The spirit that pretends to Know God for money, human flesh, ACTING but is NOT. The children of RELIGION, THAT ARE NOT Children of Spirit, The Body of Christ, Circumcised Heart AND Eare that Receive the Truth, Thoughts OF Spirit. The children, followers of the devil, the spirit, the thoughts they believe, follow. Deceived void of Spirit, Thoughts of Truth, THEY are religious, dead souls passing through time of dust, back to dust of earth. ACTS Ch 8.
The devils of earth that hate, fight the Body of Christ, the Church of God's Presence, His Feet, Standing with the serpent, dust, time BENEATH the Presence OF His Freet. The church of time, earth, that Received the Law, from Angels UNTO Moses, people who have not Obeyed God OUR Father, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT the Church of Reality. Human imagination, the chains of doubt unto disobedience DRAG them Lifeless to dust of nonexistence. Spirit and Truth, Reality, Live within souls Reborn OF Spirit, Children OF Life.
The church of the ANTI- christ human spirit acting, pretending TO BE what they ARE NOT, because they NEVER WERE, those to COME TO God Hearing Voice of Truth, Light of Brightness. ONLY His Believers, Know and Seek TO Remain by Faith in His Presence, Power.
By the Hands of His Body, they Received the Holy Ghost OF Faith, Spirit, Life of Truth ROOED BY Faith. CURSED, deceived to think the Holy Spirit can be purchased by money from the liars, deceivers, lovers of money, power, pride. The whole entire WORLD of flesh and blood deceived by the wicked human spirit of TIME.
We the Body OF Obedience, NEW Flesh, Spiritual Church, Walk the earth of TIME WITH Heart OF Truth, Speaking the Mind, Thoughts of God in Christ OUR Head OF Union.
CURSED, DEAD, GONE after, walking by human spirit, deceit, unto death of unconsciousness of God.
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