Wednesday, September 6, 2023
The soul a slave, servant of unrighteous flesh. The body a temple of unrighteousness.
To remain unchanged...misdirected...LOST. Misled deeper into darkness into REALM OF NO RETURN. Having NO Way to RETURN TO God...Light. The eyes of flesh blinded, the eyes of the body of dearh.
AS we Awaken from being souls asleep, dead IN sin...becoming God=Conscious souls. The VERY Breath of God, Life entering and raising us up to Walk according to the Breath...Spirit of God His Presence...that ONLY CAN Save us.
The soul remaining ONE WITH the Spirit, Breath of God His Presence within. To abide in Union, Oneness with God and not separate, depart from Him nor He depart from us. The Light SHINING...Revealing the Way TO Him our Father of LIVING SOULS.
TO Become. To be Alive, a LIVING SOUL...Alive in the womb of become the spiritual Image of Christ, of the Father. AND be Reborn into the Arms of Light. The soul Awakened Alive...Guided by Spirit into...Rising from body of death into Kingdom of Light. God's OBEDIENT Living SOULS. God IS Life. Cling to Him His Spirit. Shrink not back, turn not back to darkness...death. To Ascend from darkness unto Light.
The Foretaste. Keep the eyes of the SOUL upon Him, follow only Him...LISTEN TO...ONLY Him His Voice of Righteousness. God the ONE TRUE Thought, Truth that Loves and GUIDES His souls back to Him from whence they came.
Our Father. Born into this world below void of Spirit, void of rememberance...lost among the children of flesh. Until the time of our Awakening...OUR BEING Quickened into NEW being, NEW the womb of darkness below. To suddenly REALIZE the omnipresence of God...Calling us back TO Him. The Life of the Reborn is MADNESS UNTO children of human fathers. Nonsence to them. But God. God Calls us into BEing His, ONE WITH Him. Our Father, our ONLY Teacher...only Way of Return Home.
Yes an alien. HUMAN children with a sin nature, with a HUMAN spirit...lost forever. Without Faith. Without Love. With no Power to set free from sin...from unbelief, from death. The soul Raising Power of Faith. The entrance of Spirit and the soul suddenly Alive unto God.
Don't you Recognize Me, Peter...Remember Me?
Christ the Lifef Truth. Our Example before us. Walk THIS Way , Talk THIS Way...BE LIKE, have THE same Spirit as Christ by Faith.
To have the SAME Spirit...SAME Mind...SAME Father as IN Christ, NOW in us by Faith.
God having His Way IN US. God's Way of BEing God in us. To Walk His, THIS, Way. To Talk HIS Way, voice of Truth.
To know no OTHER way to Be. There is no other way to become, be...His but by Spirit of Christ poured into the soul thirsting for Righteousness, Cleansing the soul of unrighteousness. To not be deceived by the HUMAN spirit, human nature that rules from within the dead souls born of HUMAN fathers and womb of flesh.
To seek from God His Love...very Nature within the SOUL. Seek and Find BY Faith. To Receive from God His Way. God's Children REBORN of Faith, by Faith we Rise, we Walk, Talk...BE as He our Father within us IS. The lamp in the Hand of God. Light of His lamps. Shining forth...His Presence...Glorifying God as God their Father. The only Light...Presence the darkness flees. Souls set free...returning to the Father Above. Separated from the Godless souls...lost...DEAD SOULS...UNCONSCIOUS of Him His Presence. INVISIBLE...Spirit and Word...they know not nor are they KNOWN BY God, not Recognized by God as His...Aforeknown souls. Dead souls Chosen by God to "become" the REBORN seed of Christ His Body of Life...Living souls, Children Born Again of God His Seed. The Fruit of the Tree of Life. God the ONLY Father we Know...come from and Live souls without death.
Christ died yet death could not swallow His SINLESS Body nor His Soul. He died that wer might of Faith Live in our Father His House. The soul filled with Life from Above.
Souls BEING made in His Image, Likeness. The Kingdom of LIVING SOULS and sinless flesh, celestial Holy flesh. We the Body of Christ...flesh Father and Christ Crucified...the coming into BEing existence...Sinless flesh. And by Faith we REBORN of Spirit, Father and Seed...shall be PLANTED IN Him...Raised as One with Him...according to Him His Omnimpotent Will. His very Presence within the SOUL...Saves the soul, separates the soul UNTO He Him Self. Life in us Saves from DEATH OF both flesh and soul. Without the body of death...the soul is DEAD. Nothing but a TEMPORARY life of Sin, a body of death returning to dust. Dust made alive by temporary life, of AIR. God is Life...Saving souls from death.
The Aforeknown Bride of Christ. SOULS TRANSFORMED BY Faith into the Bride, the Body of bear His Holy Fruit. Truth, Spirit and no OTHER spirit masquerading as Truth.
To bear, bring forth Fruit...Word of His Mouth. The SOUL and Spirit ONE. WHAT God HAS DONE UNTO this soul, none but God can, do...does. The Transformoing, the Change, the Conforeming to He Spirit within me. There is but ONE God...ONE Truth...ONE Spirit and no "OTHER" can SAVE. I was dead, thought I was Alive, the human sp irit of temporary life deceived me. I thought I was Alive but I Lifeless, void of Spirit of the LiVING God, LIFE. Lost in the sea of time...drowning...asleep in darkness, slumber, dream of Sin. And SUDDENLY I was Awake, Heard Him Calling me by His Name...Life entered and Raised this soul Alive from the dead in sleep. Early to Rise, quick to Serve Him as God, my only God. Understanding Him His Word, and Serving in His Spirit...I Love Him as He first Loved me. The whole soul mind and heart married to Truth and NO "OTHER".
Many the deceivers...seed of darkness, self-chosen souls that claim to KNOW Him but know Him not. Many the churches claiming to be a house of God. There is but ONE. The House of Light. Living the Life of Christ our Lord...we His Body follow, listen only to Him and no other. The eyes of the soul opened by God, the ears of the SOUL opened by God...the soul by Spirit Quickened into NEW being, Life. The soul Conformed unto the SPIRITUAL Image of Christ, the very Image of God.
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