Thursday, January 18, 2024

Union, Commitment of REBORN SOUL, virginal soul, TO Christ. The Body and Head ONE.

Christ our Father's ONLY Truth, Word BORN OF His Breath, Spirit AND Mind,Womb of Life. The Spirit Speaks to our Spirit the VERY Truthn THOUGHTS OF God. God His Spirit, OUR Understanding. The children, dead souls, born of the fallen flesh of Adame, think they are alive but in REIALTIY, God, they ARE DEAD SOULS in dying bodies of FLESH. The flesh of darkness IN TIME, think the thoughts of darkness, their fater of death. CHRIST submitted His SOUL to putting on fallen flesh of Adam, our flesh, TO DRAIN the blood, life, thoughts of Darkness from We the Risen Body, separated by Faith from the body of death, disobedient flesh. The TIME BOUND, FLESH BOUND dead SOULS ARE Separated NOW unto Eternity, God. Without Spirit, Life from death, without UNDERSTANDING that God, Spirit GIVES TO His Children, the Body of Chrsit, you will live THEN die here TURNED BACK INTO DUST IN THE WINDS. The darkness swallows up the lamps of darkness that do not POSSESS Light in them. The darkness, fears,runs from the Light IN us. Spirit, the Life we NOW Live IN Faith while yet in TIME, THIS Spirit, Life IS SAVING us from darkness in the children of flesh and blood, AIR. Christ the Life we NOW Live Glorifying, Testifying of OUR Fathe His Love and Power, FOR His LOST-in-TIME OF darkness. Given TIME to SEEKS, FIND, Live BY Faith the Obedient Life of Christ. WHY? Because we preexisted in the flesh of Adam, we once were blind, deaf, lost children deceived by darkness. Father Sent our Shepherd to Gather us UNTO Spirit OF Live. We are the LIVING Children BORN Of the Body of Christ. His Bride. Beauty Rest. Ready to Dance the NIGHT away. TIME is for getting Ready, Prepared to God, NOW.

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