The sinner can deceive self, flesh and blood, the human self, human being. BUT God Sees, Hears, KNOWS ALL. God Perceives Knows BY Spirit if a believer OR unbeliever OF TIME. The God Breathed Saint, Chosen BY Will OF God, Spirit, To RAISE Adam A man that Walked, with God, Thoughts OF Spirit, THEN desire for MORE THAN God, by envy, of what was not, wanted what creatures had, a likeness, reflection.
Adam was Created FOR God. God WAS NOT ENOUGH. The Life of Soul and Spirit not enough for Adam. Human children led deeper into darkness OF flesh, human spirit, WHERE NO Spirit to Save, Keep them FROM trouble TIME. This is not the World that Reflects God's Spirit, His Power, Love. This is a world divided by SELF-ishness. The Body of Christ, NEW Man, Land of Obedience, OUR Father His Thoughts, His Presence WE NOW Live FOR. By Spirit of OUR Rebirth, Presence OF God we Know WHAT God HAS DONE through Truth His Word, ONLY Truth that EXISTS WITHIN We THE Body Crucified BY Father and Son, NOW BY Faith, Believing, We Live Walking in the Thoughts of God, the Body, Church, Bride THAT BEARS the Message, Presence, LIVING Doctrine, Her Life, Thoughts of Truth, the Mind that Bride IS Chained to, BY Love.
The human ostrich, that thinks his head is hidden in, buried in pit. If man cannot see God, then God cannot See him. The eyes of man cannot discern the presence, predator, lion about to devour. Pain suffering of false conceptions, loss, pain of life. Our Father, Spirit, Mind OF Christ, Truth, OUR Eyes See, Know, Hear God His Spirit in Christ His Body. Warned we DO AS He Says, out of harm's way. The OLD way of faith, human PARTIAL truth, faith, NO Life Saving Faith at all. Living Truth, Thoughts OF Spirit, ARE our Life of Obedience as Children of Faith. Christ, the Body, Church that Spirit and Truth EXIST BY, God the Breath of Life, Presence, Power, Moving, BEING God of His House of Truth, True Wordhip, OBEDIENCE UNTO God.
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