Friday, December 13, 2024

the human flesh of wickedness say unto Spirit, God, DEPART FROM us, for we DESIRE the human life INTIME.

The wicked when BECOME old, mighty in the power of flesh, their seed of flesh IS establidhed, rooted IN TIME. THEIR house, their seed,their children live IN TIME before their eyes, safe from fear in time, their little ones DANCE LIKE a flock TO THE sound, music, thoughts of darkness. SPEND THEIR TIME IN wealth, earthly riches. THEN SUDDENLY, IN MOMENT NOW go down to the grave of the disobedient. They Desire NOT the Presence, Mind, Thoughts, His Way, Life, THEY DESIRE God LEAVE THEM ALONE with their father, life of darkness. WHAT is the Lord ALMIGHTY TO us, the flesh of time that we Serve Him. WHAT Profit TO children of flesh and blood, TIME BOUND, to ACKNOWLEDGE God, Wisdom, Truth? The seed of darkness, the weeds, NEVER WERE in the fallen body of Adam. Fallen IN TIME to the mind, heart, MOUTH, thoughts of darkness. Snake bit, POISONED UNTO death, separation FROM Life, Reality, BEYOND the limited imagination of men. The flesh of dust like chaff, dust removed by time winds, the Body and Head, Man, Spiritual Flesh SHALL SEE CARRIED AWAY BY their darkness, their temporary house of life GONE WITH NIGHT OF darkness, TIME. The flesh of human, shall see death, drink of the cup of birrerness by ALL dead in the flesh of separation. They LIE DOWN IN DUST, eaten by worms. BEHOLD God Knows THEIR thoughts of darkness, their mind, the imagination that is against God THE Right. The wicked but for a MOMENT EXIST AS houses, residence of evil. AMD the Living IN the Body, Church OF Christ Shall LOOK ANF SAY: where is the house of darkness, the body of pride, the house of the dead children, GONE WITH THEIR darkness AT THE Coming of Day, NOTHING BUT Brightness, Life IN Christ, the Good House OF Joy.

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