Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Take this, partake, become ONE with. Digest and Rise to Walk.

The bread of men...human doctrines have no POWER. BY Faith we Digest, become ONE WITH Truth, Christ...and QUICKENED, ENERGIZED INTO being a NEW creature, believer by Faith. The entrance of Spirit of Faith entering, indwelling, us the temples of Faith. I was blind, ignorant of the Meaning of Truth. UNTIL the Author became ONE with me, opened my SPIRITUAL eyes to See according to Him. Human teachers, preachers, leaders...translating, teaching according to their human self, spirit of error, decceit. Unable to ENTER IN...TO Union with God...Fellowship...and hindering, hiding the Way IN from others. Men in love with, unwilling to sacrifice their sin. To forsake Sin for love of God...entering into Perfect Union of Love. Forgive them because they are blind and deaf, self-led...glorifying the evil human self, spirit. They are already dead spiritually...leading to both PHYSICAL and spiritual death, 1Peter 3:18-19. Christ a LIVING Soul born of God, Sinless, a Soul born of DIVINE Spirit and flesh...was not dead soul, Godless...temporary life of Sin. The soul born of God is PERPETUAL...has a DIVINE Nature...Holy...comes FROM Father, Above and RETURNS TO Father. The Truth can be SEEN only Read by Divne Natured Reborn soul, God opens the Spiritual EYES of SOUL... Quickening the soul by the entrance of Sirit into NEW Life, the living according to the Spirit...your Father. Too hard, too unbelievable to the children of the angel of death, shepherd of the dead souls. IMPOSSIBLE FOR the Godless, Fatherless...blind, deaf, dead souls asleep in the slumber of sin...dead to God. ALWAYS RESISTING the very Truth, the Key that would set them free...and plant them IN. BELIEVE...Receive...RISE and Walk in Spirit, HIS Presence, Power, Will.

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