Thursday, January 18, 2024
The thief of darkness, a break and enter spirit, that robs, swallows up the substance of the dead.
Union, Commitment of REBORN SOUL, virginal soul, TO Christ. The Body and Head ONE.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
The Body of Christ a Temple of Light. The HIDDEN Presence in the SOUL, His Resting Place.
Spirit of Spirit, We ARE the Body of Christ, Christ the ONLY Acceptable Offering We OFFER TO God. The Body of Christ, MANY Rooms of Light, Hear, listen to, Follow the Presence of God IN the Obedience of Christ. God Speaks. God Lives. God Saves His Chosen Residence of Goodness. COME and REMAIN WITH Him UNTIL Light HAS SWALLOWED the shadows of darkness IN TIME.
Death if not feared WHERE Light, Life, Love Exists. We wait for our departure from the body of darkness. Alive with the Help of God. The LOUDER the madness of flesh, the greater they roaring, THE CLOSER the departure of the body of darkness and AIR breathing flesh.
That which does not bow IN OBEDIENCE, shall be swallowed, Removed by the Light.
The Body Blessed with Presence of God, Christ's Body of REBORN souls, REMAIN SPIRITUALLLY Alive and Live UNTO departure from flesh, the womb of darkness. We DEPART the womb, the flesh ALIVE not dead. The Light, Spirit as a LAZER Engraves the Truth of God within LIVING SOULS. The Living Waters, Rain, Sustain us in the vast wilderness of dust and death.
The House of Thunder and Rain. REBORN, that Substance of Substance, Revealing the Way of Thunder and Rain, to those thirsting. Depart the mortal thoughts of death, the mistranslated Thoughts of deception in the mouths of wolves of darkness, that swallow dead soul into death with NO Way TO Return. Flesh is hungry for the things of flesh that NEVER satisfy the SOUL that Seeks to Live BY Truth. COME TO God Goodness, that Separates the soul FROM evil, from spirit of misunderstanding TO Comprehension, Fullness of Truth.
The NIGHT before the END, IF He Visits, Knocks on the door, INVITE Him IN, TO Stay.
The Light that Remains with Faith's HUMBLE Invitation, UNTIL Day OF Brightness SHINES,Reveals His Presence COME TO Stay. The darkness can not CAST OUT the Light, it flees the Light that SWALLOWS THE Night away. The world TURNS FROM Light, ever fleeing darkness, the world turning UNDER his feet, away from God.
EVERYTHING Testifies OF God, Truth. UNLESS dead IN Sin, NOT Alive IN Christ. His Body if FILLED with the VERY Breath OF God. TURN ON the Light and the things of darkness flee His Presence OR Come TO His Feet and BOW.
NONE so LOST as the children of the body of darkness, FLESH, void of Light.
They walk according to HUMAN spirit, the thoughts of their father, the father of flesh. ALL in MORTAL seed of flesh, enslaved to temporary breath of AIR. Void of Spirit they ARE DEAD. Christ put on fallen flesh and by His Obedience Raised us His Obedient Flesh, ALIVE TO God His Presence, the REBORN of VERY Breath of Spirit. Spoken by God INTO NEW Being, the Body of Christ. By God, Faith, Life IN US the Body of Christ Walks in this world according to Christ our Head. We Live by the VERY Thoughts of God His Mind. OUR DAILY Bread. The Spit of Christ's Mouth IS HOLY Spit. Living Waters that BRING Life. To BE Alive in the Mind, Power of God, to conform to Christ and COME FORTH into the Arms of God that WAITS for us.
A house with a Candle lit from Above Fanned by the Wings of His Presence, A Fire THAT Saves his Children from fire of destruction. Any fireman knows you swallow a lesser fire by a Greater one outside to consume and save the trees.
We the Body of Christ, MANY Rooms of Light, FOLLOW, OBEY Father's House RULES. not destroys the Rooms IN His House, NOW our Home. By Faith, we believe, BECOME God's Children REBORN OF His Truth.
Monday, January 15, 2024
Lord You HAVE Disciplined us with the children of pride, risen up as darkness over us.
Lord SEND Rain, Shine Light of Day, and Draw us back TO You Your Presence. You Love, Your Children You have Disciplined by hypocrites, children of hypocrisy. Lord we TURN NOW back to You, BY Your Will, Spirit, Truth OF Your Soul, Forgive us, Restore this Nation into Your SPIRITUAL Reflection, to Your Perfect Soul, Likeness. Let it NOW be Known, We are the Reborn OF the Body of Christ. CALL unto Your Reborn to GATHER NOW UNDER Your Wings and REMAIN. Glorify Your Self, Magnify Your Soul. The children of HUMBLENESS bow their faces to Your Feet.
God does not preserve the wicked but Gives Life to REBORN of Humble Spirit.
The Spirit of Righteousness, Humbleness, Holiness DWELLS IN His Children of Light. We ARE the Body of Christ, ALL that is IN Christ OUR Head, the Thoughts of God His Mind, BELONGS TO His Body. The Riches , the Life of devotion to God, OURS NOW BY Faith.
The SOUL Reborn Exists IN Reality, within the Body of Chrit. The Dimension of Reality. The Reality, Life, the dead Godless, Lifeless, LOST shall NEVER Conceive OF Truth and ENTER BY Spirit into the Presence of God Father of LIVING SOULS.
From fallen to earth, turned back into dust of dust, Christ Has Raised we Reborn Believers to Live SPIRITUALLY, Alive from the dead BY His Obedience in flesh. We ARE The Body of Resurrection, Raised by Christ our Head, To Think, Speak, Know, UNDERSTAND the Word of the Spirit, Kingdom of God.
Raised by Christ IN OBEDIENCE while in the womb of darkness, and Born of Obedience we as Held by our Father. We WERE born of disobedience, but Faith HAS Breathed in us, Restored us the Body of Christ, the OBEDIENT Flesh of Christ.
The Head, the Mind in Head, PRESERVES His Children from death of disobedience. CONSIDER Him His Promise, His POWER, His Will, Those who TURN BACK in disobedience, self-deceived, the children of flesh NEVER ENTER the Light of Heaven. The children of darkness in flesh, He does not Know, nor is He known by them their spirit moved flesh. They live temporary lives of dankness, always pleasing themselves, human spirit in flesh.
The Lord IS my Peace within me. Who can make trouble IN me? I am a Room in the House of Truth. There dwells no child of darkness and flesh, no liar, self deceived, that SHALL ENTER into the House of Perfection, the Body of Christ to Live FOREVER. No dead soul shall be led from God by temptation, OUT OF the Body of Christ-Life.
God STRIKES the wicked OF darkness, He Knows THEIR thoughts, works, and IN time, time of darkness IN the NIGHT, He OVERTURNS them SO THAT they ARE Destroyed. There is NO place for them to hide, there is NO DARKNESS in the Presence of Light, no where for shadows of darkness TO HIDE. The shadows of death, the workers, slaves of disobedience, Shall stand before THE Judge.
God His Burden, of Christ, the Burden the INNOCENT bear, the Presence, Source of Transformation into a soul IN His Body. The children of darkness and flesh, TURN BACK from Him IN FEAR, guilty of REJECTING, IGNORING, DENYING OUR Salvation, God. The body of death, children of flesh and darkness, CEASE TO EXIST in the Presence of Brightness.
Lord Save us from the spirit of hypocrisy. Give us leaders that are not hypocrites, not men of flesh that ENSNARE souls, HINDER from RETURNING TO You Spirit. Lord Raise UP PEOPLE OF Understanding, to Guide, Help, Guide this nation back to You.
Friday, January 5, 2024
The Life of Obedience, Christ's Life NOW ours BY Faith in God His Word of Truth.
The human soul is dead void of Spir it. MUST BY Faith BECOME, BE Reborn of Faith INg Truth. The human soul of human father does not Understand the Dictations of Truth. The flesh reads according to the HUMAN spirit, deceiver mistranslating the meaning of Truth into misconceptions. The REBORN soul having the SAME Spirit as Spirit the Author, Teacher, Truth, Hears with Spirit of Understanding, Knows EXACTLY WHAT God HAS DONE FOR the Body of Christ. Crucified the OLD disobedient flesh of Adam, and Raised us as Obedient Body of Christ
Christ is not a STATEMENT of Truth. Christ is a Life, prepared for u us to Live BY Faith. The Spirit IS the Power, SOURCE, a Yoke of Obedience upon us. REBORN and NOW Alive to God, Truth, We LIVE BY Spirit, LIVING SOULS within he Body of Christ. The Lord is not a PRODUCT you go from door to door to sell. Christ IS Truth and Spirit that Raise us Ali e, Empower us to Walk from this fallen world INTO the NEW World of LIVING SOULS as His Bride. SEEK with WHOLE Mind, Heart of Christ IN you and Spirit will be Given unto you.
They IN LOVE Union with darkness, Say but do not desire Light that Separates from darkness.
Lod SEND Your Spirit OF UNDERSTANDING that Raises from death INTO Life of Union ..with Christ. THIS Glorious Union of Bride, Body, WITH Bridegroom, Head, HAS BEEN PAID, BY out Father, the Mind of Power, Father Sacrificed His ONLY Son FOR the Bride prisoner of disobedience, darkness. The soul a slave to disobedience, bearing the thoughts of darkness INTO evil actions.
To Receive, Have, Possess the Spirit of Understanding IS TO ASK IN Faith and Receive by Faith.
Pride a hindrance to those who will not CONFESS their TRUE state of being. The children of pride, lost in unbelief, shall NEVER find not enter IN THROUGH the Door with Faith. Flesh knocks, but Spirit ONLY Answers, Opens DOOR TO His Children OF HUMBLENESS Reborn.
The Bride taken hostage, held captive to HUMAN spirit of disobedience.
Eve the body of Adam FALLEN From Mouth of God, UNTO mouth of deception. Eve not Understanding that she WAS DEAD TO God, Reality, Life, and slowly dying of poison, bite of serpent. THEN DECEIVED, she then OFFERED her evidence, that she HAD NOT DIED eating of the fruit NOT God's Fruit, and offered the poison to her husband. THUS we have HERE, the turning of Adam TO voice of His flesh FROM Voice of God.
God's Preparation. ONE Man became TWO. Male and female. To BECOME IN Reality two BECOME UNITED AS ONE again the Body of Christ. There is NO DEATH in the Life of Reality, God. ALL Reborn INTO the ONE Man Christ, Raised a LIVING Body. Flesh separated from God, Spirit Restores to Reality, Perpetual Life, God's Plan.
The souls separated by human flesh and human spirit, SOULS Yearning FOR God His Presence of Mind. The self -life, life lived by, of human spirit, must BE PUT AWAY, Crucified with Christ. The Life we NOW Have, Possess through Christ is God, PERPETUAL God being God IN us through the Body of Christ. ONLY those who PERSIST IN Seeking until He IS COME, Dwells IN them, only those who GIVE UP the flesh life for the Chrit Life OF OBEDIENCE, SHALL EVER enter, the AFTER lie, Life IN God.
Do not be deceived, deluded, separated from Truth that IS Reality. Delusional souls wandering in the place of UNCONSCOUSNESS TO God. God is not a temporary dream , life of darkness, NO, OUR God IS Life, Reality, PERPETUAL Love Calling through messengers, His Invitation to COME BACK TO Reality, before the door is CLOSED BY death, the Godless soul on the wrong side of the door.
TIME? Is not for disobedience, nor for slumber in darkness, dead to Reality, God.
Time the Mercy of God, PERPETUAL Kingdom of the Living. To perceive, Know God BY Spirit. Spirit BEGETS Spirit. Holy Communication. His Thoughts, Truth, Received by Spirit IN us. Teacher, Interpreter, Father, Speaking Life into us, the Power of His Presence within the Reborn souls, Body of Christ. TO ask, to be still, wait for His Answer, IN TIME. God Speaks. God Loves the Body, Bride of Christ. Light HAS TAKEN the Body, Bride BACK UNTO Eternal Life of Day. The Light that remains IN, with US, THROUGH OUR journey in times OF darkness. The Spirit, Mind, Thoughts of God leading, warning, revealing, keeping us SAFE IN time, through time. The world is but a dream of darkness, time OUTSIDE the Body of Eternal Love. PATIENTLY, fix the SOUL UPON Christ. He Saves His Body, Bride from darkness by His Presence. Where there is not LOVE, Presence, Spirit, Light, THAT soul is Lifeless, Loveless, LOST in times of da rkness. Love removes fear. Light removes darkness. Faith removes unbelief.
IN stillness, Love, silence, the SOUL realizes the Presence of God. The mind of SOUL that HUNGERS FOR His Presence, BY Faith PERSEVERENCE OF Faith, shall realize He INVISIBLE, PATIENTLY WAITED for HER Call unto Him. See you in the NEW, when the old is gone.