Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The burden of Truth for some...

To Tell, Speak Truth of God...Mystery hidden in Scriptures from the children of HUMAN fathers, is HARD. Jesus: Do I Living Truth, Word of God, OFFEND thee? Woe. And WHEN Jesus Told them that ONLY the Father, His Spirit GIVES Life..lyi.John 6:3. no one CAN COME TO Me, Truth... God ENABLES, makes it possible...John 6:65. "You did not choose Me, I Choaw you FIRST." The LOST Sheep of Father...GIVEN TO ME TO Gather, Shepherd and RETURN TO Father. JOHN 6:66, HEARING His Truth, Words...they from that-time, followed not, Walked with Him no more. No Union, Oneness with the Word of God, Truth. SO...UNLESS the Father DRAW, lead us back to Him Self, we are doomed to perpetual lostness. FEAR Him. Reverance Him. Love, obey Him...leave nothing undone. We have no more excuse for sin, disobedience, transgression...for God has made an end of sin through Christ Jesus. The Spirit is the Gift...the Will-to, the Power-to obey, please God and not the human self...Phil 2:10-13. Unless you Read according to the deceiving, lying, hindering human spirit of unbelief and ERROR that governs souls born of human spirit, human father. The human spirit that blinds,

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