The Spirit of Righteousness, Humbleness, Holiness DWELLS IN His Children of Light. We ARE the Body of Christ, ALL that is IN Christ OUR Head, the Thoughts of God His Mind, BELONGS TO His Body. The Riches , the Life of devotion to God, OURS NOW BY Faith.
The SOUL Reborn Exists IN Reality, within the Body of Chrit. The Dimension of Reality. The Reality, Life, the dead Godless, Lifeless, LOST shall NEVER Conceive OF Truth and ENTER BY Spirit into the Presence of God Father of LIVING SOULS.
From fallen to earth, turned back into dust of dust, Christ Has Raised we Reborn Believers to Live SPIRITUALLY, Alive from the dead BY His Obedience in flesh. We ARE The Body of Resurrection, Raised by Christ our Head, To Think, Speak, Know, UNDERSTAND the Word of the Spirit, Kingdom of God.
Raised by Christ IN OBEDIENCE while in the womb of darkness, and Born of Obedience we as Held by our Father. We WERE born of disobedience, but Faith HAS Breathed in us, Restored us the Body of Christ, the OBEDIENT Flesh of Christ.
The Head, the Mind in Head, PRESERVES His Children from death of disobedience. CONSIDER Him His Promise, His POWER, His Will, Those who TURN BACK in disobedience, self-deceived, the children of flesh NEVER ENTER the Light of Heaven. The children of darkness in flesh, He does not Know, nor is He known by them their spirit moved flesh. They live temporary lives of dankness, always pleasing themselves, human spirit in flesh.
The Lord IS my Peace within me. Who can make trouble IN me? I am a Room in the House of Truth. There dwells no child of darkness and flesh, no liar, self deceived, that SHALL ENTER into the House of Perfection, the Body of Christ to Live FOREVER. No dead soul shall be led from God by temptation, OUT OF the Body of Christ-Life.
God STRIKES the wicked OF darkness, He Knows THEIR thoughts, works, and IN time, time of darkness IN the NIGHT, He OVERTURNS them SO THAT they ARE Destroyed. There is NO place for them to hide, there is NO DARKNESS in the Presence of Light, no where for shadows of darkness TO HIDE. The shadows of death, the workers, slaves of disobedience, Shall stand before THE Judge.
God His Burden, of Christ, the Burden the INNOCENT bear, the Presence, Source of Transformation into a soul IN His Body. The children of darkness and flesh, TURN BACK from Him IN FEAR, guilty of REJECTING, IGNORING, DENYING OUR Salvation, God. The body of death, children of flesh and darkness, CEASE TO EXIST in the Presence of Brightness.
Lord Save us from the spirit of hypocrisy. Give us leaders that are not hypocrites, not men of flesh that ENSNARE souls, HINDER from RETURNING TO You Spirit. Lord Raise UP PEOPLE OF Understanding, to Guide, Help, Guide this nation back to You.
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