bear the Seed of Life into the world of darkness.  The FIRST Fruit IS the Lord's.  The field of weeds, TIME, shall be set on fire by darkness, burnt out of existence.  A field SURROUNGED, hedged by thorns, a path that cannot walk unharmed. 

Return TO Me, Spirit, BY MY word, Seed and your nakedness, Godlessness, shall BE Covered.  Return and BE Wed TO ONLY Me, Follow ONLY Me Spirit of Truth.  The flesh that WAS NOT, NOW Exists by Perfect Union with Life.  The old flesh temporary, BECOME BY Faith, Presence of Life, the Eternal NEW Body, Biride UNDER Head, OBEDIENT AS ONE Man UNDER the One and ONLY Divine Mind.

Creator, Bulder, OWNER, Restorer, the Groom of the Bride.  Raised, Separated from evil, darkness, death, BY the Presence OF God IN the Man, Son of God.  SUBSTANCE OF Life IN THE Man of God's Substance.

I Will SOW Her UNTO Me the Lord.  They the flesh, the body, the seed THAT WAS NOT.  UNEXISTENT IN Reality.  The Nation REBORN OF Spirit, My People, Children of Holy Seed, Rain.  By the Light of Brightness GROWN Wheat for Harvest, THEN My Living Bread, Fed to those ON THEIR Way Home.

The Bride Reflects the Spirit, IMAGE OF God.  Christ the Man and His Bride, COME HOME in Spirit.

Where there IS NO Spirit, Obedience, there IS NO Peace-with-Presence of God. NO Union. No Surrender IN TIME TO Live.

 The Children of God, Living souls that LOOK TO following OTHER gods not God.  Drunks, intoxicated by the wine of disobedience, human thoughts.   The wandering sheep in time, have NO Shepherd, NO Divine King, Power, Spirit Seared as Life OVER them.  WANERING Sherd less Sheep, no king, no  prince, NO SACRIFICE, HAVING NO Image, Likeness BY unto God, but reflections, images of the HUMAN spirit.  Living the life of a nation without a King.

Suffering, separations, divisions, pain, Helplessness, death, THEN Shall the Children Remember, Know, REALIZE, RETURN AND Seek the Lord THEIR God.

IN the LATER TIME, they SHALL SEEK His Goodness, Spirit, Presence?  AFTER their TIME OF TROUBLE-in-flesh.   Under the Head, His Body foes do not curse, lie, steal, commit adultery, spill blood. The Body of Christ SHALL REPENT, MOURN, TURN from Sin UNTO God, Joy.  APART FROM the Shepherd of the LIVING souls, the dead shall FALL in, UNTO the NIGHT.  Shadows of the Night TIME OF Separation from Brightness.

The people who REJECT Spirit, Me, Knowledge, Truth, RIGHT Thoughts, Good Mind?  They WHO REJECT, DO NOT Think of Me, I God will not Think, Remember them, NOT MINE BY Spirit.   There is no thought of darkness, human flesh, IN the Kingdom of Brightness.  ONLY Lights of Brightness, Shining.

AS They INCREASE in DISOBEDINCE against My Will, I will CHANGE their glory TO SHAME.  The deceived, disconnected from Reality, fall DOWNWARD with NO Way to Rise UP, Separate from their INNER darkness unto death.

The Body, the Bride BEARS His Name, Spreads His Doctrine by Spirit OVER the land of TIME.

 ENTER EARLY in the Morning, the Temple, Body TO Teach.  Doing as God Tells us TO DO.  DO not fight by human spirit, thoughts, BECAUSE IF the Doctrine IS Truth, God, THEN flesh and blood CANNOT OVERCOME It.  ONLY BE FOUND GUILTY of Fighting, Resisting God.

The Body, the Temple of Christ, is FOUND Daily in EVERY Room, CEASE NOT TO Teach the Word, Preach Christ.

WHAT ANGERS the body, house, temple of darkness, is they HAVE NO DEFENSE, NO Way TO resist the Wisdom, the Spirit Body and Head Speak IN UNION.

The CRIME, accusation of flesh AGAINST the Spirit of God?  That is is not their human spirit, HUMAN wisdom, but Truth, Christ THE ENEMY OF deceit is BEING Heard.

The God OF Glory Appeared to Abraham, just as Angel of Prence APPEARS AND Speaks through Body of Christ, Believers.  Get thee out of the land of the dead and ENTER Christ that I Show, Reveal to you as the Place to Live without death

Out of the land, chains, thoughts of body of death, We ARE Called BY Spirit, INTO the Body of Christ, the Man of PERPETUAL Life, His Mind FIXED ON God.  The Word of God's Spirit, His Breath of Life, BREAKS the spell of darkness, Riases the dead from sleep to Awake without darkness.   Believers the Doctrine of God, Spirit, We ARE Baptized IN the Name of Christ BY Spirit.  

The Body, RUNS AHEAD of the Coming of Rain.  Prepare by Faith TO Receive.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

What We OUGHT TO Do is OBEY God rather men of flesh and human spirit. ACTS 5.

IT IS in the NIGHT, when the Angel of the Lord, OPENS the prison doors, and Leads OUT the prisoners of darkness.

Give UNTO God that Commanded by God, WHAT IS DUE Him AS God.  The whole person, mind, soul, and flesh UNTO Spirit of Obedience.  DUE because Christ the Sacrifice, PAID FOR your Release from prison. NOW.  

ONLY the dead souls void of Life, Truth, Hope REFUSE TO COME OUT because of unbelief in them.  The false teachers, teach falsehood, and hate, take captive the Speakers OF Truth.  The Body of Christ IS READY TO DIE for Truth, Obey God Rather THAN men of flesh, TIME.

The Shadow of the Body of Christ, on earth, OVERSHADOWS Wings Cover Body, Lifted by Wings from the earth.

The SAME Way Christ His Body SEEN ASCENDING into Clouds, the SAME Way Body Seen COMING DOWN as Rain upon the earth.  We ARE the Body, Gathered from TIME into the Barn, Body of Christ. Gathered to  BE Bread for the hungering for Life.

The HUMAN teachers but temporary winds of AIR, THEN GONE WITH TIME. The Word, Truth of God IS NOT WITHIN them. NO Breath of Life IN them.

 The human words, doctrines they speak, I WILL CAUSE in their mouths to be fire of human spirit TO DEVOUR them FROM TIME.  These children the wood of dead trees, I DO NOT Know.  God ISP a Nation, Speaking a Language, ANCIENT Word of Truth the human beings do not Know NOR Understand.

Nation Chosen by God FOR God His Presence, that FORGET God?  The  Sheep wandered IN TIME away FROM God, Shall SAY, WHY, WHY HAVE these things, afflictions, oppressors come upon us?  THEN Shall the Messengers of God Say that they have forsaken THE Presence of God, given self to a land of darkness to serve the strange spirits of darkness, Forsaken, Forgotten the Goodness of God' Presence, Protection.  O foolish people, Sheep without Understanding you ARE BLIND, DEAF, LOST UNTO desires of human self.

WAKE UP, for God HAS SET A Boundary, Line BETWEEN Life and death, between darkness and Light, WHICH the dead of darkness, chaos waves of darkness, unrighteous sea, can NEVER cross?  The PERPETUAL Decree of God, the sands of TIME can not cross over, prevail BECAUSE of the waves that toss them backward, that swallow the Powerless beneath the waves of Sea of Humanity.  They THINK NOT the Thoughts, by Breath of God.  They are not the Wheat Gathered into the Barn, Storehouse, Body  of Christ.  The WICKED men are CAGED birds, houses of deceit, shadows of darkness PASSING through TIME, then GONE.  They evil, conceal, judge not the SOURCE, reason for evil.  Men who speak, bear their OWN HUMAN THOUGHTS ad BEING the Very Thoughts of Spirit.  Ye deceivers and self deceived, WHERE shall you BE when your TIME IN darkness IS GONE.

These liars that SAY peace, but there is NO Peace, Presence of God IN them.  They HELP NOT the Daughter of My People, Separated by poison, snake bit, blind, mind of delusion.  BUT Christ HAS Come Gathering Bride, Body BACK INTO Christ the Ark SENT DOWN FROM Heaven. That poisoned, dead, Shall BE CUT OFF, OUT OF the Body, Save the Bride from death.

IF there was NO PAIN, the Remedy would SOON BE Forgotten IN TIME. ONLY Christ Walks through TIME CRUSHING the head of the serpent, mouth UNDER His Foot, Body.

life Changing Confesssion, the ACKNOWLEDGING own spirit of iniquity that IS TRANSGRESSION AGAINST the Lord.

 PROCLAIM the Truth you backslider of hypocrisy, child or pretense, Proclaim TRUTH your Freedom from human spirit, denier, concealer, false guide, misinterpreted of Truth.  The Truth that Saves is A Spirit, SUPREME, UTMOST Power.  Spirit Gives the soul surrendered unto Truth, a Place, Life, Room in the Body of Reality.

I CONFESS what I WAS, a soul outside Reality, Life, Light.  I was VOID of any Way to Speak, Tell, Live THE Truth of Reality IN God.  ALL that matters NOW, MOST, IS His Constant ABIDING Presence within the Reborn SOUL, into His Body of Perfect Peace by His Presence,

We Live IN the world of DUST, TIME, D  ARKNESS.  WHERE by God's Choice, We the Body of Christ Live UNTIL Drawn Home OUT OF the world, temporary home of the dead and their darkness.

The NIGHT of TIME is for a moment, the Light of Day NEVER ENDS with time.

The fallen woman, fallen to human thoughts in time, a wandering harlot, I the Lord, will TAKE you from the lips of hell, Restored to Breath, Lips of Mouth.  I My-Self SHALL FEED you according to Me My Thought, My Spirit, My Presence, and you WILL UNDERSTAND, BE Filled with Truth Conceived OF God.  I Will TAKE you from evil human spirit of imagination, and you shall walk no more in darkness, the steps of disobedience.

WHAT IS more Wonderful than the Presence, Forgiveness of the Lord, IN His Children?  The Bride, Body of Christ, walks no more in the human thoughts, imagination, BUT NOW ONLY in the Holy Thoughts of Spirit.  The Mind of God, the Source of JOY, He OUR Obedience.

What IS Truth? THE Divine Spirit that Saves from human spirits that chain the soul in disobedience.

 Truth is Reality, Freedom from human dillusion, confusion, misunderstanding. falsehood.  God is STRONGER than the human imagination that ends IN DEATH. God, Spirit, IS TRUTH.  Life without insanity.   The human flesh servant of wicked spirit, teaches, live according to thoughts of wickedness.  Eve the flesh body of Adam, become the mother of ALL evil, all separated from God by human spirit that lives in all flesh of Adam his flesh, IN TIME.  The Restoration of woman to God, as the Bride.  Becoming the Bride, BODY OF Christ BY FAITH in the Work, Presence of God, Breath IN Her.  Grater the VERY Breath of God Spirit, than the old AIR in the body of Adam.  The flesh of Adam, bone of flesh MUST BECOME, Rise, Stand without falling AS Evidence, Proof of God's Presence.

WHAT DOES IT MATTER what FALLEN flesh of disobedience thinks, says, does?  It lies like the father of sinners, devil of darkness.  Delusional, dysfunctional flesh OF TIME, the house, home of darkness DESTINED to be TORN DOWN, BURNED TO ashes of dust.

WHAT God Says does not matter to the children OF disobedience, God IS NOT THEIR father.  Their father THE WRATH, SERVANT OF Holiness, the suffering for every disobedience unto God.  The devil, evil one, the human spirit-OF-temptation, that overpowers the Godless soul and then TORTURES with the thoughts, own spirit haunting the soul. Tortured with HUMAN thoughts that never stop accusing soul of disobedience.  Tempted THEN tortured by own human devil, the human body a HAUNTED house.

WHAT IS Love?  ONLY God IS Love, PERFECT, HOLY Love, Divine Spirit that Saves, Keeps the SOUL UNTO God.

IF you ARE NOT dead, THEN Think the Thoughts, Live the Thoughts, Life OF Truth.

The Children of Truth, hidden in the Body of Christ, Rising IN Christ to Stand NOT fall by unbelief.  We Walk IN TIME, THE Same as AFTER TIME, Living SOULS  in the Steps of Thoughts of Spirit.  THE Eternal Path of Obedience that Leads, Results IN Life Eternal.

The Reward of Faith, Trust, Hope IN God.   Test and Find the Thoughts of Spirit ARE GOOD.  The Thoughts of Goodness that Saves a soul from death as dust returned to earth.

The Work of God, Spirit.  The Presence, Power of Light of Brightness, TO Help the souls asleep with, in their own darkness of TIME.  ONLY God CAN TURN His Light on.  ONLY God by His Hand Holds the many flames, tongues OF Fire, in His Lamp, to Search the darkness for Signs of Life.

The thing about evil, it has no power to bow to Goodness, the darkness will swallow its own house, rooms of darkness into NONEXISTENCE BY Brightness.  But the children of darkness love the sound, noise of their own voice, thoughts, mind, and destructive they are and destruction they DO until there remains NO TIME.  The head of the serpent swallows his own body, choked on his own darkness.

TIME IS NOT Reality, it is temporary time of delusion.   Driven out of the Garden of Presence, We THE Body, Bride return in Union of ONENESS, BACK INTO THE Spirit, Life of God.  God HAS DONE ALL His Work through Christ.   REST IN Christ, His Spirit, Presence, PEACE.  The crazier the children of flesh, the sooner the end of their show.  NONE put on a show-time like the shadows of death on the stage. Tormented that Spirit HAS WON, flesh Powerless against the Truth OF KINGDOM.   THE Power of Peace, our stillness in Him, IS OUR VICTORY in time.

Pray? THE Mind OF God. ONLY God's Will IS Done, ALWAYS. The Rest of Perfect Peace IN Christ, that Says?

 IN Christ, AT REST, IS Perfect Peace of a SOUL.  WHAT can flesh and blood DO FOR God? NOTHING.  ONLY Pretend and serve the human spirit in their blood of flesh.  THE AIR, Winds. that move flesh to destruction in TIME.

Lord, SEND Someone to Speak, tell my brothers, flesh and WARN them?  Spirit:  they HAVE the Written Truth to Warn, Turn them by Faith.  The children of flesh, the world, sought to remove the Presence of Truth from THEIR world.  BUT instead of CLOSING the Door, God OPENED AND Held the Door by His Hand, Presence, until ALL His LOST IN Adam, COME Home IN Christ, Body of Life.

THIS WORLD of flesh and blood, AIR, Given to darkness for a TIME, UNTIL THE Power, Will of God Revealed IN, THROUGH the Resurrected Body of Christ.  We NOW in TIME depart womb of darkness, Head First into the Arms of God WAITING.  ONE Perfec Body RESORED INTO ONE Flesh of Obedience.  Tested IN TIME.  The Obedient Body of LIVING SOULS, Wake UP, their Feet ON the Side of Brightness, Eternal Day.

At Rest IN Christ, UNTIL the Hand of God, DRAWS us out of darkness, INTO Life of Reality.


Mary the flesh of Judah and Spirit, THE Body Chosen by, FOR Life. The flesh of Christ, Chosen FOR Reign of Spirit, Obedience unto God.

 The Body OF Christ, THE Resurrection of Temple upon the Foundation of LIVING Word.  A LIVING Temple OF Obedience.  AND ALL the Congregation CALLED TO COME in TIME, Come BY Spirit, BEFORE the Door CLOSED TO the dead in disobedience, and ALL Body of Christ, LIVING SOULS THAT Walk in His Spirit of Obedience, NOW ENTERED IN, THE Hand of God SHALL Close His Door unto STRANGERS THAT Know NOT Him His PRESENCE.

ALL who deny, refuse, their hearts of darkness, ruled by human pride, RETURN TO their own human bondage, chains, thoughts that carry by mouth of death INTO NONEXISTENCE, NO Way TO Return.

The arrogant children of flesh, worship, follow their OWN human thoughts OF TIME.  The chains, thoughts of rebels, pain, evil desires, suffering of their own making, decisions of flesh.

We ARE the Body of Christ, VIRGINAL Flesh OF Spirit.  A House Repaired, Restored to Obedience.  A House, Flesh that Pleases God not the many HUMAN spirits of fallen flesh.  The LIVING SOBULS Gathered into, as the Body, Bride of Christ?  MUST BE without one thought, doubt of darkness, Faith-fullness UNTO Christ.  The Bearing ONLY THE Thoughts, Truth OF God INTO Existence, REALITY.

Christ the Man SENT TO BRING His Body BACK A Bride OF UNION, ONE.   The Promis Ring OF TRUTH.   God the Mind in Christ OUR Head, the VERY Thoughts OF Spirit, CAUSE us to Walk Pleasing Him, NOT our human spirit, AIR of death.

Adam made in the Image, LIKENESS OF God?  A flesh that Walked, Talked, was Fed the Thoughts of God by God, Spirit.  UNTIL God was NOT ENOUGH.  Adam desires a reflection of Adam to BE WITH him in the Garden of God's Presence.    Christ the RETURN OF ONE Body of LIVING SOULS, as ONE Man Serving the Spirit of God, His Presence.

To die void of Life, in the wilderness, desert, valey VOID OD Life,  A child of death.