Tuesday, December 24, 2024
I HAVE Confessed my partial obedince, my inability by flesh to please ONLY You.
Monday, December 23, 2024
The Spirit WENT from Saul TO David ZEALOUS FOR God His Name.
The Walls of Truth, Keep us Alive as ONE. The Body, Bride that fears not as children of flesh do.
the WHITEWASHED church of religion IS NOT God's House Resurrected BY Truth IN Christ..
Sunday, December 15, 2024
The children OF TIME, of flesh and human spirit AIR, love THEIR life on earth, Resist, Deny, Remove?
God has Created us imperfect, weak, breakable vessels HARDENED BY fear ?
Christ THE Shepherd OF Goodness, IS NOW Leading His Flock BY the Hand of God.
The HUMAN SOUL HAS a temporary spirit of AIR, NOT THE Spirit OF THE REBORN, THAT?
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Merciful God Knows children of dust ARE TEMPORARY dust and earthly water,
His Saints Love and OBEY , THE Lord, Substance OF Love THAT PRESERVES His LIVING SOUL, Saint.
The children of unbelief, flesh of religion, Rejected Truth, Spirit IN Christ.
IS not Eternal Life BETTER THAN temporary life of partial obedience?
Flesh and blood man is TURNED TO darkness TO Reveal the Power of Light within His Children, Body of Christ.
Revelation. Awakened? Alive IN Truth? Rev 22;16, I HAVE Sent My Spirit, in Messengers TO Testify TO you.
Truth, THE LAW OF THE LIVING Children OF Spirit. ANY HUMAN thought is EVIDENCCE OF unfaithfulness TO Truth.
Friday, December 13, 2024
the human flesh of wickedness say unto Spirit, God, DEPART FROM us, for we DESIRE the human life INTIME.
It is not BY HUMAN confession, Confession by Spirit, the Key to RELEAASE from time IN the Body OF Christ.
The church, bride of darkness, human flesh that conceive and bring forth fruits, ACTS OF darkness.
The house of darkness, his shadows, thoughts THAT serve darkness, is a house CONDEMNED TO death in time.
God the INVISIBLE Presence TO flesh and blood OF TIME. DO you Know the Secret Presence of God?
God, Spirit, Voice OF Truth, HAS Worked the Return of original flesh TO Return AS Body of Christ.
I Call to my Father, OUR Father Eternal because His Presence, Spirit HAS Changed me.
ALL the children born of fallen-Eve, ARE flesh and HUMAN spirit. Their thoughts? JOB CH 14
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Every soul REBORN a Virgin IN the Bride, Body OF Obedience. IS the ONE True Bride, Church Governed by Mind IN Head.
The flesh OF HUMAN spirit, knows and understands human thoughts when revealed.
The Body UNITED TO Head, Receiving the Thoughts of Spirit, MUST Warn in Obedience?
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
It is not the hands of flesh, but the SOUL that MUST BE Cleansed With Water, TO Receive, Receive Wine of Heaven.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Those TRYING TO Enter, HAVE they KEPT the Key TO Opening the Door? LUKE 11. HOW EVIL those that HIDE, Conceal the Way INTO Christ BUILY House.
BE still, WAIT FOR the Lord, Spirit OF God TO Move, Breath, Remain IN you. Come forth from the flesh of death time, INTO Perpetual Light, Life.
Christ was handed over TO flesh and blood, house of darkness, BUT Brightness SWALLOWED UP darkness, TIME, FOREVER GONE.
By His Spirit, Father, Jesus Knew WHAT people WERE thinking.
Jesus THE Man who Forgives disobedience? WHERE there IS Faith THAT BELIEVES, IN Him.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Christ HAS CANCELLED the debt OF BOTH, the few sins AND the MANY sins of flesh and blood. LUKE 8.
WHAT Remains IS, NOW Believing, GRATEFUL IS the one BY Faith Serves Christ. My darkness in my flesh, the darkness OF NIGHT, the thoughts of wickedness, chains of disobedience Christ HAS Removed, AND By Faith I REMAIN Standing WITHOUT falling, BY the Divine Will of God, His Word.
Such a wretch, such a liar, deceiver, thief, murderer was soul BOUND FOR death. SUCH Wonder, SUCH Power if the Light of Brightness WITHIN, NOW Saving me to CROSSOVER time of darkness. The Dove of Peace, the Sign of Love UPON me.
I REFUSE to listen, follow, think, do as the world VOID OF Spirit, Life, DOES. I DENY EVERHTHING that IS NOT God's Truth, a LIVING SOUL that REFUSES TO Separate from Body. NOT ONE thought of flesh and blood will I listen to, obey. The Presence OF Truth, SHALL CARRY Bride across, through enemy lines.
NOW IS the time to Live FOR Christ. ALWAYS NOW, before tomorrow GONE.
Christ, Truth, THE Power of God, to Free from disobedience, ONCE Forgiven, BY Faith Believe and RETURN NOT to Sin as master.
The Body OF Christ NOW has NO way to TURN FROM God. UNLESS pretending to believe. It if the unbeliever, slave of human flesh, time, that can not STOP listening to thoughts of human spirit. We ARE His Body IN TIME and AFTER TIME. Always His Bride, Substance of His Substance, Bone of His Bone.
LOOK WHAT God HAS DONE. The Reborn Spirit, Body of Christ, NOW FOEVER NOW, ALWAYS His Bride, Spiritual Body that BEARS ONLY the Seed of Truth, that Roots INTO the Kingdom Garden Mind that IS God.
Choices IN TIME? Either you Believe or do not. The Work OF God, Spirit and Word OF Truth.
Either you bear the thoughts of Brightness, TRUE Life, OR you SO NOT.
WHEN you think or speak, you the evidence against self.
Christ THE Man that Gives ORDERS and He IS OBEYED. His Body, Bride always OBEYS, DOES as Truth Says TO DO.
But the religious souls void of Spirit, NEVER STOP wandering farther from Truth, drawn away by their own thoughts of flesh and blood. We ARE the Body, Bride, Crucified, BLED OUT, THEN Raised Faith FULL, BOUND TO Truth BY THE Chains, Thoughts OF God, SPIRITUAL Chains FOR Life.
ONLY those SOULS LOST IN Adam, slaves of their own thoughts of darkness, slaves to the mind of darkness, drug until death IN TIME. The LOST IN Adam HAVE BEEN Raised NEW IN Christ. The old flesh of time, NOW the NEW Flesh, Body, Bride, THAT Brings Living souls INTO Reality BEYOND time of darkness, night.
E,VERY human being, VOID OF Spirit, IS Godless IN TIME. ONLY the Living souls, depart flesh Alive, INTO Body OF Jesus.
Christ the ETERNAL Word, of God's Breath, Spirit, HAS Resurrected His Flesh ALEADY FROM time. We ARE the Crucified THEN Raised Body, the very moment of Understanding we Believe.
Everyone WANTS TO see Jesus. BUT ONLY His Family, Brethren, SHALL BE FOUND WITH Him His Presence, only those who BREATH Spirit NOT temporary AIR of flesh time.
Everybody flesh and blood, ARE, ABOUT TO die. But the Body OF Christ, LIVING SOULS depart the old skin of the serpent, the human spirit, deceiver. The Family, the Body OF Christ, THOSE Souls that Hear AND OBEY the Sentence OF Life.
WHERE the Spirit IS, WHERE the Thoughts OF Truth, Heard? THERE in the Body of Christ, that Walks the earth for a time, THERE in His Body IS A GREAT CALM, the Work of Spirit of Faith.
The INWARD CHAOS, FEAR, the thought waves OF DARKNESS, the source of storm that seeks to drown the Faithless soul into the deep of NO Return. WHERE Spirit IS, ABIDES, THERE IS Salvation, Rest from darkness, fear, chaos IN Presence of Peace.
That which IS darkness SHALL BE Revealed BY the Light. WHATEVER thought of darkness Shall BE Revelaled BY Light.
Spirit BRINGS OUT OF darkness and INTO Light. Good EXPOSES the bad, Greater the Good that Removes the bad.
BE Carful ? OF HOW you listen? NOT BY human spirit BUT BY Spirit, God. The human spirit mistranslates, gives misunderstanding to the Thoughts OF God, Spirit, Presence. The human spiriNt is not a friend, nor source of truth,
Ths soul BROUGHT INTO the Light, the Light REMOVES the darkness. Christ Sees, Knows the human spirit of darkness, that desires to remain hidden, concealed IN flesh of man. The Chosen by God FOR REBIRTH AS Spirit, the Reborn WHEN MATURE ARE ABLE TO Remain IN UNION with Christ.
NOT ALL. The children of flesh and blood SHALL WANT TO See Christ. BUT ONLY the FEW by Faith, Spirit, HEAR, Recognize Truth. ONLY God's LOST in flesh of darkness TO earthly spirit AIR/flesh, SHALL EVER Rise BACK TO Life WITHIN Chrsit His Body. ONLY Believers are found in the Body OF Faith.
ONLY those LOST IN Adam, SHALL, Hear the Voice, Thoughts OF God and RETURN TO Life IN Jesus. ONLY those WHO BOTH Hear, THEN Obey TRUTH, Thoughts OF God. SHALL CROSS OVER THROUGH time TO the Other Side.
IS iimpossible to Think ONLY OF God? Christ HAS DONE the impossible FOR US His Body, Bride.
Christ SPENT His TIME in ONENESS, Union with Spirit. Bearing the Thoughts, Speaking the Thoughts of Reality into the temporary world of flesh and blood. IS there anything IMPOSSIBLE FOR God, Spirit? THEN ALL Things ARE Possible for We His Body, UNDER DOMINION, Rule of Spirit.
ALL THINGS ARE Possible FOR the LIVING SOUL OF Faith BORN. BE it DONE unto me, They Perfect Will O God. The ONLY hindrance TO a Holy Life UNDER Spirit, is the human spirit of doubt that leads, roots IN unbelief.
Christ, He is my first Thought THEN AT NIGHT, He my Eternal Thought. Let no evil human thought come BETWEEN Spirit in my soul. Please Father, LET every Thought BE Christ ONLY IN me.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Christ the Man, the Land, the Law. The Life of FAITH Promised unto BELIEVERS.
MANY the NAY-Sayers that PRETEND BUT HAVE NO Spirit, Life OF Power to Live Christ. We are the fallen souls in Adam flesh in time, that Christ Raised NEW By Spirit TO BE His Body, Bride. Christ the Truth OF God His Mind, EVERY THOUGHT OF Truth Comes from Spiritual Mind, God. AS the human soul believeth NOT, so that soul IS NOT BY Faith, Belief, A Living Soul IN Christ His Body.
AS we Believers THINK GOD IS WITHIN us, SO We Think THEREFORE DO according to God Spirit, Holy Substance OF Life. The children of flesh and blood OF TIME, are unable to Understand, Receive by Faith Life OF Reality, IN Jesus the Christ.
The MATURE Rooted IN Christ, His Body, BEAR HIS Thoughts that ARE REALITY. The MATURE Fruits OF Sweetness ARE being Harvested OUT OF THE earth, field OF TIME.
IS NOT the Truth OF God, Spirit, WORTH ALL you HAVE in THIS world OF TIME? Christ's Spirit, the ONLY Thing necessary for Life-without death, Ligh-without darkness.
TIME is not the friend of flesh and blood. ONLY Eternity, Spirit, Saves UNTO Life IN Christ. Church of Father and Son.
Remember WHAT you HAVE Heard, Know BY Spirit, Remember AND DO it. Live not die. IF you ARE the Body of Christ? THEN you Have Ears TO Hear, AND OBEY.
THAT human, that bears the thoughts of Satan unto deeds of darkness. The church of unbelief, liars, children of hypocrisy, fakes pretending to BE what they ARE NOT. Christ will MAKE THEM BOW DOWN to His Bride, Church of His Reflection.
TIME is temporary. Reality PERPETUALLY EXISTS, swallows up time by darkness. ALL who Seek, Yearn, Search FOR Reality, SHALL BY PERSISTING BECOME the Lamp, Body of Christ, Lamp OF Light UNTO Brightness. The darkness exists ONLY IN HUMAN flesh OF TIME. YIELD TO the Truth OF God's Mind, the Flame that BURNS UNTO Brightness OF Day.
This world of flesh and time IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THOSE WITH A HUNGER FOR Truth.
THIS IS the Message FROM God to the Church, Body of Christ. Spirit, Reality, IS Source of Obedience BY Faith.
OUR Obedience IS BY Faith IN the Work, Power, Spirit of His Presence. BECAUSE BY His Will, His Power, His Presence, HIS CHOICE, We Walk IN DARKNESS Shining the Light of Brightness within us the Body OF Christ. The Holy Lamp OF Fire, that darkness fears, flees into nonexistence with TIME.
The false conception of pretense that masquerades in HUMAN flesh OF TIME as the church of Reality, is but a temporary church conceived of human IMAGINATION. Pretending to BE what they ARE NOT WITHIN, LIVING SOULS Prepared for PERPETUAL Union with Christ, Truth, Thoughts of God.
Those TAUGHT BY Spirit, MUST REMEMBER TO DO WHAT IS Heard. THIS IS HOW you Keep the garment of flesh CLEAN, WORTHY TO Receive Bridal Flesh Eternal. THE Reborn SOUL by Spirit IS KEPT Clean, Prepared to BE Bride, BODY OF Christ, Seated as ONE by Presence, ON THE Throne of Reality.
ONE Perfect Man as Head OF His Body. EVERY Thought of God, His Word, TRUTH, belongs to the Bride. STOP RESISTING the Truth, Thoughts OF Spirit, YIELD to Seed of Truth AND BEAR the Children, the Church of God His Presence, INTO Covering upon the earth. Brightness the END OF darkness of time. Christ the ETERNAL Kingdom of Rock that crushes to dust the old world of time.
ONE Perfect Man, ONE Mind, Source of God-Thought. We ARE BECOMNG the Body, Bride OF Christ.
Christ the Head in whom IS THE Mind, God. A SPIRITUAL Nation, Holy Tribe Confromed to Holy Spirit, our Eternal Life we Live UNTO Glory of Father IN Son.
Science, Math, can PROVE existence OF God. BUT ONLY God, Spirit CAN, DOES, Conform the LIVING SOULS in the Body to Presence, Substance God. ONLY BY God Revealing Hims Self, Presence, can any human born of FLESH IN TIME, Receive FROM God the Epiphany OF Reality, Life OF God. ALL things began BY Spirit. ALL things NOT God, and ALL Things God's BY Spirit.
We first born earthly, by Faith BECOME LIVING SOULS within Body of Christ, Life INVISIBLE TO THE FLESH OF darkness and TIME, BUT Revealed BY God to His Chosen for Bride, Body OF Christ.
The WHOLE Garden, Mind OF God His Presence, is OURS TO DIGEST and Live NOT DIE as dust. The Thoughts OF God, His Presence BELONG TO His Spiritual Presence, Life IN US the Body of Resurrection TIME.
I Hear, Receive Thoughts: mustard seed, nesting cups, Wheat and seeds OF Wheat. Jacob and Essau, TWO different TYPES of souls. BOTH formed in ONE womb of darkness, time. BUT OF DIFFERENT internal substance. Clay in the Potter's Hand, the Vessel of Wine, at God's Table, Mind, Thought. ONLY the Sweet NOT the bitter, find their Way TO His Table.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
IF God's Chosen people, Stand IN TIME BY Spirit, UNFALLEN. Suffering as the Body of Christ, test of temptation, Standing IN Spirit.
Reality, the EVER NOW Says, I AM Reality, that EXISTS BEYOND the temporary dreams of souls LOST UNTO TIME. WITHIN Christ His Body, we PASS OVER, OUT OF darkness, night, to Stand on Shores of Reality OUTSIDE OF TIME.
God IS Spirit, Spirit Thinks, DOES, IS as He SO Thinks. The Gift OF Spirit that RESCUES His Lost in the sea of waves darkness.
There IS no human life of flesh OUTSIDE OF TIME of AIR.
The fallen church, bride of darkness, flesh of death. ALL souls born of flesh and blood, HAVE NO Life, Faith, Power WITHIN.
The Chosen FOR Life IN the Body, Church, House of God's Presence, HEAR His Spiritual Voice, THOUGHTS, AND Rise from serving flesh in time, TO Serving ONLY God, Mind, Heart? BY His Presence, Gift of Self, Life OF Truth to His LOST IN the waves of darkness.
SNAP OUT OF the trance of darkness. Rise from slumber BY Spirit of Brightness, the Light of Coming Day. DO NOT BE self-deceived by human spirit, deceit, PARTIAL truth NOT Truth. Awakened REMAIN A WAKE, Led BY THE Thoughts OF God, His Word, TO ENTER BY Faith THE SPIRITUAL Realm OF God. NOT even one dot of darkness, blemish of unbelief SHALL ENTER by pretense as Bride, Flesh, Boen OF Christ.
To WITNESS OF God His Power, His PRESENCE, His Love for THE BRIDE, Body OF Son. We ORIGINALLY in Adam, fell to the lips, thoughts of deceit, we ARE the BROKEN bones Restored TO Life. EVERY generation, soul upon soul, that FELL AS A fractal OF TIME, IS NOW BY Faith in God, Love, RESTORED AS UNBREAKABLE Bone OF Christ.
The Bride, CHURCH, Body WORTHY OF the Truth, Presence OF God.
IF she IS His Bride, His Body, His Bone, THEN Bride Lives IN UNION with Him, and death, human spirit, evil one HAS NO CAUSE to power, reason, to KEEP Bride Chained IN THE THOUGHTS OF DARKNESS. The Light OF Brightness HAS BROKEN EVERY chain, Removed EVERY thought of darkness FROM the Church, Bride OF Truth.
ALL the LIVING SOULS, EXISTING BY Faith, Breath of God's Presence, SHALL ENTER, not one Removed, cast out.
IF the Bride, Body, SOULS CONTINUE TO BE Faithful, Christ Shall NOT DENY His Church of LIVING SOULS that Live His Perfect Thought-Life BY Power, Presence OF Spirit. Obedient TO God, UNTO the shedding the OLD skin of serpent, Revealing the Flesh, Perfect Garment, God HAS Prepared FOR our Wedding Day.
It IS IMPOSSIBLE for human flesh given to darkness in time, impossible for flesh that lives by TEMPORARY AIR, TO Understand anything about Reality BEYOND, this temporary REALM of flesh and blood TIME. We ARE the Flesh OF Resurrection. BY Spirit We KNOW Truth, BY Spirit we BREATH MANY SOULS AS One. The Divine Spirit OF UNDERSTANDING that Reveals MYSERIOUS Presence within His PRE-Chosen Bride of the Living, FOR God.
Denial? Spirit IN Christ HAS POURED OUT the evil tainted blood of HUMAN life, and IS BEING Restored by the Breath, Life, Spirit, TRUTH OF God. UNLESS YOU DENY Truth BY unbelief. For God His Truth Says we His Body, Crucified Flesh, having died in UNION WITH Him, WILL NOW Live in Union with Him, the Word, VERY Breath OF God. The Truth lives IN and THROUGH Hi, s Body OF Faith. BY Faith we BELIEVE in the Power, Work, Will OF God. THE INVISIBLE Spirit OF God NOW RULES Christ's Body, WE ARE His Bride, Bone of His Bone.
NOW Life IS ONLY about the bloodless Bone, the Substance OF Life IN WE His Bones. We Walk BY Spirit, Breath, Presence OF God, no longer by flesh and blood OF disobedience, human spirit.
God IS REAL, THIS earthly realm but a dream of NIGHT time. IF we CONTINUE to The End OF time, if we ENDURE: Continue to OBEY, say NO TO the human spirit, THEN we SHALL Rule with Him AS His Bride, Bone, Substance in the Kingdom of Reality. SPIRITUAL Kingdom. The Rule OF Spirit withhin Chosen LIVING SOULS, a Bride FOUND Faithful TO Truth, IS WITHOUT SPOT, STAIN, substance OF darkness, spiritual poison, no bearing into being action, the thoughts of human spirit, life.