Release the prisoners of the human spirit TO OUR Lord Jesus His Name. WE Commnd His Will BE DONE. WHATEVER EVEN One OF His Asks, Having His Power, Presence, WILL BE, DONE. We His Body, Resurrected souls, REBORN OF, BY Spirit, TO Go, Serve IN His Name, His Will, the Will OF God. BY thr Command, Power of Jesus His Name, The Chains of death, di sobedience ARE NOW Removed.
JUST, ONLY Believe, Rise by Spirit AND Serve Him OUR Lord., NOW. O Reader, Believer, Rise IN Freedom and Serve OUR Lord.
Christ Crucified our human spirit, AIR, life in blood, HAS Raised His Body by Power, Presence OF God, NOW Soldier OF Christ, Give up the self life of death, AND Rise, Live GLORIFYING Him on earth, in time.
Generation of Life, want OUR Pronouns? His, We, We His, He OURS, COME AS ONE IN His Name of Power. NOW Wake up, TAKE His Name. Bear His Thoughts, Seed OF God, the Truth into Reality.
God , MIGHTY Spirit, Breath OF God, His Presence Reigns over mere winds, thoughts of darkness.
Reality Commands the human darkness, NOW. be GONE with TIME. The Human army of darkness NOW meets the Whirlwind IN TIME, DIES. The Power, Will, Spirit CAST OUT OF EXISTENCE, lEAVING only the LIVING Alivve.
His Body WITH Tongue OF Fire, Speak NOW in THE Name, God, Spirit, Fire and Wind, SET THIS WORLD ON Fire, with the Presence OF Brightness, Day. Father, Glorify Father and Son, as Highest Power, Name. SET the world ON Fire. The LIVING, Wheat Gathered NOW into the Church, Body of Christ. BURN the fields of TIME to ashes of dust. By Love OF God, BY His Spirit we Live NEVER TO DIE with UNBELIEVERS, DEAD WITHOUT Life.