Monday, November 8, 2021

The practice of being still in the Presence of God our Father, His Spirit, Wings.

The WORK of God. Spirit over us, fanning His Wings and the Awakened soul suddenly filled with fullness of Light. Able to discern the darkness from the Light. To remain under Him His Presence, His Power, His SSWill. To open the mouth and be fed by Him, Him alone God. To have no OTHER spirit within the House of God but His Spirit. The Reborn soul...the Quickening of the soul INTO Life by the Kiss, the Breath of God. Holy Resusataion of the soul from being dead into a LIVING Child of God. The Spirit, the Life...the Presence of our Father, Guiding, Teaching,Leading us within the Path, the STEPS OF Righteousness. The Spirit, the Life, the Father IN Christ...NOW WITHIN the Awakened soul. Christ our Head...we the Body of Christ. The NEW He our Father IN Christ. WHERE the Head the Body of Life. To remain ONE with Him, to ABIDE IN Him, that He remain in us. To die IN DARKNESS? The death of the sin natured SOUL. To NEVER DEPART the womb of darkness and SEE the Light of Day. Enabled by God to receive, bear His Seed of Living Truth and become ONE WITH the Tree of Life. And bear Holy Fruit...Living Word of the Spirit of Life. To become Alive by Faith. To Hear Him by Faith. To WALK according to the Light that we not stumble unto fall back into the darkness. We are the Works of Him His Hands...His Labor. We are nothing. God is EVERYTHING. Love of God and the fear of LOSS s. To Conceive within and depart the womb of darkness...IN Union, ONENESS with our Head. The soul and the temporary garment of FLESH. Within the womb of darkness, the soul is dead unless the Lord Quiceen th soul into a LIVING soul. The spirit of flesh...temporary spirit of temporary flesh...seeks to conceal, confuse, mislead the soul into utter DARKNESS OF NO RETURN. NO Way to. Adam lied, could not conceal, hide from Eyes of God. JOB 31:33...IF I likw Adam, concealed, hid Iniquity IN my heart...I would remain an enemy of God, Light, Truth. The Lord has sent a NEW Spirit, Divine Nature in my heart, mind...Transformed me into a temple of Truth. The Light removes my darkness from me that I can See, Reccognize, Know Him as He SEES me...IN Christ, the Body of Christ GOVERNED by the Living Word of God. The Guiding Light of the entrance of New Day, Way of Living To have but ONE Father, ONE Spirit, ONE Master, ONE Truth. To REJECT, REFUSE ALL "OTHER" THAN THE Spirit of God to Guide, Teach...GROW THE SOUL INTO THE Likeness of God within. To MATURE in Him, ONENESS WITH Him and depart the womb of darkness ALIVE not dead, left behind, cast down into the pit of NO Way TO RETURN...Aend. The Angels, Spirits of the Lored. CONFORMING us into the SPIRITUAL Likeness of Him our Father. Pray. ASK BY Faith and Receive Life in your soul...and depart the body of death, garment of flesh ALIVE not dead in sin and unbelief. Who can depart the sin of unbelief without the Help, Presence of God, Faith IN them? ALL born of HUMAN father and womb of human flesh, dust shall return...go, descending with NO Spirit, No Life, NO Wings to Ascend, Return to the Father of the LIVING souls. There is nothing IN me that IS Good but the Father His Spirit of NEW BEING. Transformed, Changed...the soul and Spirit BECOME ONE through the Will of God alone. By Invitation, by Faith we believe, obey...become as our Father COMMANDS. Find invisible God if He hides from DEAF, BLIND, CIPPLED, lame SOULS. ONLY by His Revelation, the opening of the soul to receive the Seed of Truth. The Conceiving of Chriat within the soul by the Will, the Power of God alone. By Invitation we the Garment of Christ do we enter. The garment of flesh, darkness, sin shall never enter. False teachers...children of to hide, conceal the ONLY Way the soul may BECOME an ENTER, Return to the Presence of THE Father of the Living. No man can Change him his evil self, only pretend and deceive self and others of his true nature....his state of being in Eyes of God...dead garment, dead soul cast into the dust together. They will but are blind...the dead cannot see the Light of Day Let no false teacher...conceal the ONLY Way: the Spirit of Christ IN your soul...BY Faith, believing God's Living Word. He LIVES. He Breaths. He Teaches, He Guides. Hs SHINES. Doubt and unbelief hinder the children of darkness from coming to Him.

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