Friday, July 12, 2024

These ARE NOT the words of a devil, CAN a devil of disobedience Open the Eyes to See?

 The Truth OF Life, COMD DOWN, I AME the Door, Way UNTO MORE Life after death.  The liars, thieves, robbers, deceivers ROB you of TRUE Life, Devotion TO God, Spirit.

I AM the ONLY Door, My LOST Sheep MAY Return, ENTER BY.  ENTER BY FAITH in Truth and FIND Rest, IN Peace.  Divisions, differences of HUMAN opinions, one person speaks this, another that.  But the Body Ruled, UNDER the Head, Christ, HAVE the SAME Mind as Christ, SAME Thoughts of BY Spirit.

 Truth, Spirit. IMPOSSIBLE TO ENTER Eternal Life with any other thought than the Thoughts of Truth.  God is not deceived by human spirit, worthless words, thoughts, a lamp of darkness pretending to BE Light.  We NOW by Faith ARE BECOME the Bride of Obedience, Spirit FOR Spirit OF His Body.

Grown in Likeness of Mind, Having SAME Spirit, we SHALL BE Harvested INTO Body Storehouse of God.

The Lord Eternal, IS my Blessing, Source OF Life, WITHIN the Believer. John 7:38.

 Becoming a LIVING Well, Vessel of LIVING Water.  The Evidence of the Presence of Spirit.  WHERE Christ our Head HAS GONE, TO God the Mind of Holiness, the children of flesh and AIR can not go.  The Reward of ABSOLUTE Obedience, Devotion unto Spirit, IS ENTRANCE into Christ's Body, and forsaking all that is of, in the worlds of TIME.

EVERYTHING temporary and Eternal, IS the Creation of God Perfection IN a Man of Perfect Obedience, the Key TO Ascending freed from the chains, human thoughts, poison of death.

JUDGE.  Judge not by OUTWARD appearance like flesh, BUT Judge BY Spirit of Righteousness.  The LIVING Word OF the Judge, Truth our Thoughts OUR INWARD Spirit.

The Children of the Spirit, Know and Recognize God by Spirit within.  Spirit Speaks, the Children of Spirit, Hear and do WHAT He Desires OF THEM His.

WHY do you TURN AGAIN IN disobedience away from God, Truth, Life, UNLESS an unbeliever?

 Your HUMAN spirit wants to swallow you into nonexistence, as a sacrifice TO death, NOT Life.  The Children of the Spirit, Father the Breath within LIVING SOULS, Speaks His Mind and we Hear and DO as He Says.

John 7, Christ's temporary family of flesh IN TIME, earthly fallen flesh and AIR, human spirit to Him: Depart from us, and Reveal Your Self to Your followers MAY See the Works Thou DOEST.  For NO man of flesh and AIR that wants, seeks to BE known, hides from people.  Christ did not COME for people of the world of TIME.  The Light of Truth CAME TO Gather FATHER'S LOST Sheep.  God OPENS the Eyes of WHOMSOEVER He WANTS Gathered BACK TO Light from darkness.

IMPOSSIBLE FOR you? BY Spirit, Faith, Power, ALL Things God, ARE POSSIBLE.

The GREAT Sifting from TIME, the PRECIOUS Believers OF Truth, BACK INTO the Kingdom within the Body of Resurrection.

The LOST Sheep stolen, captive to the spirit of flesh, darkness of TIME?

 HAVE BEEN Restored to the Father, by the Word, Power of His.  Without the Seed of Truth and the Everlasting Rain-Water FROM Above, there is NO INWARD Conception and Bearing the Harvest of Holy Spirit, every Thought God.

Christ the Bread  COME DOWN INTO the wilderness of TIME, that IF you EAT, DIGEST, BECOME ONE WITH, that soul Shall be Perpetual, NEVER die, cease to exist.

Disobedience IS death.  Death is disobedience.  Christ HAS Resurrected His Body OF Faith, Spirit. By Spirit of Obedience, by Will of God, Spirit alone to we ALWAYS Please our Father, NEVER A SLAVE OF darkness again, ONCE the Perpetual Flame of Brightness IS COME. ABIDES, Fanned by Spirit,Wind into a Fire that CONSUMES ALL but not God the Fire.

IF you say you love Jesus Christ, Word of God, Breath of Spirit, WHY DO you disobey?

 NO man of TIME, flesh AND AIR, CAN Come TO Me, Truth, UNLESS God, Spirit, DRAW him TO Me.  And all Drawn to Me by Spirit, in them, THESE My Body I will Raise the last day?  WHEN the darkness of NIGHT, TIME, IS GONE.  ALL that Remains IS Light.

My Body.  ALL REBORN INTO My Body, Shall be Taught by Spirit within them.  EVERY child of the Spirit, Gathered into Body BY Spirit, Hear, Listen and OBEY.  DO the Will of God, Spirit, not the will of fallen human flesh, unbelievers.  

Christ OUR Head, He the Eyes of His Body. The Man OF God, Spirit, Substance of God, HAS Seen, Known our Father.  BY Spirit we Live, BREATH and depart this world of dead dust Alive.

Christ His Obedience, NOW, ours BY Faith IN God His Power, Will. John 14:23

 The Perpetual Faith that is ours BY Spirit, Presence IN us the Resurrected Body of Christ.  The Obedience DUE Christ the LIVING Word of  God's Mouth, Mind.  We ARE NOW, Reborn OF Spirit BY Faith.  Substance, Spirit of His Spirit, Substance.  I Have Searched, Believed and Follow Him IN His VERY Steps, Thoughts, Returning Home.

Christ PUT ON the garment of flesh and blood.  Jesus and God, Spirit, POWER, ARE ONE.  And we ARE the Body of Resurrection BY FAITH, that Walk as LIVING SOULS in the Body of Life.  And Christ WAS Raised, Resurrected by the Spirit, a Spiritual Flesh Eternal.  WHAT EXISTS IN us, BENEATH flesh and blood, IS HIDDEN from the children of flesh and AIR.

ONLY the Body IN Union, ONENESS WITH Thoughts of Mind, IN Christ our Head, CAN Receive and BEAR INTO BEING the Thoughts of Live, Love, Reality of AFTER-life and death of flesh of TIME, the Eternal Flesh RISES, DEPARTS UNTO Home. 

Pray by Spirit of Faith Given the Reborn to BE Separated from TIME.  AND from NOW on Live the Life of Christ, as His Body, being Raised ONE Generation of Spirit, from the earth of TIME.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Body, Vessel of Oil, Lit by the Flame OF Fire, Stands in the NIGHT of darkness.

 Giving Light to DRAW the Children OUT OF darkness HOME TO THE Lord, King OF Brightness.  The Lord IN TIME, Lights a lamp in His Hand and Searches for His Prescious LOST UNTO darkness.  HOW Good it IS for the Brethren of ONE Spirit to Dwell IN Christ, House of Truth, AS ONE.  It IS Blessing and Life FOREVER.  We are The Body of LIVING SOULS, that Serves the Lord BY NIGHT.  We STAND IN Christ, Shining Forth the TIME TO COME Home.  NOW is ALWAYS TIME TO, for none know their time appointed their flesh to be removed from soul.  Where there is NO Life, Breath, Spirit, THERE is a house of death, residence of evil darkness.

The Body of the Living, Shall PASS THROUGH darkness, Led by Light to OTHER side, Reality.


 The Children of flesh and temporary spirit, life IN TIME, IS NOTHING IN COMPARISON TO Life IN SPIRITUAL Reality, AT Home IN God.  God's Spirit of Faith, TRANSFORMS my OLD substance INTO a Room of Light IN Christ, the House Built by God FOR His Children.

DO NOT BE AFRAID, JUST KEEP ON Telling THE Truth OF God, Spirit, and do not stop, give up.  For I Am WITH, IN you.  Speak the Thoughts, Language of God, the WHOLE Truth, Language of Heaven.  This Way of Teaching, Truth BY Spirit, IS AGAINST the human spirit, deceit.  TRUST God.  They can only kill the old flesh IN TIME, but cannot hinder your Place in the Body of Life, Eternal.

Our Father OUR Spirit, Teaches us the THOROUGH Knowledge OF Scripture.  Spirit KNOWS ALL, and Reveals BY Spirit THE Way, Life of Christ, OURS BY Faith in God.  The children of flesh, AIR, are so constantly busy with thoughts, spirits of the world.  We ARE the Body Crucified, the OLD blood of human flesh REMOVED, BLED OUT IN TIME.  We NOW BY Faith, ARE the Body BEING Resurrected, DRAWN BY Head, Christ, OUT OF TIME,DARKNESS, into ABSOLUTE Perfect Brightness, VERY Presence of God.

The human being is in fear of death BECAUSE of the burden of sin, disobedience.  The flesh fears its fall into nonexistence with TIME.

We ARE the Children of God, Spirit and Know, Speak the Language OF Truth, Spirit.

 We THE Body of Faith, Christ, Head and Body ARE OF the Spirit, Substance of God, Reality.  SINCE we ARE the Chosen FOR Faith, to BEAR Word, of Faith, TRUTH into world of darkness, TIME,  We OF SAME Seed, Spirit, SUBSTANCE AS OUR Father, Spirit, KNOW what is HIDDEN, REJECTED by the children of unbelief and TIME.  We BEAR THE SPIRITUAL Likeness of God IN Christ UNTO the world of TIME.  Truth HAS WARNED children of darkness after generation OF TIME, SUDDEN WILL BE the END OF time of darkness and temporary flesh, house.   Time is only for if possible all lost in darkness of death, COME TO Christ, Body of Life.   WHAT EXCUSE remains for the unbeliever.   When Christ the LIVING Ark of God's Presence, HAS RETURNED TO God with ALL His Children Given TO Him BY God.

Christ has Taught me to obey the rules of government, FLESH that rules flesh, BUT OBEY God Him ONLY. Stand IN Obedience, and Spirit Shall KEEP us Alive INTO the Kingdom God's Presence. Life AFTER death IS MORE valuable, profitable, than all the riches, power of THIS world, dust beneath the Feet OF Jesus.   We ARE the Body of Christ, IN UNION WITH Spirit, ALL the Thoughts, Power of Spirit ARE OURS.

the garden OF TIME OUTSIDE the Garden of His ETERNAL Presence?

 The prison house, souls captive in the chains, thoughts of darkness, unbelief.  The garden that FELL under the spell of death, poison mouth of serpents.  Stop LOOKING FOR OTHER worlds, God ILL NOT ALLOW we the INFECTED race of TIME to depart from quarantine and Fullness of Christ, Remedy.  

ONLY that which IS Christ, His Body, Ruled, Purified by Spirit, with God the Mind in Christ our Head, will EVER, EVER. EVER, Return to the Garden State of God Consciousness.

UNLESS your human spirit, human thoughts HAVE BEEN Crucified DEAD, and Spirit alone dwells, Lives IN and Through you the Body of Christ, there is no RETURN TO unfallen state, Restoration BY Faith.

The devil, the CON, the liar and thief, pretender DECEIVED, took Eve hostage into unbelief.  BEHOLD WHAT God ALONE HAS Done, Raised the Body, Bride of Christ Alive in ONENESS.  NEVER will His Bride EVER Walk ALONE AGAIN in the dark garden of TIME.  

WHEN Christ His Spirit Knocks on the door of soul and is not the human misconseption of truth.

They ONLY EMBRACE the HUMAN thoughts that belong to, please flesh children of darkness.  Fallen souls COME IN sprit of pretense, ARE acceptable to them, pretense their nature EASY, BUT Faith as Body of Faith, Christ, TOO HARD TO Embrace.  Humans that worship fake gods in their own image.  

The House of Light, Life, HAS NO dead children, no death, no substancce of death, NO THOUGHT OF Death, human spirit, FOUND ANY WHERE IN the House, Body of Christ.  Every CELL, SOUL in His Body IS Alive unto God, Truth.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Spirit, Life of the Lord, CAME UPON Bride, that Day FORWARD.

 Spirit of Bride, Spirit of Christ, ONE Spirit, ONE UNION OF Spirit.  The Way Home IS NOT by human thoughts, human spirits, unbelief.  The Way Home if the Thoughts, Path of Faith.

It is separation from Spirit by disobedience that is source of pain, trouble, persecution by that spirit of disobedience.  Even WOLVES serve the Shepherd, when they drive the Sheep BACK TO Christ.  WHERE there is NO Spirit, THERE is no Truth, Peace, Life, Love OF God.

Spirit TURNS us from listening, obeying the human spirit, UNTO God Almighty Deliverance.  The souls IN Christ, Shall Live beyond the children of TIME.  They ARE ETERNAL, children of human flesh and AIR of this world, do not live, exist beyond TIME of darkness, death.  The substance of darkness is temporary, the Substance, Life, BREATH OF God's Presence IN US, our Life of ETERNAL Reality.

The TEMPORARY children of TIME SHALL NOT DEPART OUT OF darkness, the fire of darkness shall dry up the human flesh INTO nonexistence with TIME.  He lives and dies a dead, Lifeless soul, VOID OF True Riches, Spiritual Prosperity.  The body of death, void of Spirit IS TAKEN DOWN INTO the Pit of NO Way TO Return.  His light IS Darkness and is put out with him, his human spirit counselor cast down with him.

The soul that FORSAKES Christ the Truth, and separates by disobedience, shall be Removed.

 Christ the Head, Shall REMOVE EVERY DISOBEDIENT SOUL from His Body to Save His Bride from darkness, death.  People sin because they forsake, FORGET the Think about the Lord.  The Bride ONLY Thinks of Him She LONGS TO BE ALWAYS WITH.  BE Awake, BE Ready, Prepared by Spirit to GO WITH Him Home.

The Lord God IS OUR King, Reverence Him ALWAYS, Serve ONLY Him, His Voice, Thoughts and do not resist, rebel, forget to abide IN Perfect Obedience UNTO Him.  CONSIDER, THINK abour, of ALL the King of Glory HAS DOEN for the Bride, Body of Children.

The LIVING Children, REBORN of the Presence, VERY Breath of His Spirit, Serve Truth with ALL their SOULS, Mind and Heart IN Christ, ONE.

We ARE the Children, Body, Bride Given a Perfect Lot to Escape the womb of time, darkness INTO the Brightness of God's Presence.  The Christ, virginal flesh and Spirit, HAS Raised His Body, Bride of Spirit unbound from TIME.  Bride and Son, RETURN AS ONE to the House OF God, SPIRITUAL Bliss FOREVER.

wake up sleepy-head, the time of HUMAN JUDGES, human thoughts, human spirits?

 IS gone with the NIGHT, time, hours of darkness, UNTO the Brightness of Day with no darkness whatsoever, IS ON His Way.  Every thing of the night of the spirit of darkness shall SUDDENLY BE Gone.   Seek the Key TO Everything True.  BE Prepared, Filled with Holy Oil, Ready and LIT BY Fire.

Serve Him THE Truth Born of the Mind of Divinity.  Fix your SOUL UPON Him, Live the Life of HOLY Flesh, Glorify Father and Son.  REJOICE IN Them, THEIR Work AS ONE.  We ARE the Reborn Living Souls BROUGHT INTO EXISTENCE by Pain, Suffering, Christ HAS Raised His Body, Bride Alive from the dead IN Perfect, Eternal ONENESS.

What IS LIKE the Christ, Flame of Brightness BURNING IN Chosen lamps in Hand of God?

 God the Spirit, the Life, THE TRUTH, Manifested in the Body of Faith, Christ? Spirit the Mind, Spirit the Source of ALL Right Thoughts.  We ARE the Body of Christ, IN UNION WITH Head, by Union of Faith we ARE BECOME ONE. OF ONE Spirit, ONE Mind, ONE Truth, ONE Undivided, INSEPARABLE Body OF Truth.  We ARE the Bride, having the SAME Mind, BEAR Truth, Thoughts of God INTO Reality BEYOND temporary life of the dead IN separation from TRUTH.

Hearing God? His Spirit, Voice Speaking to Spirit in the Chosen Temple of His Presence.  We ARE the Body of LIVING SOULS Gathered INTO ONE, the Christ of God, Spirit.   We ARE BECOME BY Faith the Body of the Son of Man.  The Ark OF God IS IN the Temple of the Lord.  His Presence Lives IN AND THROUGH US His Body, Working for Spirit.   Christ the Holy House of MANY Rooms OF Faith.  We ARE the SOULS BORN OF Him, THE Seed AND Spirit of God.

BE STILL. Believe.  WAIT in Stillness of Faith and the Lord Speaks to His IN darkness of night time.  And the Word of the Lord Reveals Him-Self to the Reborn with Opened Ears TO Hear and Respond to Truth.  THE WONDER.  The PERCEIVING THE Call of the Lord, His INAUDIBLE Voice unto the unchosen, lost, dead IN TIME.  Speak my Lord, Thy Servant, Body, IS Listening.

The Lord HAS MADE a Beginning, Adam and the Lord will Work, MAKE AN End, Christ, His Spirit of Obedience, the end of disobedience, TIME OF disobedience.

The whole world of flesh and blood, children have TURNED, GONE AFTER money, taken bribes that flesh loves, tempted HAVE PERVERTED Judgment.  Time is a temporary state where the dead void of Spirit, live until dead, back into dust.   The Living Walk Raised by Life, Truth, VERY Breath of God His Presence, not perceived by the blind, deaf, dead unto Reality.   

Time is for the DREAMERS of the NIGHT TIME, TO Rise, Awakened by Light TO Stand, and Do as the Lord Commands, Demands...absolute Devotion, Obedience, Love.

The Body, the Temple of Christ Built Truth upon Truth, EVERY Thought God's.

 I HAVE BEEN found by those REIGIOUS souls, human souls in fallen flesh, that settled for a WRITTEN word, truth for flesh and blood of AIR.  I Manifested My Self, Presence to they flesh, through Christ My Messenger of Truth.  Christ PUT ON the flesh of TIME.  The Spirit within His LIVING Soul, Spoke, Light SHONE forth in darkness of TIME.  EVEN NOW in the last of TIME, the Spiritual Body of Christ beneath temporary flesh of time, Declares the Power of Reality, to Remove human spirit, human imagination. That wars UNTO the Kingdom of Spirit UPON the dust of earth.

ANY thing OF darkness, spirit, thought, flesh, SHALL BE nonexistent in the Kingdom of Brightness. Stop clinging to the things that flesh loves, seeks, thinks desirable.  God THE only VERY NECESSARY Thing FOR Life  His Presence. His Thoughts.  His Spirit, Breath of TRUE Life.