The human soul is dead void of Spir it. MUST BY Faith BECOME, BE Reborn of Faith INg Truth. The human soul of human father does not Understand the Dictations of Truth. The flesh reads according to the HUMAN spirit, deceiver mistranslating the meaning of Truth into misconceptions. The REBORN soul having the SAME Spirit as Spirit the Author, Teacher, Truth, Hears with Spirit of Understanding, Knows EXACTLY WHAT God HAS DONE FOR the Body of Christ. Crucified the OLD disobedient flesh of Adam, and Raised us as Obedient Body of Christ
Christ is not a STATEMENT of Truth. Christ is a Life, prepared for u us to Live BY Faith. The Spirit IS the Power, SOURCE, a Yoke of Obedience upon us. REBORN and NOW Alive to God, Truth, We LIVE BY Spirit, LIVING SOULS within he Body of Christ. The Lord is not a PRODUCT you go from door to door to sell. Christ IS Truth and Spirit that Raise us Ali e, Empower us to Walk from this fallen world INTO the NEW World of LIVING SOULS as His Bride. SEEK with WHOLE Mind, Heart of Christ IN you and Spirit will be Given unto you.
They IN LOVE Union with darkness, Say but do not desire Light that Separates from darkness.
Lod SEND Your Spirit OF UNDERSTANDING that Raises from death INTO Life of Union ..with Christ. THIS Glorious Union of Bride, Body, WITH Bridegroom, Head, HAS BEEN PAID, BY out Father, the Mind of Power, Father Sacrificed His ONLY Son FOR the Bride prisoner of disobedience, darkness. The soul a slave to disobedience, bearing the thoughts of darkness INTO evil actions.
To Receive, Have, Possess the Spirit of Understanding IS TO ASK IN Faith and Receive by Faith.
Pride a hindrance to those who will not CONFESS their TRUE state of being. The children of pride, lost in unbelief, shall NEVER find not enter IN THROUGH the Door with Faith. Flesh knocks, but Spirit ONLY Answers, Opens DOOR TO His Children OF HUMBLENESS Reborn.
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