Tuesday, December 24, 2024

I HAVE Confessed my partial obedince, my inability by flesh to please ONLY You.

My SOUL MELTS, Strengthen my SOUL ACCORDING TO Faith IN Christ Living Word. REMOVE from me lying, deceit, unbelief,weakness of flesh. REMOVE from my soul the spirit of darkness,AIR of time, and Fill my soul with Breath of Life. Create IN me Your Right Spirit, Grant to me Your Spirit, Your Truth, LAW by Grace. I CHOSE TO FORSAKE ALL that I am, flesh and blood, FOR the Way OF Truth, I CLING TO Christ Your Truth. Teach me my God, my Father Eternal. BE my Understanding OF Your Prcepts, SO THAT I Walk BY Spirit in the Steps, Thoughts You God, the ALMIGHTY Breath of Life, the Hope within me. I Substance OF Substance, MELT INTO ONE. The Breath of Spirit, ENLARGES heart as I Run IN OBEDIENCE, the Life, Path OF Christ His Body. We Run LIFTED by Wings of Peace, Holy Union, ONENESS of Faith, the Soul, Mind and Heart VICTORIOUS, vICTORS IN Christ, we CAST OURSELVES INTO Brightness. We ARE the Body, Bride Chosen FOR Christ. TEACH us, REVEAL TO us the Way to Walk at Liberty. Write, Engrave by Finger of God, the Beloved Truth OF Heaven, EMPOWER the Bride to Stand UNFALLEN WITHOUT shame. Beloved Father and Beloved Word, TRUTH WE physically die for, to ENTER by Glorious Presence OF Life. Your Word IS Good, Keep Your Word IN THE MOUTH of my flesh, a LIVING Testimony OF Truth. Thy Seed and Spirit, Rain HAVE QUICKENED me INTO Life, Grafted my SOUL into the Tree OF Life.

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Spirit WENT from Saul TO David ZEALOUS FOR God His Name.

Saul HATED, RESENTED that the Spirit LEFT Him to NOW ABIDE IN David. God's Will DISPLEASED Saul. That his kingdom GO TO David. The kingdom praised David, and evil human spirit IN Saul, MADE David the TARGET of his wrath. SAUL WAS AFRAID OF David, BECAUSE Spiri departed Saul and NOW was with David. The Lord FORSAKES NOT the Believer as long as Believer, FORSAKES NOT THE Presence OF His Wings. The disobedient HATE, RESENT the Faithful, Obedient Body OF Christ. The disobedient become the enemy of the Obedient continually. THE enemy seeks a fall out from UNDER the Wings OF God. The Children of God ARE Delighted by the Presence OF God. To HIDE IN THE SECRET Place, UNTIL Morning Come. BE Faithful TO Spirit IN Body of Christ, Sin NOT BY bearing thoughts of deceit, unbelief. The Spirit WED UNTO, INTO the Body, Bride OF Truth. Think, Conseive ONLY Good Thoughts, Truth, BRCAUSE THE Work OF Spirit, Obedience is Good UNTO THE Body of Faith. To Think, Speak, ACT according to ANY OTHER spirit BUT God, IS REBELLION, become instrument of darkness at war against Truth.

The Walls of Truth, Keep us Alive as ONE. The Body, Bride that fears not as children of flesh do.

Saul'S CONFESSION TO Samuel, I have transgressed the Command of the Mind, God. BECAUE I feared the people, flesh, I did their will,desire, thoughts, voice of flesh. BUT Samuel REFUSED TO PARDON the Sin of Saul, by worshipping with Saul, the Lord. The Lord, Spirit, departs the disobedient soul, and Spirit GIVES His Presence to the mind, heart that that VOW TO Obey ONLY God, Thought, Presence, His Voice, not the human spirit that takes prisoner the disobedient soul. The soul THAT REJECTS the Spirit as King, that leaves UNDONE the Will OF God, the Spirit shall reject, give unto death the soul that DEPARTS Life. The Spirit Chooses, WHERE He Desires to Exist, BE. The Obedient SOUL. God is not a man flesh and blood, God is the Spirit THAT Sees the INWARD, WHAT IS WITHIN the mind and heart OF Soul. The Departure of Spirit? The SOUL left alone with darkness, disobedience, UNREST. The soul given unto the power of trouble. A flesh tormented by trouble, WHERE there IS NO Peace, Presence OF God. Who, WHAT IS, the philistine, UNCIRCUMCISED flesh, that stands, taunting the Army of the Lord's Presence. The Arm Circumciseed by Hand, Will, Mind OF God. The Man that SLAYS the enemy of Bride, Tribe, THIS Man the King of Glory WILL ENRICH Him and Give His Daughter and House of Freedom.

the WHITEWASHED church of religion IS NOT God's House Resurrected BY Truth IN Christ..

The Body of Christ HAS BEEN PERFECTED BY. Mind OF Obedience IN He,Head of Body. The WHITEWASH OF PRETENSE IS the imperfect worship of flesh and blood, that FALSELY Claim TO Know GOD, TRUE Life of Obediencee, the Gift from Father TO Bride OF Son. God the Mind IN Jesus, NOW OURS BY Faith. THE DEVILS mixture OF PART truth and part error. The spirit of human imagination, that relies on mind of flesh and blood for Understanding. ONLY Christ, the LIVING Truth, His Spirit, the Acceptable Way of Understanding. Saul allowed his Son Jonathan to disobey his command, instead of holding him TO OBEDIENCE. The people ruled by Saul Sinned AGAINST the Lord, Spirit, trespassed by blood of AIR instead of Obedience, Breath of God. Saul built an altar TO the Lord. And Saul said, LET US GO DOWN IN THE NIGHT and TAKE every man into death. THEN the people, flesh and blood said? DO WHATSOEVER seems, appears to be good TO you. The priest said, let us DRAW TOGETHER NEAR UNTO God FOR Hi s Counse, BUT God did not Answer him. Saul then BROUGHT TOGETHER hIS chief, leaders TO FIND the CAUSE, THE SIN, THE DISOBEDIENCE done that Turned God AWAY. Saul Prepared to give unto death, the disobedint soul. UNTIL flesh was his OWN flesh, Son Jonathan. The people Escaped BY A Perfect Lot, but Saul and Jonathan did not. THEN Saul BROKE his Vow UNTO God. Saul Chose to save his own skin of disobedience, by listening to voice, will, judement of flesh, his people. Jonathan with God brought Salvation from enemy. But there was NO END to the war with the Philistines. HEARKEN UNTO Voice, Words of Spirit, Mind OF God. NOW go and SMITE Amalek, UTTERLY DESTROY, remove all that is possession of his kingdom. BUT Saul ATAIN listened, head the thoughts of his people. ALL the things of enemy were not destroyed IN Obedience to Spirit. And the Lord Said, I REGRET that Saul WAS EVER seated AS king, BECAUSE he TURNED BACK FROM Following, Obeying Me, Spirit. NO to God, Breath, Life, and YES to flesh alive by AIR in the blood. O the Eternal Blessing of BEING the Body, of Spirit, Life, Breath of God. Christ Surrendered to Will OF Spirit, Willing He the ONE that Raised the MANY Alive NOW IN Christ. The Land. We the Body, Land, Guarded by Spirit, KEPT Safe from the enemy BY Spirit OF Resurrection THAT keeps us Standing, NEVER FALLEN DEAD SOULS OF TIME.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The children OF TIME, of flesh and human spirit AIR, love THEIR life on earth, Resist, Deny, Remove?

Every Thought, Life of OBedience, that they can. Human flesh can hurt human flesh, BUT NOT the Spiritual Boudy OF Christ. The FAKE church, PRETENDS TO Know and Obey Truth, but IN Reality, THE religious church, pretenders, that rule by human spirit, SHALL BE FOUND GONE, time and all flesh and blood of resistance. Guilty of Separation from the Presence, Spirit OF God, IS DEATH IN TIME. Jesus lived in human flesh, A Holy Soul, Substabce OF Reality SENT DOWN TO Reveal the Way OF Holy Life, Spirit, Presence OF God, TO Remove,Rule in Eternal, Perpetual Dominion OVER the body of flesh, blood,darkness, temporary AIR. We ALL FIRST born of Adam,flesh the house of death, MUST BY Faith, Spirit must BECOME the Christ,Body, House of Truth, Spirit. Just one drop, bite, thought of disovedience LEADS TO act of disobedience, THE WHOLE human flesh of Adam,given to death IN TIME. We ARE the Body, the Flesh OF Spirit, Spiritual Chldren, Church, HOUSE OF Perfect Absolute Obedience, His Feet, Body that Bears THE TRUTH, Every Thought God's. WHERE is God, Spirit? NOW. The Body, Man BIRTHED OF Reality, the ONLY House that REMAINS BEYOND TIME.

God has Created us imperfect, weak, breakable vessels HARDENED BY fear ?

The imperfect,weak,deceivable,BROKEN, THEN Restored IN One Mand, One Body of OBedience, THROUGH death THEN Raise into Everlasting Kingdom OF Eternal Life. The Lord SENT His Shepherd to Gather HIS lost in darkness, unto mouths of wolves of darkness, TO Raise the Flesh, Tribe OF Brightness BACK BY Light. As THE Son CAME DOWN by Spirit, SO the Kingdom of Reality also Shall Rise BY Spirit. Everything that lives by AIR,dead, conscumed by Fire. Truth HAS COME DOWN, IN TIME, THEN Returned to Eternal Reality, And we ARE His Body OF SOULS that Live by Holy Spirit, Power of Obedience. The dead soon gone with in time. The LIVING SOULS Remain BOWED, Serving only the Word, Thoughts of Spirit. There IS NO time, ONLY Ever NOW within the LIVING. NONE BUT God, Spirit, DECIDES where He Abides. Glory to God Father of Christ and His Body, Bride. Time is temporary,gone with destruction, nonexistence,as a dream OF night. NO version, flavor of darkness, that rules thgouth relgions of time, ARE the One, Only, Body, Temple, Bride, NO RELIGION, the Evidene, Proof IS Living the Life OF Christ, SENT DOWN INTO flesh time, to Reveal the Power, Will OF God, Father to Raise the dead disobedient flesh of Adam, AS the Body, Spirit that Swallows deat from time.

Christ THE Shepherd OF Goodness, IS NOW Leading His Flock BY the Hand of God.

The Flock, Body, BROUGHT OUT OF THE sea of darkness, unrighteousness, ALIVE out from under the WAVES that drown, TAKE UNDER, ALL the Breathless souls, human souls bound in flesh time, DEAD BY LOSS OF AIR, the temporary spirit, life in the dead. THE GLORY. Christ the Son of Glory that leads the LOST Flock, like a horse in the wilderness,or throgh deep,waters, so that it SHOULD NOT STUMBLE? By Faith IN Christ, Truth, Spirit, Live NOW by the Promise of God His Presence. Truly IS God our Father BY the SPIRITUAL Faith IN Abraham. Abraham's Faith, NOW the Faith OF ALL Believers, Gentile and Jew, Seed FOUND IN Christ, BECOME ONE NEW Man, ONE NEW Heart Land, ONE Nation, Kingdom, Tribe REBORN OF God, Spirit and Seed. The Children OF God's Promise. IN TIME the Seed of Adam, not all believed, walked in faith. ALL the seed,souls born of human spirit ARE dead in temporary life. ONLY IN Christ, His Body are all the seed Adam, NOW Restored BY Faith INTO the Perected Body of Christ, BY OBEDIENCE, Power, Presence OF Goodness,BY Faith, Existing in the Flesh of Christ, EVERY LIVING SOUL THAT Breaths by Spirit, not the dead alive by temporary air, presence of darkness.

The HUMAN SOUL HAS a temporary spirit of AIR, NOT THE Spirit OF THE REBORN, THAT?

IF BOTH Hears and OBEYS Spirit until death of body and AIR, IS Transplanted into the Body of Christ, the SPIRUTAL Bride, Church, SAINSTS that Live to Love only, Obey only Him the Word, Son of God. The temporary flesh hurts with pain, the dead don't hurt. The Living NEVER DIE. The LOSS OF flesh the source of pain and sorroe, the end of doing your TIME. Watch AND Remember, these Are the TIME OF Grace. SO Watch and Pray IN Rembrance OF Him. Think, Conceive ONLH His Thoughts in TIME THAT Brightness, Day IF Come. WATCH YE THAT always, Think, Rember the Lord. Isaiah 63. My Children of Christ, GATHERED IN HODY, Church OF THE lIVING, WILL NOT LIE BECAUSE Truth, Head of Tribe, Saves His PEOPLE from the liar,devil,destruction. God the Gift, the Grace, THE GOODNESS that Reveals Self TO Chosen? BUT in the time of Moses, they REBELLED ans VEXED HOLY Spirit, Goodness and THEN HE TURNED Goodness away from them and they ENEMY Handed OVER to the WRATH OF God [IN TIME UNTIL Turned BACK IN SORROW, Repentance TO Him]. Isaish 63:10. NOW, TODAY, IN flesh IN TIME, Come to the Spirit BY Faith Live, Walking in the Good, Pure Thoughts of God. The Spirit, God, He WHO BRINGS His people, led His Flock BY His Word in the Path MADE BY Spirit the even EARTHLY WATERS,TIDES, WAVES OBEY His Command, Will. The Shepherd, Truth, THAT HAS the Spirit, ALMIGHTY Power within Him, IS LEADING We His Body, Flock in His VERY STEPS, Thoughts OF Spirit, WE Follow from TIME INTO Kindom of Glory, the Living Separated from the kindom of death, the dead children OF flesh and time.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Merciful God Knows children of dust ARE TEMPORARY dust and earthly water,

The DUST of time, the Wind MOVES OVER IT AND IT the dust IS GONE. DEAD SOULS BELONG TO THE EARTH TIME, THE LIVING SOULS Spirit, Vessels Changed BY Fire, Retain Living Waters OF ONE Perfect Vessel Existing by the Will, Power, Mind of Holy Spirit. Bless God and His Angels that EXCEL IN Strength, that Serve God IN OBEDIENCE to Wordk Truth OF Spirit. BLESS ALL that PLEASE God, not pleasing flesh and blood. Bless the Lord ALL you that ARE His vessels of Truth in TIME. His Works in all places OF His Dominion, Presence, LIVING SOULS that BLESS the Lord. The Angels, Spirits of Truth are LIKE Flaiming of Fire. The earthly mountains of pride flee at the Presence of Light and Voice OF Thunder. They flee. They flee down into the valley of darkness, the place Created FOR them.

His Saints Love and OBEY , THE Lord, Substance OF Love THAT PRESERVES His LIVING SOUL, Saint.

Light, Truth IS SOWN FOR the Righteous Seed OF Life TO GROW. God THE Mind of Truth, Thoughts, He Spirit IS Remembrance FOR His people. The Hand that Planted a SECRET Seed, DORMANT untiL Rain QUICKENS INTO Life. Hidden IN Adam a DORMANT Seed, hidden in time UNTIL Rain, Light,QUICKEN INTO existence IN TIME. The seed, the tree that PRODUCES NOT the Fruit ACCEPTABLE TO God, SHALL BE CUT DOWN, even the roots gone in time. The hardened soul of time, rejects the Eternal Seed of Life. The Secret that BELONGS TO God, OWNER, Giver. Love. The Presence of the Lord IN HIS Saints, Believers, PRESERVES them from time of evil. Zion? The old OR the NEW ZION, Body, Children, Bride, that OBEY, do ONLY AS the Spirit of Christ Commands BE DONE. Happy, Blessed, Rejoicing ARE the LIVING BY His Presence. THE living Serve His Presence. BY the Presence of my King, I SHALL BE-HAVE IN His Perfect Way. I WILL Walk IN Christ, Body, House with a Perfect Heart. I HATE the things of darkness, I hate the thoughts and ACTIONS OF THOSE turned away from Truth bowed to their darkness OF TIME. Time is temporary. Eternity WITHOUT END. The shadows of darkness decline, WHITHER, GONE BY Coming of PERPETUAL Brightness, all the shadows o The Lord HAS COME DOWN, AND Risen from TIME. He HAS Crucified THE old flesh of disobedience, AND IS Raising His Body, Church from slumber time, To Stand by and Sprak BY His Presence within His Bride.

The children of unbelief, flesh of religion, Rejected Truth, Spirit IN Christ.

They that LOVE their mind, heart, life of darkness, HATE the Truth, Life, Goodness THAT robs them of TEMPORARY life of selfishness, all the desires of flesh. The Body OF Holy Flesh, Bride IN the Garment, Flesh OF Truth, is resisted by relitions, thoughts,spirits of darkness time, the servants of the devil to hinder the Coming OF Reality the removal of human imagination time. To AGREE with the Thoughts of God, is to work against the human spirit, body, church of darkness, PRETENSE of Religion THAT IS NOT, never was,NEVER WILL BE, the Spirit, Voice of Truth. Spiritual Truth sent down into TIME, TO Raise His Bride FROM death of religions, TO Bride Breath of God, United Alive BY Power of Truth, Sustance OF God.

IS not Eternal Life BETTER THAN temporary life of partial obedience?

OUR Father, God Eternal, Self EXISTENT BEFORE, IN, AFTER time. God the EVER NOW. Christ is NOT dead NOW in TIME. Head AND Body ARE ONE, IN Reality. The Journey in, through time, until time PAST,GONE, THE Chosen, Bride, Body Walking in the VERY Steps, Thoughts OF Christ Her Head. YES I am a Believer, AND His Believer is found in His Body, Church of Revelation. Blessed They WHO Know AND BEAR His Name, as the Body of Christ. ONLY the Life OF Salvation, Satisfies the children of Light. The Lifeless soul, Rooted in the body of death, earth,time, is a slave,prisoner of flesh, time bound. DOES NOT Know NOR Understand that that wicked work flourish like grass in spring, BUT IN Truth OF Reality, they ARE DESTROYED FOREVER. The DISOBEDIENT SOULS IN FLESH AND BLOOD are born enemies against Truth. BUT the Reborn Righteous BY Spirit, ARE Planted IN THE Lord, ONE WITH Tree O.F Life. A Tree Planted IN the Heart and Mind BY Spirit. We ARE The Garden, Restored TO Life, the Body BEARING ONLY the Holy Fruit, Thoughts OF Spirit. Foolish flesh and blood, God Knows THE thoughts and actions of humans? The presence of VANITY within them. The Truth, Thoughts of God, ROOT the Body, Bride,Church into Holy Substance God. God DISCIPLINES His Children in time, Blessed THEY Chastised, TAUGHT THE Law, BOUNDARY OF Reality. Home Grown, Home Taught, Given, Fed ONLY, ALWAYS the Thought of God only the Children, Body CAN DIGEST,unto Walking by Good Bones OF Life Come O Church of the LIVING, LET US AS ONE BOW DOWN in the Body BEFORE OUR Father, God above gods, King AVOVE king. Let NO HUMAN spirit of PRIDE, harden, IN TEMPTATION AND KEEP IN THE thoughts, actions of hell, outside Gardan OF Paridise. The serpent served God His Purpose IN TIME, the Truth pierced heart of darkness, CUT OFF his head. There is no more EXCUSE FOR sin, disobedience, THERE IS ONLY DEATH, of darkness, time, all things existing in the NIGHT of time.

Flesh and blood man is TURNED TO darkness TO Reveal the Power of Light within His Children, Body of Christ.

ALL the days, TIME, OF NIGHT, flesh in terror, fear,anger, wrath, is gathered the flock of death unto LOSS OF Eternal Life. God Sees, Knows,WATCHES, a thousand temporary years OF TIME, are BUT AS the PAST, yesterday, a Watch IN the Night to God. HOW LONG O Lord UNTIL Brightness Rise up within the Chosen TO Shine Light? The Bride, Body of Truth, Church of Brightness SHINES FORTH the Light, THE Truth OF God. HOW LONG will flesh and blood die of flood of darkness upon the earth, TIME. Father has SET ALL SIN OF flesh, time IN ONE Man OF Obedience, AND BLED OUT the old life, thoughts and actions OF TIME, then Raised the Body, Bride, Church OF Truth before the church of religion that teaches the THOUGHTS, MISINTERPRETATION of fleah and blood of disobedience. THIS Church, Body OF Life, Truth, Hope, SHALL Remain BY Reality, the churche of deceit, CRUSHED BENEATH THE Fondation OF Truth, His Bride RESTS ON.

Revelation. Awakened? Alive IN Truth? Rev 22;16, I HAVE Sent My Spirit, in Messengers TO Testify TO you.

I THE Bright Shining Star, HAVE Spoken BY Spirils, To the church of earth, THAT I THE Root AND Offering, Root MY Churh, Body into Presence OF God Eterniaty. My Church, Body, Bride, BRINGS FORTH ONLY the Fruit, Seed OF Truth ALL the flesh and blood OF TIME, are not My Eternal Body OF LOVE. The Tree, Fruit and Seed of Life, the VERY Thoughts, Remedy for Life after poisoned. The Bride, the Father, TOGETHER Say:O SOUL that NOW Hears,Rise from the church of the dead, RELIGION, and Come NOW BY Thoughts of Spirit, Presnece of God. LET the THIRSTING COME he that WILL, is Allowed TO Drink Freely of the Clear, PURE,Water, Holy Spirit, Fountain FOR the Chosen TO BELIEVE. A Tribe Coming Home IN ONE Man, OVERFLOWING WITH Obedience OF Love. The TRUE Bride BEARS ONLY the Truth OF God, INTO the world of darkness, time, SHINING FORTH the Light of INVITATION, THAT the Reborn COME FORTH from TIME, Alive unto Reality. HOW DARK, DEADLY the HUMAN IMAGINAATION, HOW Bright, Glorious the Thoughts OF Brightness. That BATH WITH Light.

Truth, THE LAW OF THE LIVING Children OF Spirit. ANY HUMAN thought is EVIDENCCE OF unfaithfulness TO Truth.

Where the Spirit OF Resurrection, Abides, Remains, IN CONTROL, this is the Life OF Kingdom God. NOW. WHAT DO the children of flesh and blood see? They See NOT, kNOW not God, Spirit IN TIME. job37:24. They CAN NOT, Know NOT WHAT TO Say TO God, WHY? BECAUSE of THEIR HUMAN spirit OF TIME, THE REASON IS their own darkness within them Job37:19. NOW, the children of flesh and blood DO NOT See the Brightness WHICH IS, NOW IN, His Clouds of LIVING Water, Rain. The Wind, Breath and Rain THAT CLEANSES, Restores. Father God BE OUR Teacher, Guide, INSTRUCT we THE lIVING WITHIN the Body of Christ-Life. IF a man IS TOLD that I Speak, the flesh and blood man will not Believe, Listen, THEN he will BE Swallowed up disobedience of deceit? The human spirit, temporary life ON Earth, that DWELLS AS AIR, holiding captive TO earth. Good weather, Comes FROM the North. Day FOLLOWS the Shining Forth of Northern Star, the Coming of Day, END OF NIGT,TIME. PURE IS the River, Water OF Life, the COMES FORTH FROM the Throne of God AND Lamb. The Presience of Life Giving Water, Rain COMES FORTH FROM His Clouds, the Seat of Truth IN THE living souls, ALL in His ONE Body, Tribe. Revelations. LEAN ON Spirit, the Hand and Eyes of We NOW by Faith the Resurrected Flesh, BEING Lifted FROM time TO Reality, ONE Life, Truth, LANGUAGE, Alive NOW IN Christ BY the Spirit of Life that Roots, Gathers THE living souls of Life, INTO THE Eternal Reality. The Door, the Way IN, HIDDEN FROM Godlss, Lifeless souls of darkness, that cease to exist IN TIME.

Friday, December 13, 2024

the human flesh of wickedness say unto Spirit, God, DEPART FROM us, for we DESIRE the human life INTIME.

The wicked when BECOME old, mighty in the power of flesh, their seed of flesh IS establidhed, rooted IN TIME. THEIR house, their seed,their children live IN TIME before their eyes, safe from fear in time, their little ones DANCE LIKE a flock TO THE sound, music, thoughts of darkness. SPEND THEIR TIME IN wealth, earthly riches. THEN SUDDENLY, IN MOMENT NOW go down to the grave of the disobedient. They Desire NOT the Presence, Mind, Thoughts, His Way, Life, THEY DESIRE God LEAVE THEM ALONE with their father, life of darkness. WHAT is the Lord ALMIGHTY TO us, the flesh of time that we Serve Him. WHAT Profit TO children of flesh and blood, TIME BOUND, to ACKNOWLEDGE God, Wisdom, Truth? The seed of darkness, the weeds, NEVER WERE in the fallen body of Adam. Fallen IN TIME to the mind, heart, MOUTH, thoughts of darkness. Snake bit, POISONED UNTO death, separation FROM Life, Reality, BEYOND the limited imagination of men. The flesh of dust like chaff, dust removed by time winds, the Body and Head, Man, Spiritual Flesh SHALL SEE CARRIED AWAY BY their darkness, their temporary house of life GONE WITH NIGHT OF darkness, TIME. The flesh of human, shall see death, drink of the cup of birrerness by ALL dead in the flesh of separation. They LIE DOWN IN DUST, eaten by worms. BEHOLD God Knows THEIR thoughts of darkness, their mind, the imagination that is against God THE Right. The wicked but for a MOMENT EXIST AS houses, residence of evil. AMD the Living IN the Body, Church OF Christ Shall LOOK ANF SAY: where is the house of darkness, the body of pride, the house of the dead children, GONE WITH THEIR darkness AT THE Coming of Day, NOTHING BUT Brightness, Life IN Christ, the Good House OF Joy.

It is not BY HUMAN confession, Confession by Spirit, the Key to RELEAASE from time IN the Body OF Christ.

Hypocrites LOVE TO say they ARE sorry, BUT HAVE NO Power, Spirit OF Change. The Body of Christ, Hears Spirit, and DOES AS Spirit, Father SAYS. It is the Spirit of LIVING Water, Perpetually Washing, THE keeps the OUTWRD Flesh, Clean within. We ARE His Body OF SUBSTANCE, God. The Perfect Vessel of Holy Substance NOTHING BUT the Body of Truth AND the Truth ONLY the Substance within. The bones of death, in time TURN BACK TO DUST. The light of darkness SHALL BE PUT OUT with the dead soul and body. THEIR OWN thoughts, DECEIT, ROB AND Tesify against them children of darkness. The shepherd of unbelif, his flock OF darkness, follow him INTO NONEXISTENCE WITH TIME.

The church, bride of darkness, human flesh that conceive and bring forth fruits, ACTS OF darkness.

The church of ANTICHRIST SHALL NOT BE Rich with Thoughts OF God. The church of flesh and blood, DECEIVED, MISLED by the spirit of MISINTERPRETAION, loves the thoughts that uphold their human imagination THAT REFUSES TO Surrender, YET will EXIST NO WHERE BEYOND TIME. The church of human hypocrisy, congretation of hypocrisy THAT PRETENDS TO know and serve God. ONLY serve the devil, darkness, evil spirit seated on the mind, heart of EVERY SOUL VOID OF God's Presence, Truth, Light, HOPE. The PRIDE, the thought that they flesh CAN PRETEND, ENTER BY Pretence INTO THE Reality, Love. This world serves the Purpose, Plan of God. ONLY IN Christ His Body OF OBEDIENCE, Spiritual Body OF Goodness, WILL EVER BE Found Alive, BOWED TO the Throne of God's Presence.

The house of darkness, his shadows, thoughts THAT serve darkness, is a house CONDEMNED TO death in time.

The body, flesh OF TIME that RESISTS by SPIRIT of AIR, AGAINST THE Breath,Word, Truth OF God. The imperfect substance, of deceit, shall be REMOVED BY Perfection. The Perfect, Saints THAT Life BY Faith, the Life God Commands of His Children. Human flesh begets human flesh, BUT Spirit BEGETS Spirit, Children Rooted IN Reality, Kingdom of Brightness BEYONE TIME. EVERY thing human, earthly, is Separated FROM God, BOUND IN TIME. The HUMAN being human unable to CONCEIVE the Truth, the Reality, by the human flesh of TIME, THE Life OF Holy Conception. The Living Body COMETH OUT OF THE WOMB OF darkness, TIME, INTO THE Arms, Hand Eternal. The UNBELIEVER, shall NEVER COME FORTH OUT OF darkness IN TIME. Christ the Word of God, ALWAYS Existed IN the Mind of God, AND Spoken in Obedience BY His Children, Messengers in time.

God the INVISIBLE Presence TO flesh and blood OF TIME. DO you Know the Secret Presence of God?

The RETURN TO Reality. Divine Life. ONE Man, Head AND Body, BOWED IN OBEDIENCE Serving the God , Rather, They LOVE. We BOW to Truth, BEAR ONLY, EVERY THought OF Truth,Spirit. The Church, Body of Christ, Bride does NOT think, live, accept, human thoughts, HUMAN REASONIINGS, UNPROFITABLE take, NOT Acceptable Riches, Gold and Silver OF Reality. The Truth IS a DREADUL Sound unto the wicked unbeliever, the destroyer shall come, ROB of Consciousness OF God. The UNBELIEVER does not BELIEVE IN the Return to God, from darkness within. They know NOT the day of darkness, IS NOW nonexisent BEYOND Time, by THE Mind, Will, Thoughts of Christ the Sword OF God, that HAS IN TIME, Pierced, Slain the dragon, serpent, his body, dead, BY the ENTRANCE OF Blade, Tongue OF Spirit, God HAS SLAIN DEAD darkness IN children OF TIME. The dead IN SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS, Wander the earth. BUT there is AN APPOINTED TIME, for END OF darkness WHEN ONLY Brightness Remains Abides in the Riseing up IN TIME TO Serve God, His Word, VERY Thoughts OF Truth.

God, Spirit, Voice OF Truth, HAS Worked the Return of original flesh TO Return AS Body of Christ.

God THE EVER-NOW, HAS Competed His Plan OF Salvation, THROUGH His Word OF Breath, Word OF POWER, Crucified the OLD flesh, man OF TIME, and Raised the New Man, Body of Christ. EVERY Reborn SOUL OF Understanding, BY Faith, Spirit, Shall BE FOUND ALIVE, ALL ONE in the Body, Nation OF LOVE. The GLORIOUS Peace when AT REST IN Christ, HOW Wonderful SURRENDER TO Stillness, Presence of God IN Christ. Abiding IN the Body of Peace, Churh ON EARTH, UNTIL Brightness Swallows darkness into nonexistent. The Holy Ghost, Spirit that Saves us from the unholy ghost of TIME PAST. See not, but Hear, THEN LISTEN AND DO ALL He Says. BY Faithe We ARE, BY Faith we Live BEYOND TIME, IN THE House God BUILT for ALL His Children RESTORED TO Life.

I Call to my Father, OUR Father Eternal because His Presence, Spirit HAS Changed me.

We NOW ARE the LOST children seed IN TIME, the dead that WERE alive IN Eve BEFORE head and body of flesh fell as Lifeless, Godless DUST of serpent. The mouth of dust in time. God the Good, the ONLY Good. OUR Father WATCHES Watches, Number OUR steps IN disobedience. The Power of God IS REVEALED IN TIME, WHEN His Spirit, Voice, REMEMBERS and Speaks, Commands my RETURN to Life, God. EVERY disobedience, every evil thought and ACTION, HAS BEE Gathered, Sealed IN THE human body of JESUS. ALL iniquity in human flesh SEWN by Hand of God, Will of God. INIQUITY in HUMAN blood,temporary life, HAS BEEN Crucified BY Father AND Son. The sinless,bloodless, human flesh OF jESUS is now being Raised the Body of Christ, EVERY SOUL IN ITS Appointed time. Walks IN the Spirit of Christ THEN departs THIS world Alive, Obedient, BEFORE God our Holy Father, Spirit OF Life. The DEAD know NOTHING, but the life of dust moved by earthly winds in time. God Eternal Waters,Perpetual Life, PREVAILS OVER temporary man OF TIME. Victorious Father AND His Word, Thoughts OF Life. The ALIEN flesh, strange flesh TO God, IS TURNED AWAY FROM His Door, in time. The TWICE dead IN TIME. Never God's in Beginning, NEVER NOW God's in the END OF TIME. The Body of Christ BORN OF Truth, Spirit, NEVER dies. The Body of Christ Lives, Thinks, Walks in the VERY Thoughts, Steps out of TIME, Crossing NOW to the Life OF OBEDIENCE? BECAUASE we ARE the Rooms, Cells in the Body, EVERY Room OF Light, Shines forth the Presence, Power of Brightness, and Removes darkness. Darkness CANNOT EXISt in the Presence. The flesh and mind, heart of hu-man, TESTIFY, REVEAL the spirit HIINDING,from blind,deaf,dead flesh. The Shadows OF TIME ARE DRAWN BACK, Swalloed by the darkness within, into nonexistence IN THE Kingdom NOW OF Brightness. Life from the dead on earth.

ALL the children born of fallen-Eve, ARE flesh and HUMAN spirit. Their thoughts? JOB CH 14

ALL the TWICE BORN, first by human spirit, unbelief that live in the tempoary body th to death IN TIME. First birth, temporary life, THAT THE TWICE Born BY Faith Possess EtekIy of Adam-Eve. BUT the ORIGINAL flesh lost unto time of darkness, IS NOW BEING Resurrected BY Breath, Spirit, Presence of God, Life. The POWER of BEING God's LOST, THAT Hear unto Seeing BY the Spirit of God within them. The human mind they THINK by, understand, THEIR HUMAN THUGHTS THE evidence, proof they listen to HUMAN spirit NOT God His Thoughts OF Truth, Christ. The mind and lips of HUMAN beings TESTIFY AGANST them, IN the OMIPRESENCE God, Spirit. The human lives, then dies wasted away IN TIME and gives up the Ghost-life OF TIME. THEN WHEERE is the dead HUMAN BEING? Dead drowned in water,waves of time of darkness. SO, THE Hu-man lies down and NEVER Rises Again. Shall sleep in death,urSIDE OF Chriast, LIFE of Truth, God. Christ God's SECRET Place, WHERE BELIEVERS REST UNTIL the WRATH OF God IS GONE. Lord Gather, Hide me IN Christ, and APPOINT, Set A time for me TO BE CHANGED, THEN I Changed I SHALL CALL UNTO You Father of LIVING SOULS, AND You will Help me.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Every soul REBORN a Virgin IN the Bride, Body OF Obedience. IS the ONE True Bride, Church Governed by Mind IN Head.

ONE Spirit, Father, RULER OVER all His Substance OF Life. The fallen flesh cast out of the garden by serpent of NIGHT, IS NOW BEING Restored ALL within His Bride. The Church of LIVING Doctrine, Truth, Christ. Search, Meditate ON THE WORD OF Truth UNTIL God, Spirit REVEALS His TRUE Meaning. Yes it TAKES ALL the self, soul lost in time, GIVEN ONCE BY Faith to the Will of God FOR HIS Glory. BE Warned. BE Prepared TO DEPART THIS WORLD OF DUST, generations of death, WITHIN Christ ABLE TO Ascend FROM TIME OF death TO Life Eternal. WHERE only LIVING SOULS OF Spirit can Seek, Find, ENTER throush Christ the Way OPENED UNTO the Living departing life-time of the dead. The children of flesh and human spirit, BORN OF flesh, time,spirit, SHALL die, remain here chained unto darkness BY thoughts, life of darkness.

The flesh OF HUMAN spirit, knows and understands human thoughts when revealed.

ONLY the Children REBORN OF Spirit, Can Hear, Receive, Understand the Thoughts OF Reality. NO flesh judged by humans as BEING good, no religious flesh of human spirit, SHALL EVER BE FOUND in, on the Flesh OF Christ His Body Bride. Every thing human cut off, Removed IN TIME. NO HUMAN FLESH AND blood OF AIR, CAN Understand, Find, BECOME AND Enter the House Body of Christ, in separation from the Truth. The body, flesh, woman OF TIME BOUND BY chains, thoughts UNTO darkness, ONLY Rises by Faith in the OBEDIENCE, Work OF Christ. The mother of human kind, the flesh deceived, contaminated by mouth, lips, tonue of deaceit, IN TIME the children of flesh and blood, shall pass away, cease to exist BY THEIR own spirit of darkness. BUT God. God HAS Gifted HIS LOST TO TIME IN Adam, NEW Life Eternal BY Faith IN Christ, Word, Spirit, VERY Power that FIRST conceived a garden of time, DUST GRAVEYARD,for THE dead, OUTSIDE the Kingdom or Resurrected Bride OF TrtuH. Church Filled with Fullness OF Truth, Feeding the Hungry FOR Bread, Life TO Live. The DUST of by water of unrighteosness, human spirit, that lives but a momement OF TIME, THEN returns to dust VOID OF Help, Substance, Life, Reality, ETETNAL. WHEN Mature ENABLED BY Faithe to Walk, REMAIN withint Borders of Truth, THE Spirit by His Wings SHALL GRADUATE US INTO Kindom OF God, ONLY Authoirty IN EXISTENCE.

The Body UNITED TO Head, Receiving the Thoughts of Spirit, MUST Warn in Obedience?

The Salvation, Retainging of Spirit, Thoughts OF Life, BY Obedience, Serving Truth OWN SOUL, ExistentIN Body of Truth AFTER TIME. Whether flesh OF TIME, believes OR NOT, the Obedient Soul HAS Served LOVE. The WRITTEN Scriptures ABLE to ALL flesh of TIME, BUT ONLY THE Eternal Body IS Alive BY Spirit, PRESENCE OF LIVING Truth. A Word, Thought Life ENGRAVED in the Heart and Mind of the Body OF Light. The SUPERNATURAL, Eternal Life that NOW is ours as Reborn into the Kingdom of the OBEDIENT. OUR Head, Mind,Eyes of Christ, ARE FIXED ON THE Reality UNKNOWN by flesh and blood, BEING HYNOTIZED by things of TEMPORARY AIR waves.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

It is not the hands of flesh, but the SOUL that MUST BE Cleansed With Water, TO Receive, Receive Wine of Heaven.

It IS WHAT IS WITHIN THE SOUL, CUP, THAT MAKES SOUL NOT Clean. THOROUGHLY Cleans the vessel, of darkness, poison, the unclean, thoughts of violence of evil. GIVE your soul, self TO Cleansing Fire, than the food WILL BE CLEAN. AND Give, SHARE your Portion with the hungering to BE Fed. Hypocrites DO EVERYTHING TO BE SEEN as God's Children, Spiritual Children, YET they ARE NOT the Evidence OF Life. They DO EVERYTHING BUT Justice, Love, the Evidence, Proof they ARE God's. THERE IS only oNE THAT is Good, THE Father, Spirit OF Christ. And we ARE the Body OF Christ, the NEW MAN OF Holy Substance. By Faith, Spirit we BELIEVE, BECOME, DO AS God Commands BY Thought TO DO. the Man Designed to Serve God, IS Jesus the Christ and We ARE His Body, Beloved Bride. We BEAR ALL Truth, Thoughts, CONCEPTIONS OF God into ACTONS THAT Please God not human flesh. By the Will, Power, PRESENCE OF God we Body, Bride WALK IN Perfect Union IN the Thoughts OF Christ. Sin of disobedience has been fORGIVEN, but the Rejection OF Obedience BY Faith, IS DEATH both soul and flesh as one, fallen mind, fallen heart BY BONDAGE OF HUMAN SPIRIT, THE CHILDREN OF FLESH TIME, chained TO eil, mind, thoughts, death. Tgere us NO Spirit in the dead soul, poisoned flesh. Hell ON earth.The dead soul chained to death by thoughts of flesh in time.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Those TRYING TO Enter, HAVE they KEPT the Key TO Opening the Door? LUKE 11. HOW EVIL those that HIDE, Conceal the Way INTO Christ BUILY House.

The Key to the House OF Knowledge, HAS it BEEN Given to you BY the Owner? ALL those teachers OF the Writtn law, Scripture OF God, all misinterpretting, misunderstanding, leading others FARTHER FROM God, IN TIME? HOW TERRIBLE for the hypocrites that IN PRETENSE do not Know God, Relity, Spirit BY Truth, Spirit within the Body OF Christ. ALL the Reborn OF Faith INTO Christ, Truth, HAVE the LIVING Truth, Thoughts, Voice of God GUIDING them INTO Reality the Reward of Faith BECOME Eternal Life OF Reality. What we NOW are BY Faith, WHAT sHALL BE Eternally after we leave the body of death BEHIND. The human souls dead outside of Body, are the hocrites, flesh OF RELIGION, THAT HAS Persecuted, the Prophets, Messengers OF God SO the people, tribes of flesh and blood,that PERSECUTED, Killed BECAUSE they ARE THEIR father of flesh and blood, HIS children of kingdom of darkness UPON EARTH. The TEMPORARY HATE the Coming of the King and His Army, His Body BRINGING, Restoring the world of darkness BACK INTO Kingdom OF Brightness. ONE Reborn soul at A time, INTO the Body, Church, Bride OF Life IN Eternal Reality. We live not by human flesh, AIR in our blood. We ARE the BLED OUT Body, Raised a Bride Alive BY Breath, Spirit, Mind, PRESENCE of Truth UNTO Reality. The Spirit OF God THE AUTHOR, THAT ALONE Can Speak the Secret Meaning of His EVERY Thought, that is HIDDEN from children of flesh and blood TIME. God HAS DONE THIS MARVELOUS Thing, His Work belongs to Descendants OF Life, Christ-Fleah. The HUMAN spirit, liar, deceiver, HYPNOTIZES THE body OF Adam. But a Dormant Seed, Planted IN human flesh, WHEN Watered, Rising to the Light? Produces the Holy Truth, EVERY Thought of Truth that IS Reality, ONE.

BE still, WAIT FOR the Lord, Spirit OF God TO Move, Breath, Remain IN you. Come forth from the flesh of death time, INTO Perpetual Light, Life.

ALL IN Christ ARE WELCOME, when there is no thought, speak, stain, spirit TO resist, war, BE against the Will of God? ONLY the enemy Of Truth IS FORBIDDEN RETURN TO Garden Mind, Tree, Fruit OF God. The human soul is but searated from Truth BY his spirit of flesh, deceit. They love their human spirit of DEATH more than they Desire Life without darkness of death? BECAUSE they fear that they NEVER, EVER knew by flesh, ALL they bow to is human spirit, tempoary life of pleasing self unto death, separation from Truth. The Truth IS enemy of their father, their flesh, for Truth TO Reign, the kingdom, spirit, life of darkness must be Crucified, for Breath of Life, Rise up IN them, UNION WITH God, Power, Truth, LOVE. The Dove HAS LIFTED US UP, OUT OF THE WORLD OF WARS. Peace WITH, IN God, PERPETUAL Peace of the Body of Christ. Head is not of THIS fallen world, human spirit, and We the Crucified Body of Christ, BELONG TO Realm of LIVING IN Reality.

Christ was handed over TO flesh and blood, house of darkness, BUT Brightness SWALLOWED UP darkness, TIME, FOREVER GONE.

We ARE the fallen flesh time bound, prisoners of darkness, NOW BY Faith, We ARE, BECOME, Body, Bride, Lamp of God. The Hand of God His Hand LIFTS US UP in the darkness,to Search, Guide THE ONCE Dead, TO the Door Opened BY God IN time. We ARE the Body of Flame unto Fire, Lamp of Brigtness, Fanned BY Wings, Presence, Power, God. There is not found one lamp of darkness, one thought of deceit, the evidence of unholy union unto death time. HOW Beautiful THIS Work OF Spirit, THIS Transformation BEYOND human imagination. We ARE His Body, Bride, RAISED TO Life IN Love. Those who do not Understand, Know WHAT Jesus IS Thinking, THEIR pride in their flesh, human fear, keeps them from ASKING the Meaning. The WRITTEN Scriptures, MUST BE Read, Understood BY Spirit, Teacher, GOD IN the Body OF Christ. There is BUT ONE Truth, ONE Mind, ONE Spirit, TRANSLATER for SOULS Reborn in Body of Christ? Our Father His Spirit OUR Source of Substance, Good Bones. WHEN the flesh, wommb of darkness falls back to ground, dust, the LIVING SOUL IS Free Rising BY Spirit, Breath OF Life IN Christ. We ARE the Body OF Perfect Obedience, Walking BY Faith in the VERY Steps of OUR Father, Divine Mind. The DEAD in time, never depart the womb of time Alive. The Body OF MANY Generations IN TIME, We RISE Lord, Serve THEN COME Home.

By His Spirit, Father, Jesus Knew WHAT people WERE thinking.

HOW LONG MUST I, Jesus, PUT OUP WITH you unbelevers? Bring your self, flesh TO Me and BE Amazed AT the Power of Truthd to CAST OUT the human spirit of darkness. The children of darkness, their demons RUN FROM Truth, but those that COME BY Spirit, Remembering, Awakened TO Walk in the CERY Thoughts AS THE Body OF Christ, REFUSE TO BE separated again unto human spirits. . NEVER FORGET what the Truth OF God, TELLS you. Receive with Love the Spirit that Sent Me, BY Spirit you WILL Remember EVERYTHING OF Truth. Christ, Truth, WHEN HANDED OVER TO flesh and blood, DO NOT Understand, MISUNDERSTANDING human spirit CONCEALS Truth OF Rality, from the temporary flesh and blood OF TIME. By Spirit within us, WE Know, Recognize the Thoughts of God, from thoughts of human spirit. NONE LOST UNTO TIME OF darkness, BUT the unbelieving body,flesh, home, kingdom OF deceit. The desires of human flesh, time, OR the Desire OF God? ONLY God's Will IS, HAS BEEN DONE. The arrogance of human imagination, desires of flesh and blood, to think that WHAT imagination wants OPPOSED TO Reality. WHO LONG does Truth OF Reality REMAIN IN UNBELIEVERS, CHILDREN OF TIME? ONLY AS LONG AS THEY Remain Children OF Faith. ALL UNBELIEF IS GONE WITH TIME of darkness, BEFORE Day without darkness IS COME.

Jesus THE Man who Forgives disobedience? WHERE there IS Faith THAT BELIEVES, IN Him.

The Believer, Blessed WITH Spirit. BOWS DOWN, the flesh bows down to kiss with their lips, the Feet of His Body. ThSe BELIEVER can not stop kissing the Feet OF Christ, the Body that Serves, Pleases God. To WANT TO, DESIRE TO See Jesus, but the men of flesh , flesh and blood keeps you FROM Seeing. BUT those WHO BELONG TO God's Family HEAR, THEN Obey, AS God, Father REVEALS TRUTH to Family. Dead souls VOID OF QUICKENING Seed OF TRUTH, ARE ALREdy dead IN TIME, TWICE dead after flesh falls to the ground. The demonic flesh fears the Presence OF Truth, Light. THEN falls AT the Feet OF Jesis, begging to GO WITH Him, remained there while Jesus CROSSED OVER TO THE Other side. Jesus TOLD them ALL that IF they WANTED TO GO WITH Him, they MUST FORGET, STOP thinking of them SELVES. DAILY Crucify themseles to GO WITH Him. THIS IS THE Way TO CROSS OVER WITH Him, THINK ONLY OF OTHERS NOT self. TO forget, leace your flesh behind, GOING IN, WITH Him His Body. WIN IN Christ your Place, or BE LOST UNTO THE world of flesh, defeated The Believer will not die in this world, UNTIL he HAS Seen the Kingdom of Spirit, Presence OF God. The PURPOSE OF God, was ALL LOST UNTO WORLD, WOULD BE Raised IN Union OF Faith with Christ, as His Body, Bride, Church. SUBMIT TO the Truth OF Reality, BE Crucified DEAD TO THE WORLD of darkness, AND Daily Live, Think, Speak, Walk as His UNFALLEN Body. Christ, Truth, MUST BE Greater Love in you flesh and blood. OUR Eyes ARE Fixed ON God, God's Eyes are FIXED ON Body of Christ. Head AN Body UNITED ONE, by the Spirit, Presence of our Good Father. God the Power, God the Will, God THE ONLY Way the GENUINE Believer CROSSES over. WHY are you HERE, STOP WEEPING, Head IS Home, Body IS Crossing OVER, rising Chosen Generation, FROM TIME.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Christ HAS CANCELLED the debt OF BOTH, the few sins AND the MANY sins of flesh and blood. LUKE 8.

 WHAT Remains IS, NOW Believing, GRATEFUL IS the one BY Faith Serves Christ.  My darkness in my flesh, the darkness OF NIGHT, the thoughts of wickedness, chains of disobedience Christ HAS Removed, AND By Faith I REMAIN Standing WITHOUT falling, BY the Divine Will of God, His Word.

Such a wretch, such a liar, deceiver, thief, murderer was soul BOUND FOR death.  SUCH Wonder, SUCH Power if the Light of Brightness WITHIN, NOW Saving me to CROSSOVER time of darkness.  The Dove of Peace, the Sign of Love UPON me.

I REFUSE to listen, follow, think, do as the world VOID OF Spirit, Life, DOES.  I DENY EVERHTHING that IS NOT God's Truth, a LIVING SOUL that REFUSES TO Separate from Body.  NOT ONE thought of flesh and blood will I listen to, obey.  The Presence OF Truth, SHALL CARRY Bride across, through enemy lines.

NOW IS the time to Live FOR Christ.  ALWAYS NOW, before tomorrow GONE.

Christ, Truth, THE Power of God, to Free from disobedience, ONCE Forgiven, BY Faith Believe and RETURN NOT to Sin as master.

 The Body OF Christ NOW has NO way to TURN FROM God.  UNLESS pretending to believe.  It if the unbeliever, slave of human flesh, time, that can not STOP listening to thoughts of human spirit.  We ARE His Body IN TIME and AFTER TIME.  Always His Bride, Substance of His Substance, Bone of His Bone.

LOOK WHAT God HAS DONE.  The Reborn Spirit, Body of Christ, NOW FOEVER NOW, ALWAYS His Bride, Spiritual Body that BEARS ONLY the Seed of Truth, that Roots INTO the Kingdom Garden Mind that IS God.

Choices IN TIME?  Either you Believe or do not.  The Work OF God, Spirit and Word OF Truth.

Either you bear the thoughts of Brightness, TRUE Life, OR you SO NOT.

WHEN you think or speak, you the evidence against self.

Christ THE Man that Gives ORDERS and He IS OBEYED. His Body, Bride always OBEYS, DOES as Truth Says TO DO.

 But the religious souls  void of Spirit, NEVER STOP wandering farther from Truth, drawn away by their own thoughts of flesh and blood.  We ARE the Body, Bride, Crucified, BLED OUT, THEN Raised Faith FULL, BOUND TO Truth BY THE Chains, Thoughts OF God, SPIRITUAL Chains FOR Life.

ONLY those SOULS LOST IN Adam, slaves of their own thoughts of darkness, slaves to the mind of darkness, drug until death IN TIME.  The LOST IN Adam HAVE BEEN Raised NEW IN Christ.  The old flesh of time, NOW the NEW Flesh, Body, Bride, THAT Brings Living souls INTO Reality BEYOND time of darkness, night.

E,VERY human being, VOID OF Spirit, IS Godless IN TIME. ONLY the Living souls, depart flesh Alive, INTO Body OF Jesus.

 Christ the ETERNAL Word, of God's Breath, Spirit, HAS Resurrected His Flesh ALEADY FROM time.  We ARE the Crucified THEN Raised Body, the very moment of Understanding we Believe.

Everyone WANTS TO see Jesus.  BUT ONLY His Family, Brethren, SHALL BE FOUND WITH Him His Presence, only those who BREATH Spirit NOT temporary AIR of flesh time.

Everybody flesh and blood, ARE, ABOUT TO die.  But the Body OF Christ, LIVING SOULS depart the old skin of the serpent, the human spirit, deceiver.  The Family, the Body OF Christ, THOSE Souls that Hear AND OBEY the Sentence OF Life.

WHERE the Spirit IS, WHERE the Thoughts OF Truth, Heard?  THERE in the Body of Christ, that Walks the earth for a time, THERE in His Body IS A GREAT CALM, the Work of Spirit of Faith.

The INWARD CHAOS, FEAR, the thought waves OF DARKNESS, the source of storm that seeks to drown the Faithless soul into the deep of NO Return.  WHERE Spirit IS, ABIDES, THERE IS Salvation, Rest from darkness, fear, chaos IN Presence of Peace.

That which IS darkness SHALL BE Revealed BY the Light. WHATEVER thought of darkness Shall BE Revelaled BY Light.

Spirit BRINGS OUT OF darkness and INTO Light.  Good EXPOSES the bad, Greater the Good that Removes the bad.

BE Carful ?  OF HOW you listen?  NOT BY human spirit BUT BY Spirit, God. The human spirit mistranslates, gives misunderstanding to the Thoughts OF God, Spirit, Presence.  The human spiriNt is not a friend, nor source of truth,

Ths soul BROUGHT INTO the Light, the Light REMOVES the darkness.  Christ Sees, Knows the human spirit of darkness, that desires to remain hidden, concealed IN flesh of man.  The Chosen by God FOR REBIRTH AS Spirit, the Reborn WHEN MATURE ARE ABLE TO Remain IN UNION with Christ.

NOT ALL.  The children of flesh and blood SHALL WANT TO See Christ.  BUT ONLY the FEW by Faith, Spirit, HEAR, Recognize Truth.  ONLY God's LOST in flesh of darkness TO earthly spirit AIR/flesh, SHALL EVER Rise BACK TO Life WITHIN Chrsit His Body.  ONLY Believers are found in the Body OF Faith.

ONLY those LOST IN Adam, SHALL, Hear the Voice, Thoughts OF God and RETURN TO Life IN Jesus.  ONLY those WHO BOTH Hear, THEN Obey TRUTH, Thoughts OF God.  SHALL CROSS OVER THROUGH  time TO the Other Side.

IS iimpossible to Think ONLY OF God? Christ HAS DONE the impossible FOR US His Body, Bride.

 Christ SPENT His TIME in ONENESS, Union with Spirit.  Bearing the Thoughts, Speaking the Thoughts of Reality into the temporary world of flesh and blood.  IS there anything IMPOSSIBLE FOR God, Spirit? THEN ALL Things ARE Possible for We His Body, UNDER DOMINION, Rule of Spirit.

ALL THINGS ARE Possible FOR the LIVING SOUL OF Faith BORN.  BE it DONE unto me, They Perfect Will O God.  The ONLY hindrance TO a Holy Life UNDER Spirit, is the human spirit of doubt that leads, roots IN unbelief.

Christ, He is my first Thought THEN AT NIGHT, He my Eternal Thought.  Let no evil human thought come BETWEEN Spirit in my soul.  Please Father, LET every Thought BE Christ ONLY IN me.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Christ the Man, the Land, the Law. The Life of FAITH Promised unto BELIEVERS.

 MANY the NAY-Sayers that PRETEND BUT HAVE NO Spirit, Life OF Power to Live Christ. We are the fallen souls in Adam flesh in time, that Christ Raised NEW By Spirit TO BE His Body, Bride.  Christ the Truth OF God His Mind, EVERY THOUGHT OF Truth Comes from Spiritual Mind, God.  AS the human soul believeth NOT, so that soul IS NOT BY Faith, Belief, A Living Soul IN Christ His Body.

AS we Believers THINK GOD IS WITHIN us, SO We Think THEREFORE DO according to God Spirit, Holy Substance OF Life.  The children of flesh and blood OF TIME, are unable to Understand, Receive by Faith Life OF Reality, IN Jesus the Christ.

The MATURE Rooted IN Christ, His Body, BEAR HIS Thoughts that ARE REALITY.  The MATURE Fruits OF Sweetness ARE being Harvested OUT OF THE earth, field OF TIME.  

IS NOT the Truth OF God, Spirit, WORTH ALL you HAVE in THIS world OF TIME?  Christ's Spirit, the ONLY Thing necessary for Life-without death, Ligh-without darkness.

TIME is not the friend of flesh and blood. ONLY Eternity, Spirit, Saves UNTO Life IN Christ. Church of Father and Son.

 Remember WHAT you HAVE Heard, Know BY Spirit, Remember AND DO it.  Live not die.  IF you ARE the Body of Christ?  THEN you Have Ears TO Hear, AND OBEY.

THAT human, that bears the thoughts of Satan unto deeds of darkness.  The church of unbelief, liars, children of hypocrisy, fakes pretending to BE what they ARE NOT.  Christ will MAKE THEM BOW DOWN to His Bride, Church of His Reflection.

TIME is temporary.  Reality PERPETUALLY EXISTS, swallows up time by darkness. ALL who Seek, Yearn, Search FOR Reality, SHALL BY PERSISTING BECOME the Lamp, Body of Christ, Lamp OF Light UNTO Brightness.  The darkness exists ONLY IN HUMAN flesh OF TIME.  YIELD TO the Truth OF God's Mind, the Flame that BURNS UNTO Brightness OF Day.

This world of flesh and time IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THOSE WITH A HUNGER FOR Truth.

THIS IS the Message FROM God to the Church, Body of Christ. Spirit, Reality, IS Source of Obedience BY Faith.

 OUR Obedience IS BY Faith IN the Work, Power, Spirit of His Presence.  BECAUSE BY His Will, His Power, His Presence, HIS CHOICE, We Walk IN DARKNESS Shining the Light of Brightness within us the Body OF Christ.  The Holy Lamp OF Fire, that darkness fears, flees into nonexistence with TIME.

The false conception of pretense that masquerades in HUMAN flesh OF TIME as the church of Reality, is but a temporary church conceived of human IMAGINATION.  Pretending to BE what they ARE NOT  WITHIN, LIVING SOULS Prepared for PERPETUAL Union with Christ, Truth, Thoughts of God.

Those TAUGHT BY Spirit, MUST REMEMBER TO DO WHAT IS Heard.  THIS IS HOW you Keep the garment of flesh CLEAN, WORTHY TO Receive Bridal Flesh Eternal.  THE Reborn SOUL by Spirit IS KEPT Clean, Prepared to BE Bride, BODY OF Christ, Seated as ONE by Presence, ON THE Throne of Reality.

ONE Perfect Man as Head OF His Body.  EVERY Thought of God, His Word, TRUTH, belongs to the Bride.  STOP RESISTING the Truth, Thoughts OF Spirit, YIELD to Seed of Truth AND BEAR the Children, the Church of God His Presence, INTO Covering upon the earth.  Brightness the END OF darkness of time.   Christ the ETERNAL Kingdom of Rock that crushes to dust the old world of time.

ONE Perfect Man, ONE Mind, Source of God-Thought. We ARE BECOMNG the Body, Bride OF Christ.

 Christ the Head in whom IS THE Mind, God.  A SPIRITUAL Nation, Holy Tribe Confromed to Holy Spirit, our Eternal Life we Live UNTO Glory of Father IN Son.

Science, Math, can PROVE existence OF God.  BUT ONLY God, Spirit CAN, DOES, Conform the LIVING SOULS in the Body to Presence, Substance God.  ONLY BY God Revealing Hims Self, Presence, can any human born of FLESH IN TIME, Receive FROM God the Epiphany OF Reality, Life OF God.   ALL things began BY Spirit. ALL things NOT God, and ALL Things God's BY Spirit.

We first born earthly, by Faith BECOME LIVING SOULS within Body of Christ, Life INVISIBLE TO THE FLESH OF darkness and TIME, BUT Revealed BY God to His Chosen for Bride, Body OF Christ.

The WHOLE Garden, Mind OF God His Presence, is OURS TO DIGEST and Live NOT DIE as dust.  The Thoughts OF God, His Presence BELONG TO His Spiritual Presence, Life IN US the Body of Resurrection TIME.

I Hear, Receive Thoughts: mustard seed, nesting cups,  Wheat and seeds OF Wheat.  Jacob and Essau, TWO different TYPES of souls.  BOTH formed in ONE womb of darkness, time.  BUT OF DIFFERENT internal substance.  Clay in the Potter's Hand, the Vessel of Wine, at God's Table, Mind, Thought.  ONLY the Sweet NOT the bitter, find their Way TO His Table.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

IF God's Chosen people, Stand IN TIME BY Spirit, UNFALLEN. Suffering as the Body of Christ, test of temptation, Standing IN Spirit.

 Reality, the EVER NOW Says, I AM Reality, that EXISTS BEYOND the temporary dreams of souls LOST UNTO TIME.   WITHIN Christ His Body, we PASS OVER, OUT OF darkness, night, to Stand on Shores of Reality OUTSIDE OF TIME.

God IS Spirit, Spirit Thinks, DOES, IS as He SO Thinks.  The Gift OF Spirit that RESCUES His Lost in the sea of waves darkness.

There IS no human life of flesh OUTSIDE OF TIME of AIR.

The fallen church, bride of darkness, flesh of death. ALL souls born of flesh and blood, HAVE NO Life, Faith, Power WITHIN.

 The Chosen FOR Life IN the Body, Church, House of God's Presence, HEAR His Spiritual Voice, THOUGHTS, AND Rise from serving flesh in time, TO Serving ONLY God, Mind, Heart?  BY His Presence, Gift of Self, Life OF Truth to His LOST IN the waves of darkness.

SNAP OUT OF the trance of darkness.  Rise from slumber BY Spirit of Brightness, the Light of Coming Day.  DO NOT BE self-deceived by human spirit, deceit, PARTIAL truth NOT Truth.  Awakened REMAIN A WAKE, Led BY THE Thoughts OF God, His Word, TO ENTER BY Faith THE SPIRITUAL Realm OF God.  NOT even one dot of darkness, blemish of unbelief SHALL ENTER by pretense as Bride, Flesh, Boen OF Christ.

To WITNESS OF God His Power, His PRESENCE, His Love for THE BRIDE, Body OF Son.  We ORIGINALLY in Adam, fell to the lips, thoughts of deceit, we ARE the BROKEN bones Restored TO Life.  EVERY generation, soul upon soul, that FELL AS A fractal OF TIME, IS NOW BY Faith in God, Love, RESTORED AS UNBREAKABLE Bone OF Christ.

The Bride, CHURCH, Body WORTHY OF the Truth, Presence OF God.

 IF she IS His Bride, His Body, His Bone, THEN Bride Lives IN UNION with Him, and death, human spirit, evil one HAS NO CAUSE to power, reason, to KEEP Bride Chained IN THE THOUGHTS OF DARKNESS.  The Light OF Brightness HAS BROKEN EVERY chain, Removed EVERY thought of darkness FROM the Church, Bride OF Truth.

ALL the LIVING SOULS, EXISTING BY Faith, Breath of God's Presence, SHALL ENTER, not one Removed, cast out.

IF the Bride, Body, SOULS CONTINUE TO BE Faithful, Christ Shall NOT DENY His Church of LIVING SOULS that Live His Perfect Thought-Life BY Power, Presence OF Spirit.  Obedient TO God, UNTO the shedding the OLD skin of serpent, Revealing the Flesh, Perfect Garment, God HAS Prepared FOR our Wedding Day.

It IS IMPOSSIBLE for human flesh given to darkness in time, impossible for flesh that lives by TEMPORARY AIR, TO Understand anything about Reality BEYOND, this temporary REALM of flesh and blood TIME.  We ARE the Flesh OF Resurrection.  BY Spirit We KNOW Truth, BY Spirit we BREATH MANY SOULS AS One.  The Divine Spirit OF UNDERSTANDING that Reveals MYSERIOUS Presence within His PRE-Chosen Bride of the Living, FOR God.


 Denial?  Spirit IN Christ HAS POURED OUT the evil tainted blood of HUMAN life, and IS BEING Restored by the Breath, Life, Spirit, TRUTH OF God.  UNLESS YOU DENY Truth BY unbelief. For God His Truth Says we His Body, Crucified Flesh, having died in UNION WITH Him, WILL NOW Live in Union with Him, the Word, VERY Breath OF God.  The Truth lives IN and THROUGH Hi, s Body OF Faith.  BY Faith we BELIEVE in the Power, Work, Will OF God.  THE INVISIBLE Spirit OF God NOW RULES Christ's Body, WE ARE His Bride, Bone of His Bone.

NOW Life IS ONLY about the bloodless Bone, the Substance OF Life IN WE His Bones.  We Walk BY Spirit, Breath, Presence OF God, no longer by flesh and blood OF disobedience, human spirit.

God IS REAL, THIS earthly realm but a dream of NIGHT time.  IF we CONTINUE to The End OF time, if we ENDURE:  Continue to OBEY, say NO TO the human spirit, THEN we SHALL Rule with Him AS His Bride, Bone, Substance in the Kingdom of Reality.  SPIRITUAL Kingdom.  The Rule OF Spirit withhin Chosen LIVING SOULS, a Bride FOUND Faithful TO Truth, IS WITHOUT SPOT, STAIN, substance OF darkness, spiritual poison, no bearing into being action, the thoughts of human spirit, life.