Wednesday, January 29, 2025

NO human spirit told me, Showed me the Christ Life Available to Believers.

Hard to Surrender TO Love? ONLY if your flesh RESISTS the Reality that Speaks THEN the Chosen Beloved, Clings to the Steps, Mind of Christ's Spirit. Power to Separate from darkness? Brightness of Coming Day. The Father of Bride, NEVER Leaves alone with darkness of time. ONCE Truth Revealed as Reality, Church is READY TO DEPPART TIME AT A MOMENT notice, NOW. HOW strange, hostile, dark the world of TIME appears to BE, WHEN Awake by Light WITHIN. GIVE UP ALL human thoughts, emotions, FOR ONE True Love.

HOW GLORIOUS, WHEN God Gives Rest to Body OF Christ.

REST from ALL ENEMIES surrounding Bride. Spirit OF Christ Leads Bride, PROTECTS Bride. TRUTH Leads Bride into the Promised Land, Place of Rest. The Body of Christ, Believers, Receivers of Christ Spirit as INHERITANCE OF Life. Let us BY Faith Rise, Follow, ENTER the Land of Revelation WHERE His Body OF Saints LEAN ON God His Presence PEACE. I OFFER unto God the Obedience Christ PAID FOR my life of disobedience. NOTHING Pleases God but the Body, Church OF OBEDIENCE. FROM NOW UNTO PERPETUAL, EVERLASTING YES TO God.

Awake IN TIME? DO you Hear, See, DISCERN Him, I Perceive. King of Glory. Eternal Victor.

The ONLY Way TO Love Him IS BY Spirit, BEARING EVERY Seed of Truth Rooting the soul into Kingdom of Reality. I want to Love Him LIKE He Loves this soul. ETERNALLY Thanking my Rescuer. Without Presence, His Spirit, I AM dead perpetually, eternally, instantly GONE IN time. The Spirit NEVER STOPS Working IN Us, His Body. His Church HAS Wings, POWER TO Rise above every human spirit, doubt,hindrance of unbelief. The darkest hour of time, the GREATER THE Brightness in the Children of God. There is a time to Walk, THEN Run in the Spirit, WHEN you See Home.

Same OLD serpent OF division TO conquer BY separation from Mind OF God.

ONE Body RULED BY THE Mind IN Christ HER Head. The Church of Revelation ON the March , She Abides by God's Thoughts, the Body that Walks ONLY BY His Thought Christ. Welcome to the final hours of human imagination, time Swallowed by Reality, Presence OF God. The ONLY Way OUT OF time, IS Alive BY Faith IN Christ. Money? NO value BUT IN TIME. Christ the Treasure in the Mind OF Spirit. REMEMBER what DEATH DOES TO the one Separated FROM Life, God, Spirit, Reality. FAINT, WEAK,CONFUSED those who Know NOT to Reverence, Love God. THE HIDDEN Secret Power HOW TO Turn Night TO Day OF Brightness. IS IN Christ, Truth GIVES Him Self Son of Life, to Beloved Bride, Body BROUGHT BACK TO God BY Spirit OF Faith. There is, a Declared Way out of the desert-death Alive, Faith in Fountain of LIVING Waters. WAKE UP, IN TIME TO BREATH the Spirit IN Christ. The ONLY Man TO BREAK OUT of the prison mind of hell. Can't you Hear BY Faith, the Sentences of Spirit, Voice Shouting in the wilderness of TIME, FOR His LOST but NEVER Forgotten.

Adam 's desire for own reflection, woOFmb-man, BECAME easily two separated FROM One.

First Adam Walked, Talked, Conversed, Thought by Thought. Eve the first Lesson of listening, to the voice, thoughts, strager NOT Spirit. It is still a garden that HAS FALLEN UNTO TIME of separation unto darkness. First we Learn HOW TO Walk BY FALLING DOWN again and again until We TAKE HOLD, Pull up Leaning, Relying ON God. The DELUSION of HUMAN beings BEANING Human IS, the human spirit the source of THEIR thoughts, tells them they OF SELF have the Power, Presence OF Light. Christ Truth SAYS there is NONE Good but God, Spirit. PARTIAL obedience IS ALL THE flesh AIR blood CAN do. SLOW to Lean Obedience, ACCUSERS BY human nature. Adam a SOUL FALLEN INTO HUMAN flesh, TIME BOUND. Christ the Cure, Remedy, Spirit OF Truth that Raised, Conformed HUMAN flesh UNTO Holy Spirit OF Reality. HUMANS BECOME slaves of others spirits than Spirit. Truth IS, every thing flesh possesses in THIS realm of darkness, IS MADE TO disappear in time, bound into nonexistence.

The LOST, following human spirit, THOUGHTS, mind farther in separation from God.

Anything of REAL Value, IS OURS in Christ, Body, Bride. Ready? Snake-boots on? THEN March on, ALL with ONE Perfect Eye, leave behind every human thought of imagination, ENTER the Perpetual Expanding Reality, RESTORATION. ONE Truth. ONE Mind. ONE Good Spirit. WHERE there IS One, THERE IS Life. COME near TO Me. HURRY, TARRY NOT,and I Will NOURISH you, Protect you from famine, loss. COME NOW TO Truth, that Father HAS MADE Ruler TO Glorify Father. The earth OF TIME, and our SPIRITUAL Pilgrimage, Jouney OF Faith, Truth, Hope in God, Guiding Light OF Brightness, We THE Living IN Truth by Truth, are Watched BY God from our Beginning TO End out of the womb of darkness, fleh of time. PUT ON Christ, Remain IN Him as long as time, darkness DISSOLVES. Believe. NONE shall die of spirutal famine but the dead chained by thoughts of darkness UNTO death,time.

HURRY. Make HASTE. God our Father, HAS MADE Christ His Son, Lord OVER ALL.

The INVISIBLE Ruling Word, VERY Thought OF God, Truth, NOW Reigns IN His Body. Wake up, HURRY, Come as SOON AS YOU His, Hear His Voice, Messengers. AND you SHALL SURELY Dwell, Rule BY His Power. Presence. NOW Bring ALL you HAVE possess UNTO Him to Live, Dwell IN Safety. The dragon, serpent, vipers, DARKNESS of death, CAN ONLY swallow, devour, separate the children of time-flesh, devouring them back to lifeless dust void of even temporary AIR. Shout the Message OF Truth, Christ His Flesh OF Spirit, His Body,Children LIVING SAINTS, NEVER die twice like flesh and blood. Christ Crucified His Body Surrendered TO Obedience. NOW, America RISE from the ashes, chaos of.time, Christ CRUSHED the head, mind, thoughts of unbelief UNDER the Feet OF WE His Body. The Truth OF Reality that OFFENDS the tribe, kingdom of darkness, THE Truth I REMAIN dead TO Live FOR. Time WAS CREATED for His LOST, TO BE Found, Restored to Relity IN Christ. AN Immeasurable Realiy that Removes all things human imagination.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Do YOU think THAT Christ does not Know about YOUR other love-s, that self shares self with?

His Chosen Bride, Body, Church BRINGS FORTH SAINTS FROM TIME. IN Reality there is BUT ONE Love, Love OF Son, FOR Father and ONE Love ONLY that EXISTS IN Unionw with God. The HOLY BOND, the Two in SPIRITUAL Union, Surrender to BE Led by Chains, Thoughts, of Truth. The children OF TIME, flesh and blood/AIR, the temporary Know NOT Reality OF Truth, that Dormant Seed HIDDEN IN the flesh, field of man, dust FOR the Day Perpetual Rain QUICKENS, Thrives, Seeking Light, Spirit Rain that PRODUCES Harvest OF LIVING SOULS from time of the dead and dying. God is not the UNKNOWN Mystery TO His Children. The fallen man, his head UNABLE TO Retain Water. The flesh and blood sells soul for things of THIS world first. THEN Christ. INVEST, Give YOUR TIME TO Spirit, the Power of TRANSFORMATION. From dying flesh TO Resurrected Flesh OF Christ. The Body, Bride OF Christ IS INVITED, Brought INTO a Reality that IS FOR ONLY FOR God, Son and Chidren of Bride. Truth OF God SETS FREE the temporary human beings from THEIR spirits ALIEN TO God, Reality Time. The thoughts shains, human spirits, things of IMAGINATION BECOME UNEXISTENT in the Body, Bride OF Faith. The bride of darkness, body of flesh and blood, temporary NEVER Eternal, NEVER MORE remembered by Angels OF Obedience. BE BOLD, DECLARE the Truth, Wisdom OF God, Lord, Master, King. Worship BY Spirit, Live the Life OF Christ His Body, THE EVIDENCE of Holy Union, the Saints ONCE BORN flesh AND blood, AIR breathers, NOW the LIVING Souls, Army of Saints, that Live Breath, Walk, EXIST by the Breath OF God His Presence. Human beings, children of human wisdom, CAN MAKE men-like-machines, BUT ONLY God Spirit and Truth Conceive Life, Reflection, Image of Holiness on EVERY Child His, Reborn OF Spirit, Substance of Eternal Life.

God His Presence Testifies, Christ His Truth, the Sacrifice OF LOVE.

God GRANT the Body of Christ, MORE AND MORE Understanding, OUR Preparation FOR the DAY OF Christ, AFTER the NIGHT, time IS NO MORE. BY Spirit Understanding the RICHES, Truth, that Keep His Body, Bride Clean Her Conscience, Washed by Spirit, Guarded by Spirit, PREPARED FOR Harvest. Fruit RIPENED BY Truth. ALL that matters, IS Reality OF Christ, Truth, is PROCLAIMED. My JOY is Thinking of Him, HIS Spirit, that NOW COMPELS Body to Think, Speak MOVE, exist The Bride, Church everging from darkness TIME, Walking in the Light OF Brightness, His Presnece SHING Path of Truth from within Spiritual Bride OF Life. COME NOW BY Spirit, Truth, Love, the ONLY Way Home out of darkness, TIME. Believe AND Live.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Wild fire and winds of AIR. The Power of Rain to remove dust of time. Cleanse, LIKE New.

The serpent of human wisdom, human religion, worthless human thoughts that despair, damage, death, loss. The human spirit seeks to swallow the human species into belly of destruction. REMAIN. Live Governed, Covered BY Spirit. The Lesson Taught BY God TO His Children? Remain IN the Spirit, Cleansed BY Love. You His Childen, REBORN OF Spirit, Will of God, BE Strong, BE Wise, FULL OF FAITH IN God's Presence. Confident and SURE, Enabled BY Spirit TO Stand, Remain without falling back to hid IN darkness, AT the Coming of the Brightness. BECAUSE FOR...NOW, we ARE Called Children OF God. THE WORLD does not recognize us, the reason? IS they The human being, easily hypnotized by imagination unable to BEHOLD Reality. The weakness of flesh and blood, fallen to delusion, confusion, just broken compass. Going walking in circles, lost unto time. The Body of Christ, Know Right, Know North, what is FAR FROM Truth, and WHAT IS the Way Home North.

Children, REBORN OF Spirit, IT IS the Final hour NOW, SO IF Understanding, Walk IN the Light.

The TIME OF NIGHT, darkness, IS ALMOST Over, done. BE FOUND Children OF Light within the Body, House OF God, before THE Risen Day of FULLNESS. BE Home BEFORE Door CLOSED TO world, TIME OF darkness. We Walk in the Fullness OF Light, His Presence in Lamp, Body, Bride. OUTSIDE THE REACH OF THE DRAGON OF DARKNESS. The Army of God, His Sons, have no love for the world, things of the world, TIME. The Dormant Seed HIDDEN IN Adam. Adam fell by the mind, mouth, poison, to flesh. BUT God, Truth, Power, Love REMAINS IN Children WHO BELIEVE. The Spirit, RAIN QUICKENS THE Seed INTO Existence, IN the Garden, Mind OF God. The Body, a Tree of Life, BEARS ONLY Life unto God. WAKE UP in time, Stand IN the Light OF Day, BECAUSE IF Truth, Christ REMAINS IN you, you HAVE CONQUERED the evil one. You the Body HAVE Heard, Understood, Know, that MANY ANTI-Christs HAVE APPEARED IN THE TIME OF Night, NOW GONE. They PRETENDED TO BE, but were, are NOT, FOR IF they WERE OF Christ, they would Remain Lamps of Spiritual Light of Brightness, IN Christ. For them IMPOSSIBLE. But YOU Children REMAIN? BECAUSE THE Spirit of Christ Lives in through you His Body, VICTORIOUS AGAINST the anti-christ spirit of religion. Christ IS A Life, not a sermon, religion. Go FORTH IN Freedom, SHOUT the Good News over the world.

Through Christ His Spirit OF Obedience, Love, His Bride IS UNITED TO Life without death.

The Man, Body of Light THAT Gives Light to the whole world of darkness. We ARE the Children OF Love, Walk IN Hi Name, BY His Spirit, Presence. The shadows of darkness, that cling to their inward darkness, RESIST, REFUSE TO COME INTO the Light from darkness, TIME. The human being human natuted, selfish, have hate NOT Love within them. The man OF darkness, the HUMAN walks IN SHADOWS, NOT knoiwing WHERE he goes. Blinde, d by darkness, unable to stop falling DOWN. IN the Name OF Christ, Truth, we ARE Forgiven our sins, thoughts, acts of disobedience, NOW BY Faith, Spirit, God, we Walk FREE? Because the Seed OF Truth, Remains, Roots, Thrives IN us His Bride, we THRIVE. We HAVE BUT ONE Love, Spirit IN Truth. ONLY ONE Love, no other, THERE NOW IS NO OTHER, NO place for human spirit. NOTHING. NOTHING BUT THE Truth, Spirit of God, DWELL IN His Children. We ARE REBORN this Way. Glory TO God our Father and His Word that Fulness OF Pesence CONSTantly, INSTANTLY, PERPETUALLY Saves His Body, Bride from being taken captive againt TO evil one, disobeeience. EVERYTHING IN THE world OF TIME, THE TEMPORARY things flesh loves, chases after, HINDER the God-Life OF Christ. LOVE the world, THAN the Love OF God IS NOT IN you. CARNAL allurements, enticements that take eye captive, the things of emptiness, that human spirit PRIDE uses as seduction, distraction, TO HINDER the Becoming the Man, Body that IS Obedient, DOES the WiLL OF God, THAT ENDURES FOREVER.

Christ the Perfect Lamb, Sacrificed FOR our sins. ONLY the Blood-Life, Spirit, PLEASES God.

By Spirit, Presence, Substance God, Christ DIE ALWAYS LIVE, DO, THE Will, Works OF God His Father. The HUMAN spirit OF PRETENSE, IS THE temporary spirit of AIR, that EXISTS ONLY in this world of darkness, the predator of souls. The blood life of Jesus, the UNCLEAN HUMAN spirit, temporary breath of life, Removed from His Obedient Flesh, RESTORATION. God IN Jesus, Ruled human flesh BY POWER OF His Presence within. We ARE THAT NEW Flesh Eternal, INVISIBLE TO human beings, dead, blind, deaf OF darkness. The END OF winter. The COMING Spring, Preparation TO Bear, Bring FORTH, Harvest OF God's Fruit. Mind Sharpens against Mind. Swift, Precise, ACCURATE the Blade of Physician. THE Way TO BE SURE we ARE MADE Perfect IN Truth? The Evidence IS our Love OF His Truth, Son. OUR OBEDIENCE is Proof, Evidence that we IN Union DO AS Christ the Word DOES. Christ Jesus, the OLD Word of God NOW Obeyed BY Body Ruled BY Spirit within. The Commands OF God HAVE NOT Changed, WHAT IS Changed, New? IS THE full obedience, NO disobedience to Truth. God CHANGES NOT, IS Eternal,Perpetual Good. The Change? IS we the old flesh of blood, NOW the NEW Flesh BY Spirit.

Friday, January 24, 2025

The Servant of His Body does not CATER to please men, ONLY God.

For WHAT pleases human beings is THEIR own THOUGHTS FOR food. The Word OF Truth, Mind of Relection, ONLY Pleases God the Father OF BOTH Head and Body, Bride. ONE Substance. ONE Holy Father. Father of the Bride and Christ Her Head, His Son. ONE Mind, Reality, RULES BOTH that ARE NOW ONE, Perfect Reflection Retored from death BACK TO Life IN Reality. The OLD human life as slave of darkness IS GONE, Removed BY Faith,the Power of Truth. The human spirit in flesh, sways back and forth, hynotising the flesh. Garin NEWsome? Politician, or hynotist. Snake like dance, mouth of poison, to swallow the victim in the path of serpent. The beasts of war, that exist IN TIME to perish Lifeless under the Feet of His Body, Church. Come let us Walk AS ONE, all the Way Home. The Spirit Reveals the Way, Steps of Light BACK TO Brightness, beyond times of darkness. The children of darkness, body, government of deceit, hide WHAT they are to human beings, TO Swallow them in the belly of the beast, the government of darknees that compells into bondage the human spirits that are BOUND in the chais, thoughts, pOWER OF THEIR father the devil. The flesh and blood that GOVERNS by darkness, and WARS to TAKE CAPTIVE BY fear the whole world of flesh and blood to serve human imagination, spirit. wE ARE the Body, the Christ, THE Power of Truth THAT brings down the temple, house of darkness upon the heads of the Godless IN TIME.

We Live Christ His Life ONLY BY the Power, Presence OF Spirit, God. EXAMINE YOUR soul, self IN TIME?

BE QUICK, the time of night, darkness IS ALMOST GONE. The Body, of Christ IS RISING OUT OF TIME a Chruch BEING Restored TO Life. Adam a Creation OF God, BECAME TWO EASILY SEPARATED from Reality. The Eye OF Reality, Relects OUR NEW Garment, NEW Life, Living SOUL Prepared by Spirit TO ENTER, Live the Life OF Reality. SO devious, so misled, mistaught THE humans of flesh and blood, the body, house of many roomds of darkness. IF you CAN Hear with Understanding? WAKE UP, or dissolve as the dreams of night, by Presence OF Light of BRIGHTNESS. Fear. The human spirit, temporary life, FEARS Truth, Light of Brightness that INSTANTLY Removes THE DARKNESS BY Faith from time. Father WAKE your Children, BEFORE Your Children ARE ALL Home, THEN Loving Father, CLOSE the Door, Way in the face of darkness. I HAVE NEVER DESIRED this Reality MORE, than Right Now Praying Christ of God, that the Brethren COME NOW IN BEHIND, UNDER Him Head, Mind EVERY THOUGHT God's.

This world OF TIME, its human spirit, its body is not the Body, Church, Bride Life OF Christ.

ANY OTHER body, spirit than Christ, think, speak, TEACH any OTHER human doctrine, religion THAN Doctrine OF Spirit? BE NOT deceived the false prophet, that works for deceit for the things of this earth, world. The magicians by PRETENSE, human spirit, imagination, ARE TRANSFORMED into appearing as angel of Light. Satan THE angel OF Deceit, Transforms his body, church of unbelievers, church of unbelief, posers, imposters of PRETENSE that say they ARE, but are NOT,gathering the body OF Christ, but the dead souls unto SECOND DEATH in time. The HUMAN being flesh and blood, body, house of human spirit, MUST BECOME Alive IN Body OF Faith, Christ. THEN depart this world of dust, death, BY Spirit INTO the Perpetual Life OF Reality IN God. DO NOT give your soul, self, to a deceiver and be fed with thoughts of death. The human gospel, misinterpretation, human thoughts, spirit LEAD ONLY farther FROM Truth, Light, Presence OF God. IF any man boast, BOAST IN the Spiriy, BOAST the Thoughts, Truth OF God, Reality. Listen. Receive by Faith, the Thoughts of Mouth, His Living Words that TRANSFORM the Receiver into Servants OF Light. I AM NOTHING. Christ IS EVERYTHING God, I NEED. IF we Walk BY THE SAME Spirit, in SAME Thoughts, Steps AS Jesus the Christ? Are we NOT His Body? We ARE. fOR Christ His Spirit, Presence IS IN His Body, Bride. Time TO, COME Clean or cling asleep in the dream that EXISTS OUTSIDE Reality.

Give UNTO God Thanks FOR EVERYTHING, THIS the ENRICHING of Soul, EVERYTHING Received OF Thanksgiving.

God the Author, Supplier of Grace, the SOUL NEEDS TO Live, Exist, BE. NOT the wants, desires OF HUMAN flesh, temporary life, time. The Spirit, Presence OF God, OUR ONLY Hope, Desire of Eternal Life NOW and AFTER temporary life in, of time. ACCORDING TO the Spirit or spirit that the soul sows by, SO IS the Harvest, Life OR death. GOD SUPPLIES His Saints, the Bread, Food, Waters of Wine they NEED. NOW let us go in time, Sowing THE Seed, Word OF God, AS Servants Professing Gospel OF Christ, Truth, Love OF God. THIS Life, Spirit OF Christ IN us His Body, God's Gift TO us, THE Gift, Grace of His Presence, UNKNOWN to flesh and blood, the VERY UNSPEAKABLE Word of Body, Bride OF Christ. Body, Man and God ONE IN TIME, then GONE leaving realm of darkness BEHIND. THE Truth, Word, Thought of God's Mind, HIDDEN without Spirit TO ENGRAVE BOTH Mind and Heart, Body AS ONE Revelation of Brightness to Substance OF Substance. NOW if Undetstanding, NOW IS ALWAYS THE TIME to Rise and Stand without falling back asleep dead in time.

The GREAT Becoming, BY Spirit within, the Reflection of Christ His Body.

Christ Jesus DIED FOR ALL flesh, body of death to Live HENCEFORTH, NOW not according to, after the desires of flesh, FOR evil self BUT for God, His Truth, House OF Worship, WHERE OBEDIENT SOUL lIVE, bREATH, have THEIR being Alive from death. God HAS DONE THIS, Reality REMOVED human spirit,mind, thoughts, death, FROM Garden OF His Presence Eternal. IF you CLAIM TO belong TO Christ, THEN BY Faith you ARE Reconciled by Truth BACK TO Reality IN God. By Faith become Rooted IN Christ, and depart before time ceases to exist, OUTSIDE Kingdom of Reality. The ONLY Fruit I DESIRE is the Truth, Fruit, VERY Thoughts OF God. The children of flesh time, live for their own thoughts, spirit, imagination. BUT His Body Lives IN TIME and AFTER TIME, only for the Spirit, Light within. SHINE ON. Shine on the Light of Risen Morning Star OF Coming Day. God HAS Reconciled the flesh of world, Fogiven disobedience, sins, BY FAITH IN Christ Truth, Life of Restoration. But the seed of darkness balongs to darkness to die IN TIME. Denying, Refusing THE INVITATION OF Faith. NOW be not deceived, led by HUMAN imagination,darkness even farther in death, separation from Truth. The seed of flesh and blood, cling to human spirit EVEN UNTO death as dust, moved by wind, temporary air of human body. Yes. Yes YOU do think you ARE Alive, but you are retuning to dust OUTSIDE OF Reality.

Christ ONE Man died for ALL dead souls IN HUMAN flesh time. ONE Perfect OBEDIENT Man.

IF the Sacrifice OF THE Son OF Spirit, a PERFECT SACRIFICE of Obedience for his HUMAN flesh of disobedience TO Live, Swallowed by waves OF DARKNESS, Death, VOMITED OUT BY time of NIGHT. The human spirit of death had no power to hold Him the Son OF Spirit in flesh. Christ EVERY Truth, Thought of Life, Spirit DWELT IN, through Jesus in world of flesh time. The Perfect Mind IN Christ our Head, HAS Raised We His Body BY Power of God, Presence. IN Christ His Body, we Live, Obey BY His Spirit, Holy Substance in us. The Serpent of death, HAS NO power, presence, poison of unbelief IN us, Body OF Christ. There no more IS excuse for disobedience in church OF TIME, that parades as the Obedient Body, Bride, Church, House of MANY Roomes, Children HOME in the night. WITH Christ ALL the NIGHT TIME, Rising His Bride with Him, TO the Work OF PERPETUAL Day in Reality. , God the INVENTOR, MAKER OF ALL things of earth and Things of Heaven. God Reality, that science shall bow to IN Revelation. Spirit REFLECTS God, God IS Seen in all things, temporary and Eternal. ENTER in through the Opened Eye of God, Peering into TIME, before the Door, Way TO Life is CLOSED FOREVER to the dead of time. The human mind, human spirit, fatther,spirit, self in flesh, lies, TO RETAIN the temporary life, children that are his IN TIME. IF. if, if any HUMAN SOUL IS Alive IN Christ? He IS NEW, not the old dead soul. The OLD creature, human flesh and blood, garment of human soul is PASSES AWAY, DISSOLVED,DECEASED, GONE, VANISHED WITH TIME. But Beloved OF God, the Body of LIVING SOULS, Bride OF Christ, NEW Man, ARE Governed, OBEY only the Mind OF Truth, Thughts OF God.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The children of flesh and blood believe WHAT their father, human spirit says.

The Children OF Spirit, ARE the Body OF Faith, Life, Hope, Love. We DEPART TIME Alive BY Spirit, the Truth, Word, EVERY Thought OF Holy Spiritual Mind IN Christ OUR Head. BY Him Breath, Life OF God's Presence, we HAVE DIED TO THIS WORLD. If BY Spirit Live, Think, DO as Mind of Christ SAYS. The ONLY Way out of THIS WORLD, womb of darkness IS BY Spirit, Truth, Christ. The children of RELIGIOUS spirits OF TIME, hide the EXIT, the Way OUR OF TIME Alive from the dead. The Work is NOT OURS, OUR Work IS OBEDIENCE. OUR Obedience is BY Spirit, Will, Power OF God His PRESENCE, Life. Ready to GIVE ACCOUNT for your TIME on earth? Wise Investment, or loss with NO Return. The loss of temporarty existece, spent on thoughts of flesh and blood.

By Faith in God His Power, His Will, we Obey Him IN us.

Our death for our disobedience, PAID IN FULL BY Christ on behalf of We the flesh, descendants of Adam the dead souls born of dead man his fallen flesh.  ONE Christ, Man of Perfect Obedience, Gave His Perfect Soul and Body of Perfect Obedience to Ranson us from prison time on earth.

I give my self, REBORN soul TO Christ to be His Slave of Obedience, NOW, Forever NOW.  I serve Christ with Obedience.  GONE is disobedience, by the Will Power of God His Presence.  God IS King, there is no other King, but He the Mind of God, His very OWN Thought, Word of Truth and Faith.  The Mind and Truth NOW King over Head and Body.
There NOW IS NO turning back from Obedience unto disobedience, all that would remain IS DEATH BY separation from Life.

  Adam's flesh given to disobedience, the descendants of Abraham that Lived by Faith the Coming of Christ, OUR Obedience, The Body of Obedience, Walks as LIVING SOULS that Hear Him fallen flesh do not Hear, Know, Recognize OUR Spirit Poured out into Chosen Vessels in time, TO Walk by Spirit IN OBEDIENCE, that Dwells in We His Body of Resurrection from the dead that surround us in time.  WHAT we NOW are is hidden from flesh and blood, humans. Remove this old snake skin and BEHOLD WHAT God HAS Done unto the Body of Christ.  The Brightness, THE Shine.

Faith IN God, Author of Savior and Restoration unto Resurrection. Even the Holy Spit of Christ puts out the flame, spark AND fire of destruction.  Holy Spirt and Holy Tears, for His Body.  The Power of the Shower of PERPETUAL Rain, Eternal.  ONCE Cleansed by God, the Body of Christ Cleansed forever.   Bless the Lord our Refiner's Soap.
 God the ONLY God whose Presence, Reality, PUTS Right His Chosen, Originated IN His Mind  . Time Created for HUMAN BEINGS. The Prison of doing TIME, until Released IN Rebirth from darkness.  The Mercy of God upon even the souls, flesh not His, that Receive from Justice what is done by them unto others.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

David DANCED, in the eyes OF flesh, was thought a fool. The Bride DANCES JOYFULLY with the Groom, EYES FIXED ON Him.

Whoever HAS NOT Believed, a hypocrite that makes God to APPEAR TO BE a liar. THE Truth IS, THAT every Child, Libing SOUL IN Christ, His Body, CONQUERS the world. 1John5:4. What are YOU waiting for, Crucifiy the human spirit blood-life-OF AIR, and By Faith LIVE Christ. BEAR ONLY His Thoughts IN TIME. Truth the Door OF Home that His Body, Bride ENTER the Eternal Residence OF Goodness. Jesus the Truth, Breath, Life OF Spirit, that NOW IS Raising His Generations, Head First by Mind, Thoughts INTO Kingdom of EternaL Reality. It IS God, Spirit, the Mind IN Head, Christ, that IS OUR Realization, Knowing that BY Spirit WE BEAR the Name OF Christ, BY Spirit WE KNOW, Realize we POSSESS Christ, Eternal Life OF Truth. REJOICE. ALWAYS IN Spirit BY Spirit within. Ye Blessed with Presence, Substance Holy. NOW Live FREED from human spirit of disobedience. Oh Beloved Bride, COME Let US Walk by Spirit IN THE Garden Mind, State of Union. Death, casting off of flesh TO TIME, is our Release, Restoration TO Garden Life OF Reality. The darkness HAS CRUSHED, OPPRESSED, but God has Given TIME TO Return BY Faith unto God.

The children of flesh and blood WAR PERPETUALLY against one another, for THEIR portion of THEIR father's world.

THIS is not THE Spiritual World OF Reality. This world of wars, is worthless dust of death. We NOW Alive BY Spirit, the Awakened BY Spirit's ENTRANCE WITHIN, WE NOW Stand as ONE against the flesh, time, world of darkness. The Body, Tribe of Christ, SHOUTS NO to the dark spirit of war. BUT the children OF TIME, THEIR money, THINGS they desire, ARE NOT the Children REBORN OF Peace as the Worshippers OF God, Reality. The serpent mind, the mouth of darkness, will RESIST, refuse to allow the Children OF Peace TO GO. BUT WAKE UP IN TIME, kNOW this, the Foot of Christ HAS CRUSHED the serpent, head and body UNTO death IN TIME. Wake up. REMAIN Awake TO the END, Finding Brightness HAS Finished Time, the HOLD OF TIME on Body OF Chriat. ALL SOULS CLINGING TO Christ, Truth, Thoughts of God's Presence, SHALL CAST OFF THE old serpent flesh AND Rise. The flesh of time, RETURNS TO DUST AND AIR, BUT Living Souls, ENTER Consciousness, Reality BY Spirit. OUR Reward of Faithfulness in time, the human flesh CONFORMED to the Power, Spirit IN SOUL.

Filled with Love, God, Spirit, there is no room for fear 1John 4;1 8. God IS Love. Spirit OF Love. His Body CONQUERS ALL.

The Body OF Christ does not fear the evil human spirit, darkness, time. The Body IS BROUGHT TO Perfection IN Spirit. Divine Spirit IS OUR Peace, Resting, Relying on the Mind, Heart, Truth, SUBSTANCE God. The Head with EVERYTHOUGHT, Mind OF God, PRESERVES His Body FROM TIME, permanent death IN TIME. The Spirit IN His Body TESTIFIES, Declares the Truth OF God, His Presence. BY Spirit, LIVING WATERS, SPIRITUAL Waters, we His Body LIVE BY SPIRITUAL Blood PURGED OF human spirit, corrupted blood life OF AIR. We WERE fallen souls, temporary vessels IN TIME, the UNCLEAN thoughts of disobedience, ONCE ruled us as slaves in the fallen body, INFECTED by poison, thoughts OF AIR, thoughts, words OF DEATH. Come, NOW, ALL THAT ARE Enabled by Spirit, TO Serve the Word, Bread of Life to those Coming our of the wilderness of beast, TIME. The Bread that God Gives DAILY without end The Door, OF God's House, HAS BEEN OPENED unto America, TO COME back from darkness TO Brightness, Power, God, Presence IN TIME. God the Worker OF Miracles, Raise America TO Stand BY Presence, Glorifying Spirit, TRUE Life. To BEAR BY Spirit the Thoughts, Truth that GLORIFIES God as God OF THE IMPOSSIBLE Things, Divine.


Adam BECAME the house, body, flesh OF DOUBT, servant OF HUMAN spirit IN TIME. The HUMAN spirit, bears the thoughts of darkness in time. The children of flesh and blood, life OF AIR, TEMPORARY beings. BUT the SOULS Rebegotten OF Spirit BY Faith IN Jesus the Christ. ARE those Born OF Faith and Raised, Transformed BY Spirit, NOW the Living Body OF Christ, LIVING SOULS Walking by Spirit IN THIS TIME WORLD OF DARKNESS, THE DEPART Alive, Rising from time INTO the Eternal Rest IN Presence OF God. The Truth THAT HUMAN substance DENY unto death with human spirit IN TIME. This Truth, Life, Reflecion OF God, Spirit, IS NOW ours BY Spirit, Mind, Breath within us the Body of Christ, BEING Raised a Generation unto Generation FROM TIME to Life IN Reality. JESUS IS THE Christ, and ALL that BELIEVE He IS Begotten OF God? THESE the SOULS Alive BY Faith IN Body of Christ, Life. AS a SOUL Thinks, Believes God, Spirit, SO THAT Spirit IS, BELONGS TO Father, Spirit and Truth. Christ's Body OF Believers LOVE Father and Serve, Do His Thoughts. The PROOF, EVIDEYOUNCE you LOVE God, Spirit of Truth, and LOVE Him: IS YOU only Serve Him NO human spirit, bear no EVIL, DO NO evil, BECAUSE Brightness IS Presence, the Shin IN you. LOVE OF God, IS This:You DO, OBEY His EVERY Thought, Spirit of OBEDIENCE WITHIN SOULS Eternal, AS Kin BY Spirirt.

Monday, January 20, 2025

We WAR NOT, REIST NOT, Serve any thing OF This world, FOR the Body, Land that IS Christ, OUR ONE AND ONLY Desire.

Time IS FOR the Seeking, Finding, Receibing the Spirit OF Christ, Faith TO CROSS OVER FROM TIME TO Reality. SUDDENLY but Expected BY the Living Prepared NOW to Cross OVER, WE wait in time for dissolving of time. God IN Christ His Body, Bride, HAS BROUGHT Perfection IN us. Humans without Love,Spirit, HAVE NOT Known God, Love. The Son of God, Truth HAS DIED our death in flesh, paid for our Release, PASSING INTO the Kingdom Perfectly Free of human spirit of TIME. We His Body HAVE Life through, because of Him. NOT BECAUSE any good,any thought of flesh, work of flesh, ONLY Because Christ His Love of God IS IN us, Restoring, keeping us Safe FROM TIME. We Know, He Resides IN US, because He Empowers our Abiding IN Truth, God. OUR Obedience IS Christ His Spirit within us. WE Speak, Witness, TELL THE Truth, the Good News, Life OF God ENTHRONED AS God IN THE Mind, Heart, Body as Sovereitn God. Father, Reveal Your Presence WITIN Your Children, Speak Spiritual Thoughts, Truth WITHIN them the Reborn. Call them BY Your Spirit, Name, Power TO COME FORTH from the grave of Lifeless flesh, TO Live ONLY UNTO You Your Presence Eternity. The Bride, Body of the LIVING, ARE TAUGHT BY Spirit, Truth, and not found seated at the feet of human flesh and blood. And Hearing the Voice, Sound, Thughts of Life, they departed the church of flesh and blood, of misunderstanding He they Know NOT.

The Body THAT IS ONE Man UNDER God His Spirit. The Beautiful Dominion, Reflection OF God.

America BE LIFTED BY Faith BACK TO Presence OF God. Things Hidden by TIME, NOW Revealed by Spirit to Land of His Presence. ALL IN Christ BY Faith, BE STILL, Watch, Listen, Wait ON God, ABIDE IN Christ to Cross over from earth, dust, graceyard of the dead, BY Remaining IN Christ His Body BY Faith. Belong TO Christ? THEN you MUST BE, DO AS Christ, Obey. The LOVE OF God IS MADE PERFECT IN the Body of Chriat, BE SURE TO ABIDE, Remain IN Christ BY , Spirit. The Spirit, LIVING Commands, THOUGHTS of God ARE Realized by, in His Body. The Son does not think, speak, act like a shadow, son of darkness. IF the Truth, Light, Hope, Spirit REMAINS IN you, THEN you ABIDE IN Him. FACT of Life. 1John 2:16, NOTHING CARNAL, of THIS world, carnal ENTICEMENTS,seductions come not from God, BY Spirit. THESE THE WORKS OF human spirit, children of hypocrisy, ARE NOT from nor OF God Spirit. The Spirit and the Body OF Christ, Truth, DO ONLY the Will OF God, Brightness, and ENDURE FOREVER. Children it is the LAST hours of time, NIGHT OF the antichrist-s, AND IF, ONLY if they Remain IN Christ, ARE they His. The DOUBTERS, LIARS, HUMAN spirit, temporary flesh OF TIME, DENY, Reject the Reality, the Brightness NOW ours BY Faith IN Eterniy, TRUTH. If the Truth OF Spirit, IS Heard, ENBRACED BY YOUR SOUL, THE SOUL WHERE Spirit ABIDES, HAS Conquered the antichrist, spirit of darkness, that holds soul by thoughts of fear. God's Spirit, His Thoughts ARE Love. DON'T ALLOW unbelievers, deniers OF Truth, to separate you FROM Reality, Life. The Children OF Faith HAVE NO NEED OF a teacher of flesh and blooe, human teachers of mistranslations, midunderstandings. God OUR Spirit, OUR Father IS OUR Teacher, Guide, Friend. WHY DID CAIN child of the wicked one KILL his brother that was Righteous? BECAUSE the human spirit, thoughts of Cain WERE wicked and Thoughts OF Able, Rightous. THIS IS HOW WE Know that we ARE God's IN Christ, Body, we BEAR ONLY the Good, Right Thoughts OF Spirit. BY Spirit we Think, DO Right and God the Power, Source, Presence GETS ALL THE GLORY. AND WE HAVE PASSED from life of death TO Life IN Body OF Christ? WHEN we DO Good, nothing but Good, the Blessing.

This world of darkness, dead souls bound in chains, thoughts of darkness, IS NOT Life, Reality IN Christ Jesus, His Body.

God DECIDES, Knows from Beginning to END, ALL. Nothing happens unseen, unknown by God. What IS IMPOSSIBLE can ONLY BE Done BY God, His Presence, Substance, He IS Bringing into time existence, a Spiritual Kingdom of Presence UPON the Foundation OF Truth. God RULES. His Will BE DONE, BY instruments of disobedience Chosen to COME BACK IN Spirit TO God. The Mystery of God, Power, the Author, His Spirit that ONLY Knows the Meaning of Mystery. God the Key TO EVERYTHING, Life FROM death.sTHE REBORN BY Faith, the Living SOULS GROW PERFECT BY Spirit, the EXACT Image OF Father and Son, IN TIME OF Awakening. Who cares what flesh and blood, children of darkness seek, desire? NO human thought HAS ENY VALUE, only THE Christ, Living truth of Mouth of Spirit, IS Precious. The church, body of flesh and blood, darkness SHALL ALL BE swallowed by time. ONLY the ONE Church OF Christ, His Body, EXIST IN Reality, Mind of God. IN Him, His Body, the LIIVING SOULS Servants OF Christ SHALL EXIST BEYOND THE mouth, hand of darkness. The BEAUTIFUL death, to THIS world of flesh and time, THAT Door INTO Brightness NOW Open to His Bride. Cleansed, Dressed, Prepared by Spirit, TO Stand BEFORE God. Bride, Body that PERFECTLY Pleases the Eye OF Spirit.

The Way OF Knowing we ARE His Body, Bride, Church IN UNION, ONENESS WITH Him IS?

We Spirit of Spirit REBORN, are one and same Substance, Spirit in human flesh. We are the Body Christ Crucified, Freed from the bood of disobedience, AIR. By Spiritual Rebirth OF Faith IN God's Word, we the Flesh OF Christ, His Body Hear and DO the Thoughts of Goodness OUR Father. We arw THE Body of Believers, the REBORN OF Spirit, Power, Will, Mind OF God. We ARE the Body OF Christ, Crucified dead, THEN Raised NEW TO Life. Spirit OF Christ IS God, Life, Substance Holy. BLESSED THE Awakened souls THAT Brightness ENTERS, Raises TO Stand by Light IN darkness. We ARE the Body of Christ, the LOVE OF God, Spirit, MADE Perfect. Think, BEAR, Remain IN the Thoughts that Carry the SOUL INTO THE Kingom Presence OF God AS Children OF Truth, Life, Hope. The OLD man of flesh and blood could not OBEY the WRITTEN Commands OF God. BUT We the Body OF NEW Man, Hear, OBEY, DO EVERY COMMAND OF Spirit BY the Spirit, Power, OF God's Presence within we the Living, Seperated from death BY Life IN us, WE PROCLAIM Christ, Truth, THE Power Word OF God His Mind, Heart, Spiritual Soul. We the MANY REBORN SOULS of Life, that NOW UNTO Eternal Forever, Live, Serve, BOW to the Spirit OUR Father. The WRITTEN Scriptures FOR HUMAN beings, that HUNGER, HUMBLE THEIR spirit in SOUL, to BOW QUICKENED INTO Reality, Right Mind, Righteous Spirit, SPEND ALL their time ON Glorifying God His Presence. GOD HAS DONE THIS. Hidden the Truth, Written Scriptures TEIR True Meaning, from the children of fallen man. ONLY BY, WITH Spirit, can any Know God His Presence, Goodness.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Fractals. AND God that Creator that HOLDS ALL the fractals AS ONE Perfect Fractal Eternal.

Do not RELY ON human beings, human minds, human thoughts. TOO insignifcant, far away to See, WHAT Reality IS. Blessed BE ALL His Called, COME UNTO Rebirth FROM TIME, to ENTER THE Truth, Door, Way INTO the House, Christ House ETERNAL. The Door SHUT BEHIND them. The Door, the Way, the HIDDEN Directions in the Scriptures, that ONLY INDWELLING Spirit, Teacher CAN Perceive, Reveal to the Child in His Arms AT REST. We REST in the Arms OF God. Sweet the slumber of the Reborn. We ARE the House, Body, Bride, Reflection, SPIRITUAL Image of Christ. God is the Builder. The Body of Christ is PERFECTLY Built. Day IS COMING TO Reveal if WHAT IS BUILT, is OF God or human spirit of pretense. That which suffers LOSS has not BEEN BUILT BY Spirit, Reality. IF the house of flesh is destroyed but the SOUL remain,Saved. The house built on human thoughts, foundation, will not Stand BUT fall in time. ALL LOST unto the fire of hell,the flesh but bot the SOUL. The Body, Bride OF Christ, House of LIVING Children. Stand, Rest on SURE Foundation OF TRUTH. Let no HUMAN spirit delude you, or hide Truth as partial truth that is NOT FULLNESS OF God. ONLY the Spirit OF Truth IS QUALIFIED to Build the House, Church of God His Presence. Foolish they who rely, lean upon the wisdom, mind of the world. Christ IS Truth, Christ BELONGS TO God, and We BELONG TO Christ by Spirit, God, and all things ARE OURS, THE FUTURE IS OURS by Spirit. Christ IS the Standard, the Measure, we ARE REQUIRED OF God TO BE. By Faith IN Truth, WE DEPART TIME, AND ENTER DANCING WITH JOY THE Reality hidden, closed to human substance, earth. We MANHY REBORN SOULS, MATURED BY Spirit, Prepared FOR Eternal LIFE OF Holy Union, ALL BOUND One Man, Body, Spiritual Bride. AN IMMORTAL Family BY Spirit.

The Rainbow OF Peace. Christ the JUDGE OF His MINISTERS. 1 Corinthians Ch 4.

Christ the Life of Spirit, Power to Conform into LIKENESS, Substance, the Body, Church of LIVING SOULS that Hear, Speak the Thoughts of Realilty IN TIME. His Lost Come not by FORCE but ONLY BY Love, Rembrance OF Him Restored BY God. The Power OF Love FOR Christ, HOLY DOMINION OF Love LIFTS US UP BY Presnence OF Spiri BACK INTO REMEMBRANCE. BEFORE THE fall of darkness upon THIS world OF TIME, We PRE-EXISTED in the Mind of the Divine. HUMAN flesh was only temporary house, for children of flesh and blood. Christ entered house of darkness in time, A LIVING Soul, LIGHT OF Brightness. The Spirit AND Truth His Word, the Cure, Remedy, Holy Prescription of Restoration. The Power TO Redeem, Restore BACK TO Life, God. The Phenonomon, Mind that Reveals, Speaks to His LOST Children. Spirit Speaks, Calls back the SOUL, SUBSTANCE of Spirit. WHAT the Children of God NEED? The Father, Teacher, Spirit, Truth the Lord, SPIRITUAL Teaching, Awakening. Hey. YOU devils of disobedience, deceit, liars and enemy of God BY flesh and blood, LEAVE the Children of the MOST HIGH alone UNDER Wings OF Spirit. WHAT the world of darkness,time, NEEDS is the Dawning Light of Day Risen. We Present His Invitation, those Chosen OF God, COME the NIGHT before Day. THE FIRST Requirement for the Body OF Truth, is to BE FOUND Trust-worthy. NO human being, creature of partial obedience, NO human thought, judgment, no earthly Judge in time, has any power over the Obedient TO Christ. NOW are we AWARE that we ARE THE Bride, LIVING Church OF His Presence, BELONING ONLY TO Him God, Truth, Love. OVERFLOWING WITH Love for Lord, Savior, Truth, KING. Religion, the human spirit, SELF-righteousness, MUST disappear in your TIME. Christ IS NOT life, NOR religion of flesh and blood. NO OUR Beloved IS THE Spirit, Substance OF God Reality. The Truth DOES NOT war with doctrines, spirits of death, human voices, human thoughts. Christ JUST IS. The Sword, Blade that pierces darkness, to the Way, the Light COMING IN. NONE so blind as flesh and blood that by human spirit, deceit, dies and NEVER Lives.

TO BE.EXIST by the Mind, Presence Spirit, Standing on the Shore of AFTER life. OR? NOT TO BE exst by lack OF Faith IN Truth.

The flesh of AIR, TIME, DECEIVES THE LOST souls that they EXIST IN Reality, theirs but the dreams of temporary flesh in the NIGHT. It IS IN TIME, THAT THE HUMAN spirit of deception, REFLECTS his presence, substance IN fallen flesh time. WHAT VALUE IS THERE in THE INFECTED HUMAN FLESH OF TIME? The Body, Bride OF Christ, Her VAULE IS OBEDIENCE. Her VALUE IF Faith IN Love, God's Presence. The Fire that CLEANSES, TRANSFORMS sand of time into Perfect Crystal Vessel FOR Wine. The Church of LIVING Waters, LIVING Seed, Planted by Will of God Planted INTO Kingdom, Land of Obedience, PRODUCES ONLY Fruits Christ. WAKE UP. The Son HAS Risen, the Spirit COME DOWN, Rain and Father and Son IN UNION ARE Raising His Lost IN TIME, up back to Eternal Reality, Land of Brightness. The enemy of flesh and blood, is their father darkness, seed, mind of flesh that rules them unto death. The Rain COMES DOWN, THE Brightness SHINES FORTH, AND THE Water DRAWS Body up AFTER FROM the earth. The Clouds of His Presence, His Voice Thunder IS Heard, the Water of RIGHTEOUSNESS resists NOT God, BUT Returns in time. Every Child OF Spirit, IS TAUGHT Time according to Spirit, Teacher, Friend.

The shore of california always was temporary IN TIME. The Shores OF Reality, Eternal.

The dead in the womb of darkness, MUST Come BY Truth into the Wonder Land OF Reality. Machines made by flesh and blood, ARE not the Things OF Spirit. What IS flesh IN TIME, but self-destructive TO THE END. Christ THE Door, OPENED BY Spirit, to ENTER THE Mind, Wonder-Land OF His Presence. YES all things made by flesh are possible, BUT ONLY that Made BY God, Signed by God His Hand, IS APPROVED NOW to ENTER through Christ from TIME TO Realtiy, BEFORE THE Door IS CLOSED TO the dead of unbelief. Yes. His Living Awakened by the Sound of His Voice, Spirit, Thoughts, Seed, BEAR NOW IN TIME the Seet, Good Fruit of Christ to any that HUNGER UNTO ASKING BY Faith to Receive. The DORMANT Seed, HIDDEN IN TIME, that Thirsts, HUNGERS FOR Life. The Dormant Seed of God, BURIED IN TIME, TO QUICKEN, Rise, ROOT by the Rain Come down from Heaven. The WRITTEN Scripture can not BE Read, Seen, Known, Understood without the Teacher, Helper, Writer, AUTHOR. ONLY BY Spirit can the Truth BE FOUND, KNOWN. The HUMAN spirit hinders the Godless flesh of time, unbelief turns them back to Waterless dust of earth. Who stand on earth until buried back into the earth as the Godless dead VOID OF Life, Spirit, Hope. Dead poisoned by the thoughts of deception. IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE SOUL THAT loves life of flesh and blood, to Surrender the life it loves, unto death OF TIME. EVERY Reborn soul that ABIDES IN Christ, the Mind, Heart, Land of Holy PRESENCE, Receive the Reward of Christ from Holy Father. We are the souls cast out into the flesh OF TIME, temporary life of darkness, utnil BY Faith WE are in THE Body that Lives Life OF Christ. OUR Truth, Reality, Christ Crucified the Life of Faith NOW we Live IN TIME, WOMB, Prepared to deapart Alive. God HAS DONE THIS. We decide NOTHING, God IS Life, Power, Truth, THE Judge of the dead and Living. The servants OF death GO TO death of NO RETURN. The Body OF Believers, RAISED FROM TIME, Alive on the Path BACK TO Reality, FIX THEIR Eye of Spirit upon ONE Good True Thing, Truth THE Substance OF God, a Life OF NEVER CEASING, Perfect, CONSTANT Obedience TO God OUR Father OF LIVING SOULS.

Seeking Reality as a human being, UNDERSTAND first THE COST. Faith THAT PURCHASES Freedom FROM HUMAN imagination.

The Nations of flesh and blood MUST DENY human desires, human spirit, SAY NO ALWAYS to the spirit of seduction, captivity. The Good NEWS IS....Christ HAS Won Victory for the Bride OF Faith, His Body NOW Crucified and Raised NEW United by Spirit, Father, Substance OF Truth. The dead, uncricified soul of the body of death HAS NO EXCUE AT ALL, For Christ HAS Raised ALL Believers within Him. ALL the LIVING SOULS Live, Think, BREATH EXIST IN THE Spiritual Body OF Christ. The ONE AND ONLY Promised Land to the Reborn from time, and NOW BOWED AT THE Feet of Jesus His Body, Church OF Life, LIVING SOULS that Serve ONLY God Reality THAT Brightness that REMOVES the TIME, dreams, lives of darkness OUT OF EXISTENCE IN TIME. The unbeliever, dead in darkness, womb of darkness, NEVER TO Come TO the Light. The Light that REMOVES the darkness, the union of soul with temporary life. WHAT Will Christ, UNION Eternal with God COST? The GIVING UP EVERY human spirit, thought, life of darkness. TO CROSS OVER inBto the Land, Life OF THE Eternal Living. God IS PATIENCE, MERY, Love, BUT God HAS SET a time for His to COME Home TO Realtiy, from the deam world of human imagination, the womb of darkness. Christ's Body Crucified IN TIME NOW Bears ONLY the Truth, Thoughts OF God. The Seed, Life OF Christ IS ours BY Faith IN Reality, that human imagination, spirit denies, and dragsthe dead OF TIME, by the human spirit of unbelief, without Faith, hell bound in the chains, thoughts, leash of darkness into Death of THE Twice DEAD, the Godless soul first, then the body departs by mouth of darkness into the belly of hell to BE Come DUST of earth again. Let the flesh and blood BOAST of their human life, human possessions, their power, spirit, father of flesh. BUT the Bride, Body of Christ, Crucified dead of air and blood, STAND AND Declare the Freedom, the Mercy, the Presence NOW Hers, whether the dead, the LOST UNTO TIME, believe, hear or listen, The Bride IS Free TO Perfectly ADORE Her Savior, King, Praise Him by Spirit, Thoughts OF Truth.

STAND without falling BY Faith IN Presence OF God. Stand UNTIL flesh of time falls back to dust of ground.

The Evidence of BEING the Body OF Christ, the Bride OF Holy Spirit, must be ABSOLUTELY, Perfectly Clean. The END OF TIME, and the Eye OF God WILL INVITE, LEAD IN the Bride, Body OF Christ, BACK INTO Garden Mind, State, Land OF Reality. Let the Soul that BOASTS ONLY OF the Lord, His Power, His Mind, His Thoughts? BOAST IN the Lord, Christ and not by flesh and blood as a fallen man. Victory IS the Lord's. The Victory of His Body, Bride, HOLY People. The Bride REBORN that Speaks, BOASTS OF only of the Lord His Spirit, His Power, His Love. The EVIDENCE OF Union, ONENESS WITH Christ, is His Church BEARS ONLY His Seed, Thoughts IN the time of darkness. His Thoughts THE Evidence OF Union, His Spirit in us CLINGING TO Spirit in Christ, Head, that GOVERNS, LIFTS Her His Body INTO THE Kingdom of THE tested in time, FOUND Faithful to ENTER from TIME into Reality of LIVING SOULS. I lOVE THE Lord? NOT because there be anything Good in flesh and blood, I Love Him BECAUSE He FIRT Loved, Recognized WHAT I WOULD BE by Spirit. His Eternally. His. The weak thing bound to BE swallowed dead IN TIME. The weakest thing of all, THE SINNER, that Reveals His Power, His Presence, His MERCY UPON ALL Believers.

The MEANING OF Christ, His Spirit, God, IN us, the weak, IS Obedience BY Presence NOW IS OURS. As Body OF Truth.

The Mind IN Head, RULES IN ABSOTULTE Authority, Power over the Body OF Chriat. The Spirit IS THE Life that Saves from human spirit of death, disobedience. THIS Truth, this Governent OF Obedience, THIS ABSOLUTE DEPENDANCE ON God, Spirit, is nonsence, foolishness, unbelievable to flesh and blood OF TIME. ONLY Christ His Resurrected Body from time, ENTERS Reality as Bride. Many are THE Reborn OF Spirit, SUBSTANCE Life, the FEW those denying, refusing, rejecting the Invitation TO Truth BY Spirit. The REborn SOUL, QUICKENED INTO Existence by ENTRANCE OF Spirit, BECOMES Alive in the time, womb of darkness. The SOUL OF Spirit, Hears the Voice? Thoughts of God, Spirit. THE Power, the Presence, GOD, TAKING HOLD, Rooting the LIVING SOUL, Substance into the Body, Faith, OF Christ. The foolishness of men that think the Truth OF God, His Work is foolish, NONSENCE to flesh and blood beings, IS THE Truth that God HAS CHOSEN TO Bring into Existence ON EARTH, a NEW Man, the Type that ALWYAS OBEYS God, BY Spirit within Him, Head AND Body, Bride. God the INVISIBLE Wonder, Reality that flesh of TIME deny, refuse, reject with their tongues, serpent tongues of poison. WHAT God HAS DONE, HIDDEN from beginning to END OF TIME, that God IS ALWAYS IN Control, Destiny of the dead, AND Living IN Christ His Flesh. The Kingdom OF Reality, has SLAIN, IS Slaining the dragon, pierced unto death by Blade, Sword, Tongue of His Body, Church. WAKE UP in time TO BOW, YIELD TO Christ IN Surrender and NOW ENTER the Kingdom of Glory, Saints that Follow IN Steps, Thoughts OF Love BEHI ND Him. California Dream of flesh, is coming to END in time. Merciful Father, Sends His Invitation to Come BY Spirit TO Son's Wedding, REUNION of LOST to TIME, BACK TO Life, ONE with Sprit and Son. Restoration of Life of Peace, the BEING Rooted IN Truth, serpent mind, thoughts, darkness can never again SEPARATE FROM Life. America fallen, fliithy IN TIME, MUST Lift up the Torch of Light of Freedom, Rejoicing IN God, before the nations, spirits of human men.

Friday, January 17, 2025

The god, spirit OF human flesh, works from within his human body. God, Spirit WORKS BY Power OF Presence IN souls OF Hunger.

IN Truth, no fire of darkness, temporary light OF PRETENSE exists. A Wind OF Force, Holiness, IS SWEEPING ACROSS America, the LAST war IN TIME, to MAKE America God's, Beginning TO END. Choose Reality, Stand IN Spirit, as the world of flesh and blood DISSOLVES into nonexistence with TIME. Churches OF religion, children of antichrist WORK FOR reward OF MAMMON, power,IN TIME. The Army of the Living Souls IS BEING Gathered FROM time, NOW. Come the Sons OF Liberty, that Stand UNFALLEN TO the tongue, mind of serpent of night. Christ HAS Raised us from death of disobedience INTO Body Restored to Breah Life, SPIRIT. God our Father, His Spirit, SUBSTANCE Source of Good Thoughts OF PEACE WITH God. Christ HAS DONE the Work BY Spirit, FOR OUR Rebirth as Tribe OF Father. Many Rooms OF Love, Brightness, in the ONE Perfect House, Son of God.

the people of democracy DESIRE a Change, a Life that Lives, Works UNDER Liberty, a Spirit.

The wage war of slaves OF TIME, THAT SERVE A human gvernent, beast. The slaves of democracy hostages that SPEND all their time on earth, to please, do as the flesh of time demmand. Time goes in CIRCLE. The Cry IS FOR Feedom. Freedom from all that is human, to Live IN Peace WITH God. Freedom that is ours in Union with Reality. Saved from the evil human imaginations ream of darkness, that NEVER Surrenders TO Peace. The human spirit, the thoughts, the troubler, pain that ceases to exist with its house of darkness, SWLLOWED BY the Presence, Fire, God. God HAS Established the Wage FOR the disobedient. ALL they have, done, Surrendered in Exchange FOR THE Flame, Fire, Son, that Saves the soul. Perfectly Cleansed, Restored, Sinless, enabled to Stand in the Presence OF God. We ARE the LIVING by Faith IN Christ, the Perfect Man of the Resturrection Spirit. The Pearl OF Perfection, that the SOUL Perceives, Surrenders all that is human life, TO Possess as OWN.

Christ, Spiritual Man OF PERFECT OBEDIENCE TO Spirit, Love, Truth, Hope, Life.

These ARE the hours, TIME, Chosen BY God FOR Restoration to Garden of the Living. By Faith, Spirit, we EXIST IN Christ, Body TRANSFORMED BY Reality, TRUE Life, Land, Nation WITHIN the Walls House OF Reality. The Mercy OF God, Presence,THAT SAVES the hostages of darkness that SURRENDER TO Light, Power OF Truth. TIME, HAD A BEGINNING IN Adam, wanting own likeness, bone, flesh, RATHER THAN ONE Life, ONE Body,ONE Mind, Spirit, IN HUMAN BEING. Adam Created, Walking with God, Hearing by Spirit, DOING by Spirit, LOOKED, saw he had no mate, likeness of his own. ASKED God FOR his own compainion, flesh and bone. Flesh IS flesh, and Spirit IS Spirit, God, not human spirit, breath of air that flesh and bond live, think, walk AS TIME. HOW follish ORIGINAL flesh and bone, that desired a reflection of flesh that IS NOT Reflection, Substance God. Christ the Sentence OF God, Spirit, His Mouth that is ONLY Straight, NEVER the twisting, turning, weaving, boodding like the Gov. OF California , is. The Twist and turning dance of the serpent of deceit. Christ NEVER twists, turns anything away FROM God, Truth, Reality. The Arrow OF God always marks the Eye OF God, Reality OF Obedience. The human condition, state of loss, inabilitye, VOID OF Power, Presence NEVER found within the Eye Reflection OF God, Presence. Near but FAR from the Mark OF Excellance THAT IS Obedience, thE perfect MARK, THE Reflection, Mark OF OBEDIECE.

These ARE the days WHEN God IS IGNORED, UNBELIEVED, forbotten, TAUNTED in the world of human imagination.

The WORLD by spirit of AIR and TELEavision, HAVE Mocked God IN THE eye of human vision, and the NEW Man, Strength Almighty, Brings doen the church of death upon itself in time. BUT this Man IE Eternal Obedience, a Church of Breath, Life, Truth, is not a Spirit, Truth, Faith that the DEAD, Christless, VOID OF Spirit, CAN EVER live, survice. TOO CLOSE IN TIME, unable to by Separation, See IN Reality, WHO, WHAT, NOW IS Alive IN Reality. The TIME of WORD SALAD, CONFUSION, Human disception BY TONUE of deceit. The Breath, Spirit, Wind of God WON His Children BY Presence, His Christ, Body, Land OF Faith. Than life of imagination, IS NOT Reality. WAKE UP IN Peace WITH God. God NEVER sleeps, only time NOT Reality, Spirit Eye OF God. NOW the TIME of REBIRTH OF Adam-Eve, the Restoration INTO ONE Perfect Man and Bride, Obedient Spiritual Body.

The fire of destruction in TIME of disobedience, a WHILWIND, spirit OF AIR.

The tongues of disobedient unbelievers, bring the wrath OF God down upon self for destruction. ENTER Christ NOW, a LIVING SOUL Resident, Room of Faith IN the Body, House, Christ. ALL that happens IN TIME, IS for a Sign TO His Lost, TO Return TO God, Life, Father OF all FOUND Alive IN Christ BY Spirit. Wrath is CHAINED , unchained ONLY TO Drive His Sheep BACK TO the Feet OF Christ. A Voice, OF His Body IS Heartd in THE WILDERNESS OF TIME, WRATH. Blessed the Body AWAKEND IN time TO Rise, Walk IN Thoughts of Spirit, Truth AND be home before the Night OF TIME, GONE. ' The Sound of Trumpet Heard. Darkness HAS BEEN Removed by Light, Presenence of Brightness. The sand of time, almost gone. BE Found IN Christ, Boundary OF God, Alive IN Obedience, Surrender OR BE GONE, UNEXISTENT WITH TIME. THE CHURCH, Body of Christ ONLY Serves Mind, Head, DOING Good. The threat of the rebellous filled wit PRIDE, HAS TURNED, Returned, COME DOWN, wind, fire, flame uppn the children of wicked thoughts. COME NOW, Let us Reason BY Spirit TOGETHER, AND Save that TURN BY Spirit, Faith, INTO A Life Worthy OF God.

Father, WHO IS Like You Spirit, Presence, GLORISOUS, Holiness, DOING Wonders. EXCELLANT IS Your Power, Spirit, Presece.

The DUST OF TIME, NOTHING, Shaken OFF, Removed from the Feet of Body, Church RISING FROM TIME. The Body, Church of Divine Imagination, BEARS the Thought of Seed Rooted IN God. The Bride LED BY THE Hand OF Spirit INTO the Holy Eternal Havitation. The armies of darkness, the servants of human spirit, thoughts, life Condemned TO death, SHALL ALL BE brought DOWN under the waves of the waters of darkness. Dead IN TIME, BUT THE Obedient UNTO Truth OF Spirit, SHALL BE FOUND Alive in the Ark, Body of Holy Presence. The boast of the children of pride shall fall back upon them, Drive His Body, Tribe, Believers INTO THE sea of TIME, overcome under waves, time of darkness rise and fall. THERE SHALL NONE of the devil's flesh and human spirit FOUND Alive on shores of TIME. Chrst the Rock OF God, Where Spirit HAS Raised us TO Stand, Rest, until ALL the kingdom, realms, flesh, land of darkness GONE WITH TIME. The whirlwind, spirit of darkness, the flames of tondue of hell, SHALL NOT Remove the Presence of Truth,ONLY remove the temporary hoursing built by flesh and blood of disobedience.

The Spiritual Reformation, that Spiritual Transformation, Change that ONLY God DOES.

Christ the Truth Serum, the Cure, that God, Truth, is WITHIN a body of flesh in TIME. Even Elon has GLIMPSED the BENEFITS OF Serving God, Divine Will, to Receive THE Benefits of Life when Surrendered to Presence OF INVISIBLE Reality. Flesh and blood plans, dreams, hopes by flesh, human spirit, thoughts, works of human spirit. BUT Christ the Home Land OF Reality, ONLY Brings Body, Bride IN by the Hand, Mind, Heart OF God. Darkness rules the world of human beings, lost in time. We ARE the Body, that IS STILL, UNLESS, UNTIL the Spirit Moves the SOUL THAT lies in stillness, until Raised, Called, INTO Consciousness as the Body OF Christ. WHAT God IS DOING, NOW, IN TIME, IS Raising His LOST, BACK INTO life by His BREATH, Spirit, Toughts. COME BACK NOW, ALL LOST in the America, AND Reflect the Presence, Thoughts, Love of Life. The Spiritual Army of Prayer, Obedience, the Faithful unto God, DO NOTHING BUT by the Spirit, Permission OF God. God BUT Thinks, Speaks and those with Mind and Heart OF Christ, Rise IN SERVICE, by THE Wings OF Spirit, DO the Will of God. Spirit IS the Power, the Dominion, OUR VICTORY, AS THE lIVING Souls in the Body, Christ, Raised a Nation of Reality, Home when every thought, enemy, humand spirit, IS GONE. NO soul, dead soul, found in the RELIGIOUS churches OF TIME, SHALL EXIST beyond TIME, ONLY the Body, Chruch, Bride that Serces Spirit IS Alive.. The WALKING DEAD OF PRETENSE, THINK, DREAM they ARE alive, real, BUT Truth does not Know, Recognsise them reflecting the presence of deceit, they are the DEAD of UNBELIEF, houses, bodies being burned down, removed IN, WITH TIME. Spirit Saves, Restores unto Life, Reality, EVERY soul Chosen for Restoration OF Life. We UNDERSTAND Lord, Tell us WHAT to do. We WAIT STILL until the Command IS Heard, THEN Every SOUL IN the Body, House OF Life, Rises, Marches in time with SPIRITUAL Eyes ON You. HOW Beuftiful the Feet of Christ, His Body, MOVED BY Love OF TRUTH, ON BEHALF OF Holy Father. His Feet March, Trample to death the Serpenent, father of the venom vipers that sting, poison EVERY dead soul BENEAGH THE Feet of His Bride, Body OF Faith. The flames of the tongue of darkness, human fury, disobedience, will DESTROY BY temporary fire, AND house without Spirit Protection. God OUR Life INSURANCE, He His PRESENCE, Saves, Restores, PUTS OUT the human spirit that destroys WHAT he cannot have, possess AS hid. The Body OF Christ, the House BUILT BY Spirit, the Residence of LIVING Waters, Rain, a Fire that CONSUMES the flame, fore OF HELL, BY Spirit. We ARE the Church, House, Residence OF Goodness, INDESTRUCTIBLE BECAUSE we ARE the TIME tested Christ-Church, SPIRITUAL not physical. We are not the houase OF religion, the divided, NOW we ARE in time the Holy Resodence OF God Presence, Christ Hears and always does ONLY as TOLD TO by Eternity.

The JUDAS THAT example of political suicide of SERVING two different parties IN TIME.

, RESULT OF DIVISION IS TO PLEASE flesh of separation, hopeless, being lost unto TIME. God INTERVENTION, Christ, We His Body was Sacrificed unto the will of the corrupt and evil, man, flesh of the human government, OF PARTIAL obedience , the serving flesh and blood, RATHER THAN the Spirit, the UNMEASURABLE Power, Spirit that IS God E The game of politics, is a two-faced war of hypocrisy, pretense that INSULTS God. Relying ON human beings, being governed BY HUMAN spirit, ALWAYS ends in sorrow, pain, loss of life, OUTSIDE the Body, People, Tribe OF ONE, Perfect Spirit, Erernal Life. As the Word, Son OF God HAS Said, WARNED: YOU CANNOT serve BOTH darkness AND Ligt, BEING torm between the two IS LOSS OF life and the AFTER life, Life IN the Body of Obedient, Followers that NOW Live IN Truth, BY Truth, Breath OF God, Spirit. The BROKEN human heart unable of RETAINING Spirit, Living Water, Breath, Presence OF God. THAT ABIDES, Roots the Belieiving souls INTO THE Restored Gardn of Living Fruit. Christ the Fruit, FOUND IN the Mouth OF God. NO seed of deceit, no FLESH OF TIME, RULED, LED BY EVIL father TIME, SHALL BE ALLOWED, FOUND in the Garden of Life. ONLY the Body, Tree, Bride OF Life, that BEARS Eternal Truth, Spirit within Her. There IS a Presence, ONE AND ONLY Spirit that IS God, Breath of His Word Jesus Christ. He put on the garment of flesh of separation, AND Raised us ONE Garment, Body, Tribe OF ONE Flesh, We NOW ARE the Body, Bride, Church, that Thinks Thoughts OF Spirit, Walking ONE WITH Christ THROUGH THIS WORLD, TIME, OF darkness, UNHARMED by the ragidn fire of destruction. Christ is NOW our Life, Way, Hope, Salvation. The Truth, Son of God, we OBEY AND FOUND Alive, IN Eternity, Presence OF God. The TEST OF TIME. the QUALITY TEST, passing through, OUT OF time, with the Evidence, Thoughts of Truth, Rooting His Tree, Bride, Body to BEAR ONLY the Fruit of the Utmost High, God our Father.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

God NEVER SLEEPS, Watches over us IN the NIGHT.

ASK WITH the Understanding OF Spirit, and by Faith Receive WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE for the believer IN DOUBT. IMPOSSIBLE TO TURN FROM ADDICTION TO things, HUNAB imagination LOVES, TO invisible Reality, Life. The Spirit OF Rebirth, that QUICKENS the dead HUMAN soul INTO Life, IN Body of Living Truth, is the Power of Life, OBEDIENCE IN Christ. The HUMAN SOUL in FLESH OF BLOOD, air, BY nature SERVES flesh NOT Spiritual Reality. We ARE the Body OF Christ, the Truth OF God, Wisdom OF Spirit, that BELONGS TO the Choaen FROM TIME for Life IN Eternal Christ, Land, NATION of Obedience. God CHOSE the weak, the absurd, unable to do, think, BE Right, TO REVEAL His Presence, POWER WITHIN HUMAN flesh of Christ? Crucified, THE SPIRIT OF air IN THE BLOOD OF FLESH TIME, BE Removed. We ARE the NEW Garment, Bride, Body of Christ. Yielding TO God BY Spirit wihtin. God IS NOT BOUND TO Time, He IS the Perpetual Eternity that Swallows UP TIME. The Brightness Tongue of Light that PIERCES the fallen man OF darkness. O the WONDER, that WAITS TO BE Revealed, IF, if BY Spirit, a Reborn OF God His Will, You LIVING SOULS ASK Him OUR Father that Crucified, His Word OF Life, Christ that we BECOME Believers and BOWN DOWN IN Adoration Giving Thanks TO God.

Chaos, Violence, RAGE? The Reborn Believer HAS BEEN INNOCULATED WITH Spirit, Safe FROM being TWICE dead in time.

The Presence of God FILLS THE WHOLE Temple, Body OVERFLOWING Presence, Substancee. Consciousness OF God. The ABIDING Presence that darkness flees from. The mortal time flesh, are all born first dead, in order to REVEAL the Power of Presence,Spirit TO Raise the body of death, ths SOUL Alive BY Spirit BECME A Holy House OF Brightness. I Pray IN OBEDIENCE with Spirit for ALL Chosen TO Live not die as human flesh and blood,dead souls. I Heard, LookeD, Saw a man, voice CALLING OUT from the Mall parking. He was in a shirt out in this COLD Speaking Scripture with microphone. Envy rose up and Spirit Said, STOP,GO ON your Way IN REMBRANCE OF Me. The prophet Sent to Deliver Message, THEN, THEN GO Home, STOPPED INSTEAD at the sentence, invitation of a prohet CURIOUS to KNOW. The disobedient prophet was slain by LION that harmed not his, HIS DONKEY. Donkey obeyed rider, prophet PARTIALLY obyed God. The church of flesh and blood, HUMAN spirit, HIDES the Way to Live UNTO God, DOING ONLY AS God ORDERS TO Do. What is a little gossip, a thought of evil desire, a little rage unto God? Thou fallen flesh, house of flesh time, a drop of disobedience, unbelief, SHALL KEEP you BOUND IN TIME. Christ Revealed THE Wy APPROVED BY God. BY Spirit, by Faith in Power, Presence OF God, ye SHALL Live INDEED, FACT THE Reality OF Christ.

Jesus the one and ONLY LOVE His Church HAS. ALL other thoughts, HUMAN thoughts GIVEN UP For the Son OF Truth.

TIME IS FOR Human beings that ARE Separated from Reality, TO SEEK and PERHAPS find God, His Presence BY Spirit. WHAT CAN Remove the STIANS OF DISOBEDIENT flesh? ONLY the Spirit OF Reality CAN RESOTRE Life UNTO God. Walking with God, Presence was not enough FOR Adam, man of flesh and blood. Adam desired a COMPAINION in his OWN likeness. And Eve ad Adam, RESTORED TO God IN ONE Man of Obedience. ALL of earth, have HUMAN spirits that pretends, speaks the thoughts of darkness, death, AS Truth. The HUMAN thoughts of RELGIOUS souls, will be the END, DEATH of them, IN Separation from God, TRUTH, Thoughts Spiritual, the Breath, Presence OF God within EVERY REBORN soul WITHIN the Body OF Christ. We NOW ARE BY Faith the Body, Bride, BEING Cleansed, Purified, PREPARED for the Flesh OF Christ. We ARE Called TO BY Faith BELIEVE Truth, EVERY Thought OF God in His Word. OUR BELOVED Word. ENCOURAGE ALL TRUE BELIEVERS that persevere to the END of the TIME Race, in the Gospel Shoes OF Christ. ONLY the Presence OF God IS VICTORY, Power to Cross over IN Christ, INTO the Glorisus Presence OF UNKOWN Reality, the Gift, Revelation unto the Faithful, Perpetual Bride that Thinks, Dreams ONLY OF THE cOMING PERPETUAL Day OF Reality. The Life OF Christ Jesus NOW IN His Body, Bride, CHURCH of the LIVING IN Obedience, IS OURS, as we EXDRCISE IN Him His Presence UNTO THE WORLD OF TIME, OF darkness. The light of darkness are his shadows in time, temporary, than gone. We ARE the Blesseed with the Presence OF Grace, Power to Hear, Think, Speak AND DO the Will of Almighty GOD THE Father of Body, Bride, WED IN UNION, BOUND TO Life BY Life. The Life, Spirit, BREATH OF FAITH UNTO Resurrection, IS the Life we Live NOW before the eyes of deniers, unbelivers OF DOUBT. INTO Does not matter WHAT THIW WORLD OF HUMAN BEINGS HUMAN. OUR father Knows His Thoughts, Truth within US because we Believe. NO HUMAN BEING DARE Speak like Babylon falsehood in THE NAME, only THE Living Church, Body OF Christ BEARS the Seed rooted BY God's Hand Hand, BEARS, BRINGS FORTH Fruit for the Harvet from time.

The Church of Christ, His Body RESTS, LEANS, RELIES ON Spirit, God, Father.

Reality IS Reality, not the the storehouse, mind of human imagination. The Truth, Chriat is KEPT, Stored FOR His Body TO SHARE with the hundering, thirsting, Rising in time from the death OF death, TIME. The Spirit of TRUTH COMES TO those who WAIT, UPON His Preence, TO Awaken Sned them Calling in the TIME darkness for any TO COME NOW by His Invitation OF LOVE. Faith and Love, ONE. We ARE His Body, that Received the Ring OF Truth, PURE Gold. This Spirit OF TRUTH IS Holiness, the Presence that Separates us FROM spirit of AIR time, unto the Body of Life, Breath, Love. The darkness NEVER sleeps, rests, stops keeping hostage his children to his thoughts of flesh and blood. Christ HAS Revealed TO God's LOST in time, the SECRET Life Possible in INVISIBLE Body OF Christ. What, Whose we ARE, is invisible to the flesh and blood human devils. ALL HELL is always WAITING FOR the serpent, his mouth, presence to swallow his children into nonexistence. AS Truth OF Reality HAS SAID, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE hate, envy, greed,evil governments while there IS human existence ON earth. BUT Peace Belongs to the Body, Bride, Church OF ONE Perfect Spirit, WHEN Eternal Removes by His Presence, the perpetual evil human flesh, army of war. Nations war for land, money, power, dominion in this world of TIME. Wake up, the Light of Brightness IS SHINING Living Invitation to ANY Enabled to See, Rise AND Come.

The devils, hypcrites, sons of darkness IN the NIGHT TIME. THAT speak the thoughts of human spirit, NOT Truth OF Spirit.

The churches built by flesh and blood IN TIME, TEMPLES of darkness, PARTIAL truth of darkness, Truth MISTANSLAT3D, disobeyed? BECAUSE the decil father os ALL liars, deceivers COMFORMS his propert unto his own desires. TIME of many divisions of liars, deceivers, chasers OF MONEY, the power human beings are ruled by, captive in chains, thoughts, desires of darkness, TIME. The SPIRITUAL Kingdom, the Body OF Christ, THE Spirit IS PERPETUAL Life in EVERY SINGLE SOUL WITHIN Body OF Faith, Spirit. We the Body. Spritual Church OF Truth, NOW Serve ONLY Him because Truth Says if there be any LOVE OF God, Truth, Spirit WITHIN you, THAN Warn, there IS a TIME TO Come BACK TO Life, and that TIME IS NOW. WHEN Spirit OF Faith Releases the Spirit of Christ within, there is nothing in, of this world you WOULD exchange the Riches Eternal for. Come and BY Faith, Believe, taste the Waters, River OF Life, and hunger, thirst NO MORE for the things of the world, TIME. Death by the human Judas spirit. BBOW NOW beneath the Spirit, and serve not flesh blood of air, AND WAIT, IN Faith, and the Spirit of Christ SHALL RISE WITHIN by Will of God and TAKE, Carry Truth IN His Body, WHERESOEVER God wants Christ to BE, Heard and Seen, within.

Adam was momentary flesh, Christ Eternal Flesh of Devotion.

The Lord GIVES and the Lord TAKES. He IS Lord God Almighty, Bow to His Will, Living Children OF Faith, and the Lord WILL Help, Raise, Support, Restore that lost in the fire of time. WHAT are things of temporary life of humans, Compared to the Presence OF God, Spitit, Eternal Life, Way IN you? Temporary tents of flesh and blood, were, are always removed, cast off, TO ENTER the Flesh of Christ, Body, Bride, HOUSE of the Presence Almighty God. ALL HAVE LOSS. The Living SOULs TRUST IN Truth, Hope, Reality, that God IS God, able to Give Life OR take life, because He IS God, Eternal Reality. The lives of humans are but dreams in the NIGHT times. Lord, Rise, Reveal Your Presence TO Your Chosen, GIVE the Thirstying, the Fountain OF Joy, Perpetual Living Water, Life IN Christ.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The DELUSION OF Biden, no Connection TO Reality, that thinks he flesh and blood, human, HAS DONE anthing.

Christ, Truth, Spirit, HAS WARNED His Body IN TIME, THAT as long as even one HUMAN being, human spirit EXISTS IN TIME, THERE in TIME WILL THERE BE War on earth. Biden HAS NEVER Been IN Christ, Presence of Truth. Christ HAS beheaded the serpent IN flesh, with the Tongue, Spirit, Hand, Will OF God. We the Body REBORN OF Christ, WAS, HAS BEEN Crucified dead, and NOW ARE in time the Resurrected Bride, Church of Holy Presence within us. We the Free IN Christ, MUST BY Faith DEFEAT the remnant of the dead that walk, rule the earth. O Father, OUR Father, Good is Your Truth UNTO the BELIEVER. As the Believer BELIEVES IN, OF God, SO THAT Reborn soul IS.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Presence OF God, IN Christ, Evidence of Reality in the world of time, darkness, human imagination?

The Presence, the Power, Reality THAT Removes the kingdom of flesh and AIR, IS HATED, DENIED by human flesh and blood, AIR of life upon earth as flesh of dust. The war of TIME against the Coming of Day, Light of Reality. ALL the kingdoms of THIS WORLD of darkness, human spirit, REJECT, DENY Power OF Truth that HAS Restored, AND NOW Restoring from time UNTO Eternal Reality, Life IN Christ. THE SPIRITUAL Realm of God SHALL Replace the temporary world of human thought, imagination. The world, children, body of TIME, WAR AGAINST the Holy Land, Spiritual Body Christ. ONLY those who CLING TO Life without end, ENTER PERPETUAL Life IN Christ. The ENLIGHTENED, BY Spiritual Truth TO Understand, Know Understand the THOUGHTS OF Spirit. The OPENING OF THE Eyes OF Christ UNTO His Body, Bride, to BE LED BY Spirit INTO FULLNESS OF Meaning. The Bride OF Life, the Body with ENLIGHTENED Eyes, to DISCERN darkness APART FROM Brighness of Goodness. The UNenlightened children of darkness, HATE the Shining OF Presence, Light OF Brightness, that is AGAINST THE EXISTENCE OF TIME AND DARKNESS. IN Christ, Believers IN His Body, ARE the Church OF Brightness that remove the old foundation of darkness, dust and time. Chosen TO Receive the Enligtened Life OF Christ as Bride, Body UNITED BY Spirit, BOTH soul and Body ONE. The SUDDEN Transformation from darkness TO Light BY THE Sudden Restoration UNTO God, Life, Truth, Love. WITH Understanding, Let US PRAY for the Freedom of God's Light, TO BECOME of Body outside of Time. A Body, of MANY GATHERED REBORN SOULS, THAT Stand IN THE TESTING OF TIME, Found PERPETUALLY IN Body of Life. The old life, of pretense, PARTIAL obedience of flesh and blood, GONE from EVERY SOUL QUICKENED TO Life IN Chriat, to PERPETUALLY BE FOUND IN Christ, Land of Obedience.

The HUMAN spirit, AIR temporary life in children of darkness, the father that sacrifices His children unto death, TIME.

Do you NOT Know you flesh and blood, ARE FIRST born flesh and AIR, TIME, UNLESS QUICKENED, Living souls. Christ PROCLAIMS, your condition, you THINK therefore you ARE alive? You ARE DEAD, bearing the poison,thoughts of your father, death. The human beings human, are dead souls walking in time, body of flesh. Speak the Thoughts OF God, as the Body, Believer IN Truth. WHY DO the govenments OF TIME, HATE the President Elected BY ALL Tribe on their Way TO Peace, RAGE at their loss IN TIME, their kingdom, opinions, power? NOT one shadow of the darkness, shall PASSOVER FROM TIME INTO Perfect,Kingdom of Reality. The devil TODAY the SAME devil of PAST TIMES, wars, rages against Faith IN Spirit, Salvation by Truth. The same old deceit, that entered the mind, heart of Adam-Eve, HAS LOST UNTO Christ, Truth, Spirit. AND those fallen UNTO Truth, ARE BEING Raised NOW from TIME, THE Sinless, Obedience Body,Bride, CHURCH OF Christ. Diving Spirit the CENTER of Life, that IN Union, BRINDS INTO THE Resting Place, Position of Christ IN God. The governments of flesh, desires, thoughts, HATE, any that REJECT being ruled by flesh and blood OF time, darkness. ANY Objecting rule of deceit,any Follower OF Truth. ONLY those Chosen IN the Body, the LIVING BY Spirit, that Think, Speak, Live FOR the Truth, ARE the Tribe OF Truth. The human spirit of pride HATES the Children OF Divine Spirit, Obedience.

the hypocrites always the Obedient, LOVERS OF Truth of their own loss of Consciousness to God.

The NIGHTMARE of flesh and blood, partial obedience, is THE Presence OF Spirit, in Body of Christ, Generations of Brightness, NOW Alive in Christ. The Shining of Light INTO the eyes of darkness, the body of AIR, that loves its own thoughts, IMAGINATION, THEN Life AFTER death, IN Christ. Heaven COME DOWN TO Gather, AND RESTORE His LOST back to Reality by Chains, Thoughts OF Love. t UNTIL our LAST breath of AIR, flesh and blood, WE Yield ONLY TO the Breath, Spirit, UNTO Reality. Christ is not a religion of flesh and blood, AIR, Christ IS A Life, Living BY Breath of God, OBEDIENT ONLY to God. The times of flesh and blood OF AIR, that WAR against Peace, God, by their own thoughts, anger, human spirit ARE being sacrificed unto death? The Body of Christ, Peace wit, God, Ldoes not defend self, OUR Father, God, Spirit His Thought, Word, IN US IS our Preservation, Life OF Peace. Let them rage, wage war for power, for money, to be ruled by fallen flesh, Ssdead souls, that demand you die for them flesh and blood, BUT we ARE the Body OF Peace, OUR Spiritual Battle Jesus the Christ HAS WON for we His Body, Surrendered Alive UNTO Truth.

The RAGE of the children of darkness, against the Presence, Light of Brightness, that ends their power, rule.

The Nation RESTORED TO Consciousness OF Truth, Shall Live Christ,Victory over death, demons, thoughts, emotions of darkness. The Restoration UNTO Reality, is THE Presence, Spirit of Christ IN the Nation OF SHINE, that darkness is unable to swallow. WHAT is NOW being Revealed is the invisible power, temporary flesh that servants of human imagination, that serve and give themselves TO the world of darkness, land of the dead, children void of Spirit, Life, Faith. They Know NOT God, Spirit, His Power, His Dominion, His Way of Gathering the Obedient, Body, to BE Ruled by He the Mind IN HeadINGS. WHY DOES the darkness in flesh War AGAINST God His Presence? BECAUSE Reality REMOVES human imagninaiton of destruction, BRINGS Peace IN UNION with the Mind, Thoughts of God, unto ALL ENABLED TO Hear, PERCEIVE, yield TO Peace? The Presence OF God, Lord, King OF His Tribe. He Head, Christ HAS ALREADY CROSSED out of wilderness of TIME, and Yielded to this Truth OF Reality, we COME, FOLLOW, ENTER AFTER Him. HOW politicians of government of flesh and blood, RAGE against the END of their reign in time? FEAR where there IS NO Peace, Mind OF God, Spirit within them.

Men can baptize with water, symbolism, outer cleansing BUT ONLY God Baptizes Cleanses BY Spirit, Fire.

The God IN THE Man OF God. Head AND Body of Fire, that the darkness, flame of disobedience, fire of darkness FAILED, was Swallowed, the times of darkness SWALLOWED BY THE Flame, Fire, Light OF Brightness. NOW is ALWAYS the TIME TO WAKE up, in THE Land, Body OF Christ. The frustration, FEAR of the flesh and blood of darkness, TEMPORARY flesh OF TIME, IS the headless serpent that still moves in, has its existence IN time. Christ THE Truth, Word OF Spirit, within the Body, Lamp of God, IS the Presence, Love, Hope, Obedience, that CAUCES the end of darkness IN TIME. Christ IS A Life, the Living Truth, God, IN His Body. We ARE His Body OF REBIRTH, IN TIME UNTO Eternal Life, that Saves the Body, Christ, without destruction of even one living soul. The Sign, the Evidence of Peace ON EARTH, IS the Spirit, Presence, Light Eternal. We LIVING SOULS ARE Alive TO God, as the Body of Christ.

Monday, January 13, 2025

God APPEARED IN Jesus of Nazareth? Living Example OF Obedience. NOW ours BY Faith.

God allows human beings TIME spiritual blindness, deafness, loss of TEMPORARY life of dust, IN ORDER FOR the Power OF God TO BE Grasped by the Reborn unto Hearing, Seeing,Knowing the Will of God. The LOST UNTO darkness, BY God's Power, His Choice, HAVE Heard, Seen the Light of Presence in Body, Lamp of God, His Hand. Searching for His, HIS LOST coins fALLEN IN TIME. Like our father Abraham, God Decides, Speaks, Calls His Awaekened, Reborn OF His Body, Bride, TO separate FROM TIME, flesh and blood of AIR, JOURNEY from time, land of strangers TO God, INTO the Land, Rock, fOUNDATION of Life, Mind of Reality. Depart the world of darkness, human imagination. Time IS temporary, the end MOMENT Known ONLY UNTO God, Spirit. Haters gonna hate the Truth that Saves, Separates them from their THOUGHTS that lead TO death IN TIME.

The Goodness of His Presence, has Bowed this soul TO PERPETUALLY Kiss the Feet of the King OF Glory.

I am UNABLE TO resist the Truth, Thoughts, OF Spirit. The generations of darkness, human flesh and air, THAT lie, have NO Discenment of imagination apart from Reality, they WAR against Truth TO THEIR LAST Breath OF AIR. They STIR FLESH AND blood against Spiritual kingdom OF God His Will. The God OF GLORY, THE INVISIBLE Spirit that humans their spirit WARS againt? why? BECAUSE He Spoke BY Holy Spirit, that the kingdoms of flesh and blood he would destroy, CHANGE their customs,habits, human life, they mistranslated, lied, CONSPIRED AGAINST Truth. God Almighty, Highest Power, Reality, REVEALS His Presence, His Thoughts unto the Chosen to Receive. The LIVING SOULS, Body of Christ, ARE Awakend in Appointed time, TO Rise, Stand and Serve Light of Life, as His Witnesses, AS WE Journey OUT OF TIME, Led into Eternal Reality OUR Home beyond time. Time is temporary, God IS Eternal Life for the Body, Bride, Church OF Christ, Presence. Come forth Body of Christ, FROM the tomb, church of darkness and death, BY Faith BECOME Alive from the dead of human imagination. O Father, Beloved Father Bring Man, Head and Body UNITED IN ONE Spirit, Mind, Heart. LEAD US OUT of the world, wilderness of beasts, A Flock OWNED BY Father and Son, TRUTH. HOW HAS the Fock of Faith, when, where HAS the Promised Land of Reality BEEN SEEN? IN Christ, His Body spiritual Reflection OF God, Goodness.

ANY hypocrite FAN FAKE IT, wear symbol but NEVER Live the Life OF Christ His Body.

People always ask people WHAT they think, BUT the Bride, Body OF Christ, God's Church, House of His Presence, ONLY, ALWAYS, DOES, Remains Alive in INTIMATE Union with Mind that IS God, IN Christ OUR Head, Controling the Body OF Faith.k ONLY the Children OF Reality, Know and Speak forth THE IVery Thoughts OF Truth. We PATIENTLY WAIT, to DEPART FROM TIME, A MOMENT OF Release, HAVING DONE OUT Time for disobedience. HEROD and PONTIOUS Pilate, Gentiles and Jews, by human spirit, flesh and AIR, CAME AGAINST Your Christ Truth ANOINTED...TO? DO, as You the Lord ALMIGHTY Decided to BE DONE in that moment, time. AND, NOW, Lord? Let Your Church of Brightness, Speak, Shine FORTH Light OF Truth into darkness, BOLDLY Speaking the Trut..h, Thoughts OF Reality. Lord NOW, Lord, STRETCH Forth Thy Hand TO...Heal and Reveal Thy Presence IN Church, Body, BOLDLY Speak Your Thoughts, Word, Truth. By Yous Presence Signs, Wonders, Healings ARE BEING Done by the Name of Jesus, His Body that BEARS His Name. Those who boast, filled with pride, falsely claiming to know and BE Known BY God, LET them like Theodas, gathered unto Theodas, serving, obeying Theodas, false shepherds, let the shepherd wolf of pretense be dispersed, gon, perished shepherd and flock, NOTHING. NOW Realize, Understand, that the church of antichrist, it will fail, fallen unto TIME. BUT if the Church, BE the Body Christ, BECAUSE the Spirit God Breath of Body IS their PERPETUAL Life. Fight, RESIST the Will of God. O Beloved Church, Body OF Christ, God's Presence, COME NOW ALL IN Peace OF God. Be the Image, LIKENESS OF Spirit, the PERFECT Reflection, Stillness of Peace AT the Feet of the Lord. The nations of flesh and blood, HOW they think, speak, DO WAR againt God Reality, the Presence that GIVES TO Body OF Christ, Pease in the midst of time, chaos, death, darkness.

Where there is NO Spirit, Power TO Say NO to flesh, there the human spirit of disobedience reigns.

ss IN TIME. gOREGIVE humans JUST AS I Have Forgiven you. We ARE the Bride, Body OF Forgiveness upon earth. Spirit ABIDES wheresoever He Spirit Choses, in time. The Body OF Christ, a Lamp OF Flame unto Brightness IN the night. The PARTIAL obedience of the REIGIOUS flesh and AIR, is NOT THE Life OF Christ, His Body, Bride, Church OF Spirit. His Chruch BEARS ONLY His Seed, Thoughts INTO Reality, Brightness, where not even a SHADOW OF DOUBT, HUMAN thought exists. BEHOLD the Coming unto Existence in the Land, Mind of Reality. WHERE the Life, Spirit OF Christ IS, Remains, IS Seen, Recognized the Perpetual Brightness, Day without night. The Body IS God=Conscious, DOES ONLY God's Thoughts, Carried in the Body, Bride OF Life. The Body, Chariot OF God, that Gathers, Lifts, and Delivers only the Living INTO the House, Land, Mind, Heart OF Perfection. Lost in time, but NOW FOUND within the Chariot of Life. Yes NONE but those Alive by Faith in God-Power. PREGNANT with Life. Christ, FULLNESS OF Truth IS THE Mark, Sign of Faith-UNTO-Perfect OBEIDNECE unto Almighty God. The HUMAN being, IS Powerless, USELESS without Spirit. A toy without batteries.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Body under Head, The House of Holy Flesh, BEAR the Mark OF Obedience, no mark pain of disobedience IN times.

There is no thought of unbelief, born of human flesh imagination, that BE sound IN Residence OF Goodness. The two THIEVES flesh crucified with Christ. One unbelieving, scorner, to his last breath of AIR. The other SOUL Surrendered TO Truth, TO BE a Believer, BY Spirit, ENTERED WUTG CHRIST His Body. WHAT IS a soul Willing to Surrender TO God BY Faith? NOTHING if there is NO Spirit of Humbleness, uNION WITH Truth. ONLY BY God, Truth, His Substance, POWER CAN, DO any human being exchange temporary life, sacrificed unto God His Pesence. AT war with God? NO a slave of darkness, at war with evil human spirit, substance in all HUMAN flesh time. California dreaming ON A cold winter's day. The Body, Church OF Christ, God's Presence, Body, Bride, BRARING His GLORIOUS Name. The REBORN unto Obedience TO God, TRANSFORM, depart the flesh ALIVE, The Mark OF Christ, IS UPON THEM. These Alive outside the world of human imagination, at Rest, Peace of Spirit. Give your SELF, soul, to the Spirit OF Life, and NEVER die outside the Paridise Presence OF God. Shall be as DUST BENEATH the Feet of Christ, His Church. The human hopes, vanity, pride, the wicked shall be TREAD DOWN as ONE DUST TOGETHER AS ONE flesh and blood OF TIME. But the Body, Voice OF Living Waters Shall Remain EXUSTENT by Spirit. Who IS ABLE TO Stand IN Presence of God? The Christ our Beloved, OUR Holy Spiritual Covenant. We THE Body, CHAIROT OF LIVING souls. Christ and Head ENTER the Gates of Brightness as one.

Monday, January 6, 2025

I Will DESTROY the lost UNTO darkness, by the flame of darkness within them. IF they TURN NOT from THEIR way.

Such ARE Given unto famine, the dead UNTO death, sword of death, Given to the beasts of the earth to be devoured. Gone with the kingdoms OF the EARTH, DUST. People unable to GO FORWARD, always TURNING Backward from Truth, Sword, Tongue of God's Mouth, TO Save, Separate them FROM DEATH, time. The remnant of darkness unto darkness goes, the Remnant OF Christ, Lives FOREVER IN the Land, Light of Day. God Disciplines His Children that disobey Spirit, Truth. But Christ IS His Way of Restoring us to He Life. God THE GOOD Father, Spirit has Disciplined me for my OWN Return TO Good. We ARE the Body, Bride OF Christ, that Live, BREATH the VERY Breath, Presence OF God. We THE SPIRITUAL Church that BEAR His Name, are not the church of flesh and blood, the dead that giveth up the ghost, spirit of darkness nonexistent in the Brightness of Coming, Rising Day. Lord it is Right to SUFFER for NOT Remembering, Thinking of You my Father IN Christ. Woe to them that give up not unbelief, disobedience, FOR Spirit of Faith, Truth, Obedience, the Life IN Christ.

There IS NO Healing, Restoration, WHERE there is NO Christ His Spirit.

The church of falsehood, preach false visions of human flesh and blood. They speak their thoughts, lies IN My Name, things that NEVER Spoken by Me Spirit. The bear the thoughts OF DECEIT in their uncircumcised hearts. AS a HUMAN being thinks, by human spirit, so that soul IS dead NOT Alive. There for BELIEVE God, Spirit, Surrender to Truth, Word of God AND Live not die. BECOME TWICE dead, soul AND body. The servants of deceit, IN flesh and blood, ARE NOT the Body of Christ, NOW Rising by Head from the world of dust, death, pit of NO Way TO Return. Stop DENYING the wickedness of all human flesh and blood. THEREFORE Church, Body OF Christ, SPEAK THIS Truth unto them,: LET My Tears RUN DOWN night and day, with Tears for the Virgin Church TAKEN CAPTIVE BY tongues, mouths of deceit. IF you Hear Him NOW come forth from darkness, SURRENDERED TO the Truth, OF God's Presence. The fallen man and woman, NOW Raised ONE IN Truth. ONLY the Body, LIVING SOULS, Gathered unto Shepherd Shall BE FOUND Alive after the dark is gone.

America's IDOLS, flesh, money, power. Religions's TRY, but ONLY Christs Spirit SLAYS the BEAST.

And it Shall BE, IF EVIL, HUMAN NATURED PEOPLE, THAT REJECT, REFUSE TO Listen, Hear My Truth, Christ, and continue to move, walk, exisst by the IMAGINATION of their heart of flesh and blood, CHASING AFTER other gods that serve them THEIR FLESH. The spirits, gods OF AIR, temporary life, existence in time, THEIR gods of flesh shall BE the END OF their existence with TIME. The children of flesh are good for nothing. BUT IF YOU will not to Hear, Believe, My Soul, IN Christ Shall WEEP in the SECRET Places, TEARS, BECAUSE the Lord's OWN Flock is carried away by the muths, wolves of darkness. ONLY BY Truth can any soul BECOME Alive, and by Obedience Please God, not flesh and blood. HOW CAN the human BEING human CHANGE? Accustomed TO doing evil, because they forget, Remember NOT God, and trust in falshood, the father of the dead.BUT IF I God SO Chose to TURN them, Changed them BY Holy Spirit TO CONFORM TO Mh Mind, Heart, THEN they Shall BE My Children BEARING MY Name. I Will CRUSH, SMASH them like vessels of BITTER WINE. They will WAR against each other. WAKE UP, NOW, and GIVE Honor, Glory TO God, Spirit AND Truth BEFORE the darkness CAUSES YOUR SOUL to stumble on the mountains of darkness. TURN NOW before you turn into a shadow-of-death,the darkest of darkness. A flock, people, children, flesh OF TIME, that LOVE TO WANDER. ONLY the Fock that Remembers and Remains within Christ, Truth. Shall FOREVER DWELL IN Remembrance, the Body of Christ that BEARS the Name Written BY Spirit, INK that can not ever BE removed by spirit of deceit.