Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Take this, partake, become ONE with. Digest and Rise to Walk.
The bread of men...human doctrines have no POWER. BY Faith we Digest, become ONE WITH Truth, Christ...and QUICKENED, ENERGIZED INTO being a NEW creature, believer by Faith. The entrance of Spirit of Faith entering, indwelling, us the temples of Faith.
I was blind, ignorant of the Meaning of Truth. UNTIL the Author became ONE with me, opened my SPIRITUAL eyes to See according to Him. Human teachers, preachers, leaders...translating, teaching according to their human self, spirit of error, decceit. Unable to ENTER IN...TO Union with God...Fellowship...and hindering, hiding the Way IN from others.
Men in love with, unwilling to sacrifice their sin. To forsake Sin for love of God...entering into Perfect Union of Love. Forgive them because they are blind and deaf, self-led...glorifying the evil human self, spirit. They are already dead spiritually...leading to both PHYSICAL and spiritual death, 1Peter 3:18-19. Christ a LIVING Soul born of God, Sinless, a Soul born of DIVINE Spirit and flesh...was not dead soul, Godless...temporary life of Sin. The soul born of God is PERPETUAL...has a DIVINE Nature...Holy...comes FROM Father, Above and RETURNS TO Father.
The Truth can be SEEN only Read by Divne Natured Reborn soul, God opens the Spiritual EYES of SOUL... Quickening the soul by the entrance of Sirit into NEW Life, the living according to the Spirit...your Father. Too hard, too unbelievable to the children of the angel of death, shepherd of the dead souls. IMPOSSIBLE FOR the Godless, Fatherless...blind, deaf, dead souls asleep in the slumber of sin...dead to God. ALWAYS RESISTING the very Truth, the Key that would set them free...and plant them IN. BELIEVE...Receive...RISE and Walk in Spirit, HIS Presence, Power, Will.
The burden of Truth for some...
To Tell, Speak Truth of God...Mystery hidden in Scriptures from the children of HUMAN fathers, is HARD. Jesus: Do I Living Truth, Word of God, OFFEND thee? Woe.
And WHEN Jesus Told them that ONLY the Father, His Spirit GIVES Life..lyi.John 6:3. no one CAN COME TO Me, Truth... God ENABLES, makes it possible...John 6:65. "You did not choose Me, I Choaw you FIRST." The LOST Sheep of Father...GIVEN TO ME TO Gather, Shepherd and RETURN TO Father. JOHN 6:66, HEARING His Truth, Words...they from that-time, followed not, Walked with Him no more. No Union, Oneness with the Word of God, Truth.
SO...UNLESS the Father DRAW, lead us back to Him Self, we are doomed to perpetual lostness.
FEAR Him. Reverance Him. Love, obey Him...leave nothing undone. We have no more excuse for sin, disobedience, transgression...for God has made an end of sin through Christ Jesus. The Spirit is the Gift...the Will-to, the Power-to obey, please God and not the human self...Phil 2:10-13. Unless you Read according to the deceiving, lying, hindering human spirit of unbelief and ERROR that governs souls born of human spirit, human father. The human spirit that blinds,
Friday, April 2, 2021
The Burden OF the Word of the Lord, Malachi 1:1
Jesus: I NEVER Knew you. My Sheep, My Father's LOST Sheep...Know Me and I Know them.
Sheep bearing the Mark of God, Holy Spirit upon them. Reborn of the Will of the Father alone. HUMAN WILL IS NOTHING. I God Chose you BEFORE you Chose Me.
I HAVE Loved you...My Jacob. Governed, RULED, by God Lord and Master, Shepherd, Guide of His Sheep. Gathering the LOST...BY Spirit, Angel of the Lord. Heaven's Shepherd. The ONLY Way to by God's Will, God's Spirit ONE WITH A SOUL.
Light OF Light born...Walking in the fullness of Light. No wandering off, far from Him...lost...captive to the shepherd, angel of death. The god, temporary life in souls born of HUMAN fathers..
Malachi chapter 1. IN what "WAY" HAVE I Loved Jacob lost in the darkness below? Jacob reborn of the Spirit...lost sheep of God. Esau...the "soul" born of a HUMAN father, doomed to remain a "lamp of darkness", a lamp of pretense, faking...pretending. The human spirit pretending to be God, His Spirit, His Voice.
The Burden OF Truth. Judas a son of perdition pretended to love the Son, exchaning True Riches for earthly mammon. SPIRITUAL ESAU-s selling the ineritance, Blessing...for earthly, desires.
Do not BE like Esau, Hebrews 12:16-17...who wept, mourned, regretted, and found no OPPORTUNITY TO Repent, Return. Christ says TODAY...NOW...while there is yet temporary life, human spirit in flesh and blood...TURN BACK. Esau's great loss of Life the Living according to Spirit.
The Lord of Hosts...Says...WHAT...THEY build, I will cast, throw down. Esau-s live in the Territory of Wickedness, the wilderness of jackals, poor in spirit, being they are VOID OF Spirit, True Riches. People...souls whom the Lord is agsint forever. People who feed false doctrines...poison to His LOST Sheep. Shepherd of darkness...wilderness who mislead, tempt them even farther away from He, Righteousness. People who exalt their "self"...their thoughts of unbelief above God, Spirit, Voice of Truth.
IF the Lord is THEIR Master, LORD, Father...why do they not honor, OBEY Him?
They have contempt for the Lord's Table...Christ Jesus' Food/ My Food is the Will of My Father, My God. They sacrifice TO evil not to Good. Putting into action evil thoughts...deeds.
Christ Says...temptations will come...but we SAY NO TO Sin, FOR Phil 2:10-13, it is God who GIVES, SUPPLIES YOU The Power-TO and the Will-to Say NO TO Sin. What have these devils born of human father and human spirit...been feeding, teaching you? Christ DIED for the LOST Sheep to receive Rebirth, a NEW Spirit...the being a Child OF Righteousness Born.
To Worship void of Spirit and Truth...IS worship in vain. The acceptable Worship...Right Thought, Right the indwelling of Right Spirit. The fake worship of men...who SAY but do not DO. Lipservice. To crucify the evil cast out evil spirit BY the Indwelling Greater Spirit, God. By Faith. To Walk BY Faith. To remain upon the perfect...STRAIGHT...NARROW Path of Christ. Led by the Light within you a lamp of Light.
Taken captive by...TO mere men, pretending to be righteous, faking it...until human spirit, human desires reveal the Sin within that masters, owns them? TOO unbearable is the Truth? Afraid of mere mortals what THEY think? FEAR God instead, for He can kill both the SOUL and the body born of HUMAN father. UNHoly, UNGodly creatures, doomed, destined to pass into nonexistence with this world below. By the Sword of His Mouth...they shall die below...NEVER enter the Way, Door opened before us. They are blind, deaf and spiritually crippled.
The earthly, mortal church of fallen mankind, deceived and deceiving others. SELF-elected teachers who know not God, Truth, Spirit and Son. Leave the alone. God is God all by Himself...and Draws to Himself...His His own Spirit Poured out of Christ...into souls Reborn, crying out until Living Waters flow into open mouths of souls. STOP fasting from food and START fasting from evil thinking, doing...for this pleases the Lord.
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