Tuesday, January 16, 2024

That which does not bow IN OBEDIENCE, shall be swallowed, Removed by the Light.

 The Body Blessed with Presence of God, Christ's Body of REBORN souls, REMAIN SPIRITUALLLY Alive and Live UNTO departure from flesh, the womb of darkness.  We DEPART the womb, the flesh ALIVE not dead.  The Light, Spirit as a LAZER Engraves the Truth of God within LIVING SOULS.  The Living Waters, Rain, Sustain us in the vast wilderness of dust and death.

The House of Thunder and Rain.  REBORN, that Substance of Substance, Revealing the Way of Thunder and Rain, to those thirsting.   Depart the mortal thoughts of death, the mistranslated Thoughts of deception in the mouths of wolves of darkness, that swallow dead soul into death with NO Way TO Return.   Flesh is hungry for the things of flesh that NEVER satisfy the SOUL that Seeks to Live BY Truth.   COME TO God Goodness, that Separates the soul FROM evil, from spirit of misunderstanding TO Comprehension, Fullness of Truth.

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